A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / to̤h | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / to̤h

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  • To peck, as fowls do.

  • koi-kíaⁿ to̤h bí chùi;

    chickens peck at broken rice.

  • kho nŏ̤ cîah koi lâi to̤h pn̄g-lîap;

    call two fowls to eat the cold rice that is left after the meal.

  • cío tó̤ to̤h sĭm-mûeh?

    What is the bird pecking at?

  • A small table; light stands.

  • hûeⁿ-thâu to̤h;

    side tables.

  • to̤h kīⁿ;

    a stand with drawers.

  • cò̤ to̤h-sîah, chíaⁿ nâng-kheh;

    make a supper and invite guests.

  • cí kâi khah-tiaⁿ pàng ŭ kúi to̤h?

    How many tables for guests can be spread in this room?

  • chíaⁿ i lâi cîah to̤h;

    invite him to a supper.

  • pái to̤h;

    set the table.

  • Eminent; raised above others.

  • i tŏ̤ i hieⁿ-lí sĭ àiⁿ cò̤ to̤h-to̤h kâi nâng;

    he wants to be the leading man in his village.

  • To take by force; to snatch; to get by striving; to carry off, as a prize; to take away, as rank.

  • chíeⁿ-tô̤h nâng kâi mûeh;

    seize and carry off people’s goods.

  • kun-cṳ́ m̄ tô̤h nâng só̤ hàuⁿ;

    the princely man does not covet what others prize.

  • sì-sôk nâng to sĭ tó̤ ceⁿ mîaⁿ tô̤h lĭ;

    the vulgar contend for fame and strive for gain.

  • i seⁿ lâi sît-căi tô̤h mâk;

    its beauty really dazzles the eyes.

  • cĭu sĭ i nŏ̤ nâng tó̤ tô̤h ngŵn;

    those two are the ones who are striving for the highest place in the list of graduates.

  • i to̤h i m̄ kùe;

    he could not snatch it from her.

  • Choose; select; pick out.

  • sẃn-tô̤h;


  • sòi-sim tô̤h;

    carefully pick out.

  • tô̤h jît;

    choose lucky days.

  • tô̤h kâi bó̤ jît;

    select a lucky day.

  • tô̤h chin-cîaⁿ;

    choose a wife.

  • kóiⁿ-tô̤h nâng châi;

    select and promote talented men.

  • tô̤h nâng kau-chap;

    to choose one’s associates.

  • hó̤ kâi tô̤h khṳ̀ cîah;

    pick out the best and eat it.

  • tô̤h hó̤ kâi;

    select good ones.

  • tô̤h pûi-jṳ̆ cîah;

    select luscious ones for eating; take such as may be fleeced.

  • bô̤ sẃn-tô̤h;

    no choice.

  • lṳ́ tô̤h m̄ pat tò̤ khṳ̀, lṳ́ só̤ tô̤h sĭ bô ēng, hó̤ kâi tô̤h m̄ tîeh;

    you do not know how to choose and that which you have chosen is useless, while there were good ones which you did not select.

  • bô̤ thang hó̤ sẃn-tô̤h;

    there is nothing from which to choose.

  • bô̤ hó̤ sẃn-tô̤h;

    there is no choice among them.

  • míen-ēng sẃn-tô̤h, lóng-cóng hó̤ kâi;

    to pick and choose is needless, they are all good ones.

  • hó̤ kâi khṳ̂ nâng soiⁿ tô̤h khṳ̀;

    the good ones were all taken previously.


  • To blaze up; to set fire to.

  • khin-khin cē líam cū tô̤h;

    if you touch it ever so lightly it will blaze up.

  • húe tô̤h khí lâi;

    the fire has kindled.

  • teng cò̤-nî líam m̄ tô̤h;

    the lamp will not light.

  • húe-lô khí tô̤h lío cìaⁿ hó̤ cò̤ pât sṳ̄;

    kindle the fire in the stove first and then do the other things.

  • cí-hûe kâi húe nĕ tô̤h-tô̤h tŏ̤-kò̤;

    the fire is now blazing up brightly.

  • tiêh phuah kàu nĕ tô̤h-tô̤h;

    on hearing it, his wrath waxed hot.

  • thóiⁿ tîeh hía húe-sîn cheⁿ-tô̤h khí lâi;

    on seeing it, his temper was roused.

  • phâk ta-ta cìaⁿ kōi tô̤h húe;

    dry it thoroughly in the sun and then it will ignite easily.

  • khṳt jît phâk kàu tô̤h húe;

    ste on fire by the sun’s rays.

  • jû lîu-n̂g líam tô̤h húe méⁿ căi;

    flashes up like sulphur to which a fire is applied.

  • To pick up.

  • tô̤h khí lâi;

    pick it up.

  • tô̤h tîeh mûeh-kĭaⁿ;

    something picked up.

  • thô-ĕ tô̤h tîeh pó̤, kìⁿ kuaⁿ bô̤ thó̤;

    a valuable thing picked up from the groudn cannot be demanded back even through a magistrate.