A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / tin | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / tin

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  • To jingle.

  • tin-tong-kìe; tin-tiang-kìe;


  • tin-tong tin-tiang kâi sĭ sĭm mûeh híang?

    What is it that makes that jingling sound?

  • tin-tò̤;

    upside down or end foremost; inverted.

  • sío lău-tia, khîa bé tin-tò̤ khîa;

    a crazy god, riding with his face toward the tail of his horse.

  • tin-tò̤ pàng;

    set it bottom upward.

  • màiⁿ tin-tò̤ khîeh;

    do not take it by the wrong end.

  • tin-tò̤ tàⁿ;

    reverse the clauses or words of a sentence when speaking.

  • tin-tò̤;

    inverted from the proper order; placing last what ought to be first, or putting that above which should be below.

  • To keep in subjection; to keep in order; to protect and oversee; a mart, a great manufacturing place.

  • tìn-thâi;

    brigadier general.

  • cí cêk séⁿ ŭ kúi kâi tōa chĭ-tiu;

    this province has several great trading marts.

  • ēng i tó̤ tìn-iap tī-hng;

    employ him to keep the place in order.

  • chíaⁿ lâi tìn thêh;

    invite to come and keep evil influences out of the house.

  • i cŏ̤-tìn úa kâi tī-hng;

    he has taken possession of my land.

  • tìn phò;

    protect and care for a shop.

  • i sĭ lâi tìn-síu tī-hng kâi;

    they are those who have come to keep watch and ward over the spot.

  • tìn-tang;


  • pàng tŏ̤ tìn-tang;

    put it in the centre.

  • khîeh tŏ̤ tìn-tang;

    take it by the middle.

  • gūa tîaⁿ tìn-tang;

    the middle of the onter court.

  • Creepers and trailing plants.

  • tîn-tîo;


  • tîn si;

    rattan shavings.

  • tîn n̂g;


  • tîn pèⁿ;

    a rattan handle.

  • khîeh ki khue-tîn phah;

    get a rattan and whip him.

  • i kâi tîn tŏa kàu hn̆g-hn̆g khṳ̀;

    the creeper has crept a great way.

  • tîn tói kâi íⁿ;

    cane bottom chairs.

  • cí cang hue khṳt tîn tŏa sí khṳ̀;

    this shrub has been killed by a creeper twining around it.

  • hun-kuah tîn;

    sweet potato vines.

  • kue tîn;

    melon vine.

  • chng tîn hĭⁿ;

    put a rattan bail on it.

  • tîn-pâi;

    a rattan shield.

  • mŏng tîn-pâi;

    to fence, or defend one’s self with a shield.

  • Dust, small particles, exhalations; the dusty world; troublous days.

  • tîn-ai;

    dust that floats in the air and settles on things; cobwebs and flying atoms.

  • chù-téng kâi tîn-ai chóiⁿ cheng-khih;

    sweep down all the dust from the roof-beams.

  • eng kàu cĕng-cĕng tîn-ai;

    the dust has settled all over it.

  • seⁿ tîn-ai;

    is dusty.

  • pŭaⁿ tīo tîn-ai;

    brush off the dust.

  • thóiⁿ-kìⁿ côiⁿ-mīn kâi tîn-thâu chong-khí-lâi;

    saw a cloud of dust rising ahead of them.

  • chin-chĭeⁿ kâi sien ńng hĭa hûam tîn;

    like a fairy descending into this vexatious world.

  • tn̆g tíam tîn;

    spotless; not a speck of dust on it.

  • To transcribe.

  • n̂g-tîn;

    a manifesto or address issued by the emperor himself, in times of trouble.

  • phang kîaⁿ n̂g-tîn;

    issue a manifesto.

  • A rank or file of soldiers; a battalion; an army; troops, forces; to place in rank, to set in array, to marshal; as a classifier, used to denote a gust, blast, burst or time; a shower; a short space; transitory; a little while.

  • tīn cīeⁿ bô̤ nīe chieⁿ;

    in battle give no quarter.

  • cĭeⁿ tīn sie thâi;

    go into battle.

  • pái sĭm-mih tīn-sì?

    What show of force do they make?

  • i phah thâu-tīn soiⁿ khṳ̀;

    they lead the van.

  • pāi tīn;

    defeated in battle.

  • khîa bé khṳ̀ chong i kâi tīn;

    mounted their horses and rushed upon their ranks.

  • cêk pôiⁿ pái tīn, cêk pôiⁿ phah tīn;

    one side is posting the troops and the other side is breaking ranks.

  • chùang-jîp i kâi tīn-mn̂g;

    press through the opening in the ranks.

  • mîⁿ-hûn tīn;

    infatuated; besotted with.

  • cêk tīn cío pue tŏ̤ cí kò̤ kùe;

    a flock of birds flew over here in line.

  • thàu cêk tīn tōa huang;

    a strong gust of wind came.

  • hía in cêk tīn cêk tīn cêk tīn lí-kẃn khí lâi;

    the smoke keeps rising up in puffs.

  • cêk tīn huang ,cêk tīn hŏ;

    each gust of wind is followed by a shower of rain.

  • húe-gû tīn;

    a file of oxen with knives on their horns and fire-brands on their tails (used in battle to break the ranks of the enemy).

  • chĭeⁿ tīn;

    elephants in file for battle.

  • chut cêk tīn kūaⁿ, pēⁿ cū hó;

    if he can be made to sweat freely he will be better.