A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / tieⁿ | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / tieⁿ

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  • To pretend; to affect; imitate.

  • tieⁿ īeⁿ tieⁿ sìeⁿ;

    to imitate a style.

  • tieⁿ lâng, tieⁿ é, tieⁿ cheⁿ-mêⁿ;

    pretend to be deaf, dumb, and blind.

  • tieⁿ kàu ńng-ńng;

    to imitate exactly.

  • tieⁿ io tieⁿ jîo;

    try to be fascinating.

  • tieⁿ kàu jîen-jîen;

    imitate perfectly.

  • lṳ́ màiⁿ tó̤ tieⁿ io-kùai;

    do not affect to be other than you are.

  • A classifier of things in sheets; to spread out.

  • cêk tieⁿ cúa;

    a sheet of paper.

  • cêk tieⁿ chn̂g;

    a broad table.

  • cêk tieⁿ phûe;

    a pelt.

  • àiⁿ cêk tieⁿ a àiⁿ nŏ̤ tieⁿ?

    Do you want one sheet or two?

  • i tó̤ tieⁿ;

    he is spreading it.

  • tieⁿ keng sīa cìⁿ;

    draw the bow and send the arrow.

  • tieⁿ măng;

    to spread a anet.

  • tieⁿ năuⁿ cìⁿ;

    speed the shaft.

  • tieⁿ saⁿ li sì;

    John Doe and Richard Roe, names used in law papers.

  • A chosen head.

  • ke tíeⁿ;

    the head of the family.

  • tíeⁿ pâng;

    the family of the eldest brothers.

  • pâng tíeⁿ;

    the head of the eldest family.

  • côk tíeⁿ;

    the chief of a clan.

  • pâng côk tíeⁿ;

    the head of the tribe.

  • lí tíeⁿ;

    one who has control to a distance of one mile.

  • câp tíeⁿ;

    the chief among ten.

  • peh tíeⁿ;

    a centurion.

  • A fish-hook; to fish with a hook; to bait.

  • tìeⁿ hṳ̂;

    to fish with hook and line.

  • tìeⁿ so̤h, tìeⁿ ko̤;

    lines and rods for fishing.

  • tìeⁿ kau;


  • tìeⁿ tîeh kâi tōa hṳ̂;

    hooked a big fish.

  • tìeⁿ-jī;

    the bait.

  • cang pêh hê khṳ̀ tìeⁿ i kâi o-îu-mûaⁿ;

    take white prawns to catch black eels.

  • tìeⁿ pho̤h tîm li m̄ cai chuah;

    the bait sunk and I did not think to jerk it in.

  • i ŭ lâi cîah tìeⁿ a bô̤?

    Does he take the bait?

  • sek căi, m̄ káⁿ lâi cîah tìeⁿ;

    is very knowing, and does not venture to take the bait.

  • chin-chīeⁿ ngâu-hṳ̂ thut-chut kim kau-tìeⁿ;

    like a grampus escaping a golden hook.

  • cîah tîeh tìeⁿ lío khṳt i kw̆n lut khṳ̀;

    after swallowing the bait he broke off and got away.

  • An account; a debt; a claim; a charge; to reckon; to sum up.

  • tìeⁿ pâng;

    a counting-room.

  • pàng tìeⁿ;

    to shave notes; to let money.

  • pàng îeⁿ tìeⁿ sĭ sĭm-mih lāi, pàng suaⁿ tìeⁿ sĭ sĭm-mih lāi?

    If you loan money taking a lien on shipping what is the interest, and if you loan it with a lien on real estate what is the interest?

  • i kâi hâng tó̤ tìeⁿ khṳ̀;

    he has made an assignment of his warehouse.

  • i kâi tìeⁿ pàng khṳ̀ cōi căi: câp koiⁿ hâng phò, poih koiⁿ tŏ̤ i kò̤ khîeh ŭ tìeⁿ;

    he has many claims for money lent on security: out of ten merchantile houses, eight have borrowed money from him, giving him a lien on their goods.

  • phài tī tîang tŏ̤ kẃn tìeⁿ?

    Who has been deputed to keep the accounts of credit given?

  • An overflow; a freshet; to inundate; to wash over.

  • ún cí kò̤ ŏi tò̤-tìeⁿ cúi;

    we are subject to freshets here, from the backwater.

  • hŏ cē lô̤h cúi cū tò̤-tìeⁿ;

    whenever it rains the water overflows its banks.

  • To raise the head.

  • tìeⁿ khí thâu khṳ̀ mō̤ⁿ;

    raise the head and look.

  • i kâi thâu hîn kàu tăng căi, cn̂g kâi tìeⁿ m̄ phû;

    her head is very dizzy, so that she cannot raise it at all.

  • To open, as the mouth or eyes; to stretch open.

  • tìeⁿ khui mâk;

    open the eyes.

  • chùi tìeⁿ kàu khuah-khuah;

    open the mouth very wide.

  • mâk tìeⁿ m̄ khui;

    cannot open his eyes.

  • mâk m̄ káⁿ tìeⁿ khui;

    dare not open his eyes.

  • mâk siap căi, tìeⁿ m̄ khí;

    so very sleep he can’t hold his eyes open.

  • tìeⁿ khí mâk;

    look upward.

  • A tumefaction; puffed up.

  • céng tìeⁿ;


  • pá tìeⁿ;

    puffed; a sense of fullness as from repletion.

  • tìeⁿ múaⁿ;

    puffed up full.

  • sio céng-tìeⁿ;

    relieve swelling.

  • tìeⁿ kàu tōa -tōa ki;

    swelled up to a great size.

  • tìeⁿ kàu thang-thang;

    swollen so as to be very tense.

  • tó tìeⁿ kàu kuai-kuai;


  • tìeⁿ huang;

    puffed up with wind.

  • tìeⁿ cúi;

    dropsical swelling.

  • A canopy; a curtain.

  • máng tìeⁿ;

    mosquito bar.

  • tìeⁿ bâi;

    a valance at the top of a curtain.

  • siet tìeⁿ;

    to pitch one’s tent.

  • máng-tìeⁿ téng;

    a tester.

  • sîn tìeⁿ;

    a canopy over a god.

  • tong-kun tìeⁿ;


  • An area of level ground; a lot.

  • kah tîeⁿ;

    parade ground.

  • cìen tîeⁿ;

    a battle field.

  • huap tîeⁿ;

    execution ground.

  • kàm tîeⁿ kuaⁿ;

    an overseer of examinations.

  • bûn tîeⁿ, bú tîeⁿ;

    the arenas for the civil and the military examinations.

  • kuaⁿ tîeⁿ;

    official quarters.

  • tăi cìen cêk tîeⁿ;

    a great battle.

  • chú tîeⁿ;

    a building lot.

  • tĭ tîeⁿ;

    an open lot.

  • bí tîeⁿ;

    a rice stall.

  • hṳ̂ tîeⁿ;

    a fish stall.

  • cheⁿ-kúaiⁿ tîeⁿ;

    a fruit stall.

  • chài tîeⁿ;

    a green-grocer’s stall.

  • pāi tîeⁿ;

    a losing speculation.

  • cò sih pńg kìe cò̤ pāi tîeⁿ;

    when you enter into some business in which you lose capital, that is called a losing speculation.

  • thong tîeⁿ;

    the whole lot.

  • tng tîeⁿ lṳ́ cò̤-nî m̄ tàⁿ;

    why did you not tell me at the time.

  • cìn tîeⁿ; jîp tîeⁿ;

    to enter as a candidate at the examinations.

  • tó tîeⁿ; puah cî tîeⁿ;

    a gambling hall.

  • hŭam mûeh cŭ cò̤ cêk ē tó̤ bōi, hṳ́-kò̤ cū kìe-cò̤ móng mûeh kâi tîeⁿ;

    wherever things are brought together for sale, that place is called the arena for the sale of those things.

  • An elder; a senior.

  • kó̤ tĭeⁿ;

    father’s sister’s husband.

  • chi î tĭeⁿ;

    a wife’s sister’s husband.

  • bó̤ î tĭeⁿ;

    mother’s sister’s husband.

  • lău tĭeⁿ;

    great aunt’s husband.

  • tĭen-nâng; tĭeⁿ-ḿ;

    wife’s father and mother.

  • a-tĭeⁿ;

    uncle by marriage.