A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / thwn | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / thwn

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  • To promulgate; to transfer; to transmit; to propagate.

  • thŵn kà;

    to promulgate doctrines.

  • thŵn tău;

    to preach.

  • thŵn sĭu;

    to perpetuate.

  • thŵn bŭn;


  • thŵn sueh;

    a report.

  • thŵn ūe;

    a legend.

  • thŵn céng;

    to propagate seed.

  • có thŵn kâi;

    handed down from ancestors.

  • pì thŵn kâi huap;

    a recipe pivately handed down.

  • thŵn lĕng;

    to transmit orders.

  • thŵn ūi;

    to transmit the throne.

  • thŵn ūi khṳt a-tĭ tîeh, a sĭ thŵn khṳt kíaⁿ tîeh?

    Was the throne transmitted to a younger brother, or to a son?

  • thŵn ke-pó̤;

    an heirloom.

  • thŵn sîn;

    transfer the expression.

  • thŵn kàu taⁿ jîeh cōi tō̤?

    Through how many generations has it been handed down?

  • khut i thŵn tāⁿ khṳ̀;

    was erroneously transmitted by him.

  • cêk nâng thŵn hṳ, peh nâng thŵn sît;

    what one man tells falsely a hundred repeat as the truth.

  • cêk nâng thŵn kùe cêk nâng;

    passed on from one person to another.

  • cêk chíu thŵn kùe cêk chíu;

    sent on from hand to hand.

  • cīeⁿ tō̤ thŵn lo̤ĥ ē tō̤;

    handed down from former generations.

  • thŵn keng a-pún;

    a court crier.

  • ŭ thŵn, bô̤ thŵn;

    has or has not been reported.

  • Round, globular; to environ; to surround.

  • ke lăi cêk thŵn hûa-khì;

    the family is altogether harmonious, having all interests in common.

  • thŵn-thŵn ûi cŭ;

    hemmed in on all sides.

  • thŵn-thŵn-îⁿ;


  • i sĭ chēng thŵn-lêng kâi pó-hôk;

    he wears a robe having a coiled dragon embroidered on the breast and back.

  • thŵn-hṳ̂;

    a turtle.

  • Dumplings or doughnuts.

  • cût bí thŵn;

    dumplings made of glutinous rice.

  • tîam thŵn;

    sweet dumplings.

chài thŵn; dumplings with forcemeat inside.