A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / thong | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / thong

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  • thong-cháu;

    the Aralia papyrifera*, found in Formosa and Yunnan, whose pith sliced into sheets and ironed out, furnishes the substance wrongly called rice-paper.

  • châng-phàⁿ cū sĭ thong-cháu cò̤ kâi;

    pith-paper is made from this herbaceous plant.

  • To see clearly; to perceive; to make known to others; to have dealings or political relations with; to communicate.

  • i kâi tó lăi nĕ thong-thong;

    he is very clear-headed.

  • hṳ́ khí nâng cn̂g kâi m̄ thong;

    such people do not take in the meaning at all.

  • i cn̂g kâi m̄ thong chêng;

    he does not at all understand the state of affairs.

  • cí lăi tîeh khui khṳt i thong huang cē;

    this must be opened to let the air in.

  • phīⁿ sak kín, m̄ thong khí;

    my nose is stopped up so that I cannot breathe through it.

  • cē phah ka1-thì khì cū thong;

    as soon as you sneeze the passages will be opened.

  • i nŏ̤ nâng sĭ phah thong khṳ̀;

    the two have an understanding with each other.

  • àm-cĕⁿ soiⁿ thong pīn;

    secretly came to an understanding with each other beforehand.

  • úa àm-cĕⁿ thong lṳ́, lṳ́ cìaⁿ cai ṳ̆-pĭ;

    I give you an inkling of it, that you may prepare for it.

  • thong-sṳ̄;

    an interpreter.

  • i cò̤ thong-sṳ̄;

    he is the linguist employed in the transaction of business.

  • thong cheng-cò̤ sin-seⁿ;

    are generally designated as teachers.

  • lō-mn̂g m̄ thong;

    the way is not open.

  • sṳ̄ tîeh ŏi pìen thong;

    the thing must accommodate itself to circumstances.

  • thong tâk sì-chêng;

    well versed in affairs.

  • i khṳ̀ thong-tâng i;

    he went and informed then.

  • sie thong;


  • thong cai;

    to notify.

  • To think much of.

  • hṳ́ kâi sĭ i cùe thóng-ài kâi chiap;

    that is his favorite concubine.

  • hṳ́ lăihùaⁿ nâng cū sĭ cí kâi sĭang tit thóng;

    of all those in there this is the one that is most beloved.

  • A sepulcher.

  • bói cêk kò̤ tī cò̤ ngĭ-thóng;

    buy a piece of land for a potter’s field.

  • líu lô̤h khṳ̀ hṳ́ tói ŭ kháu kó thóng;

    in digging down we found an old tomb below.

  • múaⁿ-tī kò̤ cǹng kàu kio ngĭ-thóng-po hìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    graves are everywhere as thick as in a public cemetery.

  • Eminent; honorable.

  • thóng-cái;

    the premier.

  • thóng-cái cū sĭ cái-sìang;

    the premier is the prime minister.

  • Total, entire, general, all under one head; to control, to rule.

  • thiⁿ ĕ cêk thóng;

    the whole empire is under one sway.

  • úa àiⁿ phah kàu kui thóng;

    I wish to get the monopoly of it.

  • cóng-tok thóng-sôk bûn bṳ́;

    the governor controls both the civilians and military men.

  • thói-thóng;

    one’s character.

  • màiⁿ bô̤ thói-thóng;

    do not disgrace yourself.

  • thóng-kāng ŭ jîeh cōi?

    What is the sum total?

  • ēng tī-tîang cò̤ cóng-thóng?

    Whom does he employ as factotum?

  • pō-kun thóng-nía;

    the commander in chief of the infantry at Peking.

  • Heart-rending; distressing; with energy; extremely; painfully.

  • thòng-khùai;

    to vent acute feeling until ease of mind results.

  • mēⁿ khṳ̀ thòng-khùai căi;

    scolded until he felt perfectly content.

  • ūe tàⁿ kàu thòng-khùai căi;

    talked until she had talked herself out.

  • i ín-keng thòng kói côiⁿ hui;

    he has sincerely repented of his past errors.

  • A youth, a lad, a student; boyish, youthful; undefiled, pure.

  • thông-lâm;

    a lad under fifteen years old and unmarried.

  • thông-ńng;

    a virgin.

  • thông-cṳ́;

    a boy.

  • ke-thông;

    servants; young men, hired or bought, or born in the house.

  • sîn thông;

    a bright lad.

  • nín kùi kūiⁿ kháu-kà ŭ jîeh cōi thông-seng?

    How many youths attend the examinations in your district?

  • i hieⁿ-lí chûn nŏ̤ kâi lău-thông tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;

    there are only two candidates for degrees, who have for a long time been such, remaining in their village.

  • cṳ-thông;


  • îeh-thông;

    medical students.

  • bûn-thông, bú-thông;

    candidates for degrees, civil or military.

  • i cîah kàu hô̤h hwt thông ngŵn;

    he has a rosy face and hoary hair.

  • i cṳ̆ sòi síu thông-ceng;

    he took vows of chastity in his youth.

  • i hŵn-lío sĭ hăi-thông khì;

    he is still youthful in his feelings.

  • saⁿ-câp būe kùe sĭ hăi-thông;

    one is a youth so long as he is not past thirty.

  • The pupil of the eye.

  • i kâi mâk thìaⁿ khṳ̀ ŏi gāi tîeh thông-jîn a bŏi?

    Has the inflammation of his eye affected the pupil?

  • i kâi thông-jîn en̂g kâi bū;

    the pupils of his eyes have a cloudy look all over them.

  • lêk cúi kẁn thông-jîn;

    a cataract has spread over the pupil.

  • i kâi thông-jîn pêh-bū cn̂g kâi thóiⁿ-m̄-kìⁿ;

    his pupil is an opaque white, and he cannot see at all.


  • Streamers; pendant screens; pendant scrolls of silk before a shrine.

  • cêk sang thông-hwn hĭⁿ-kau;

    a pair of earrings of the scroll pattern.

  • Alike; identical; matched.

  • tăi thông sío ĭ;

    the difference is less than the similarity.

  • thông cṳ́;

    one born in the same year.

  • To understand thoroughly; to see through a subject; acquainted with.

  • i ío thōng-sek mîn-chêng;

    he understands human nature.

  • cía tîeh ŭ thōng-sek cía sṳ̄ kâi nâng lâi lí;

    this must be managed by someone who understands such business.