A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / tho̤ | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / tho̤

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  • The womb.

  • ŭ tho̤;


  • sĭu tho̤;

    to conceive.

  • hía īeⁿ sĭ sĭu tho̤ kâi īeⁿ;

    that is the way it is with those who are pregnant.

  • tho̤ lô̤h tīo;

    had a miscarriage.

  • tŭi tho̤ îeh; cí īeⁿ îeh ŏi tŭi tho̤;

    medicine that will produce an abortion.

  • thâu tho̤ seⁿ kâi kíaⁿ;

    the first-born son.

  • māng-kìⁿ sĭ i lâi tâu tho̤;

    dreamed that it took up its abode in her womb.

  • uaⁿ tho̤ îeh, pó̤ tho̤ hû;

    medicine or charms that will prevent miscarriage.

  • tho̤-ui;

    the placenta.

  • bō̤ tho̤;

    an official cap without any button or fringe.

  • thiⁿ ĕ kâi ûah-mûeh ŭ khí sĭ sĭ hùe seⁿ;

    of living creatures under the sun some are viviparous, some are oviparous, some are produced by moisture and some by metamotphosis.

  • nâng kio sìu sĭ tho̤ seⁿ kâi;

    men and beasts are viviparous.

  • tŏ̤ bó̤ tho̤ tèng cū cheⁿ-mêⁿ;

    blind from birth.

  • kùai tho̤;

    a womb that produces monstrosities.

  • Secure; safe; stable; firm; at ease; settled; quite; ready; prepared.

  • thó̤-thiap;

    well arranged; settled; properly done.

  • thó̤-tàng; thò̤-tǹg;

    secure; everything right.

  • thó̤-thó̤ tàng-tàng;

    as safe and correct as possible.

  • lṳ́ thóiⁿ thó̤-tǹg a m̄ thó̤-tǹng?

    Do you consider it all securely settled or not?

  • lí kàu thó̤-thó̤ thiap-thiap;

    have attended to it so thoroughly as to leave everything completely arranged.

  • To ask for; to seek; to dun.

  • thó̤ cè;

    to dun for the amount of a debt.

  • thó̤ sìo;

    ask what is due on a bill.

  • i lâi thó̤ îeh;

    he has come to get the medicine that was promised him.

  • m̄ thó̤ hó̤;

    I won’t have it so.

  • in-ūi thó̤ cîⁿ sie-mēⁿ;

    were quarreling because one dunned the other.

  • i àiⁿ thó̤-tńg mûeh-kĭaⁿ;

    he is going to demand a return of the articles.

  • thó̤ cîah;

    ask for food.

  • m̄ kio i thó̤;

    does not ask him to repay it.

  • thó̤ m̄ khí;

    cannot get him to repay it.


  • To retreat; to retire; to recede; to draw back; to decline; to back out of; to refuse; to excuse; to withdraw; to abate; to yield; to give up to; not to be forward.

  • sái bûe-nâng khṳ́ thò̤ chin;

    sent the go-between to break the betrothal.

  • cìn thò̤ líang lâng;

    to advance or retreat is equally difficult.

  • i ŭ cò̤ thò̤ hùe a bô̤?

    Does he loan goods to be sold at retail?

  • bōi m̄ khṳ̀ kâi hùe thò̤ tńg khṳ̀ hâiⁿ i;

    the goods that cannot be sold are taken back and returned to him.

  • hâiⁿ cîⁿ bô̤ thò̤ pō;

    do not diminish the price that has once been offered.

  • thò̤ sok;

    to shrink, as cloth does in washing; to draw in, as a snail into its shell; to show the white feather.

  • īa sĭ lîm tīn thò̤-sok kâi cū àiⁿ cám;

    any who draw back when face to face with the enemy will be beheaded.

  • thò̤-piaⁿ;

    to retreat.

  • sói lío cū àiⁿ thò̤ sek;

    it will face when washed.

  • thò̤ pō;

    to retire, to step back.

  • tò̤-thò̤;

    to back out, to withdraw.

  • tò̤-thò̤ kîaⁿ;

    to walk backwards.

  • i kâi kun lĕng ngîam căi, ŭ cìn bô̤ thò̤;

    their military discipline is very strict, they may advance but not retreat.

  • cìn put lêng cìn, thò̤ put lêng thò̤;

    can neither advance nor retreat.

  • àiⁿ cìu put tit, àiⁿ thò̤ put lêng;

    can move neither one way nor the other.

  • khéng sĭeⁿ thò̤ cêk pō mih sṳ̄ to̤ bô̤;

    if willing to yield a step there would be no trouble.

  • îeh khṳt i thò̤ chìn cē cìaⁿ hó̤ cîah;

    let the medicine cool a little and then take it.

  • kám pàng thô ĕ khṳt i thò̤ tīo húe-khì;

    set it down on the ground and let it cool off.

  • nâng cē ŭ nî-hùe cū thò̤ sèⁿ;

    as people grow older they become less irrascible.

  • i cîah kàu cìeⁿ lău-tōa, kâi sèⁿ hŵn-lío bŏi thò̤;

    he has lived to such age and yet his temper is no less quick.

  • cí cêk īeⁿ îeh ŏi thò̤ húe;

    this medicine will reduce inflammation.

  • i cêk sin kâi sie-jîet ŏi thò̤ a būe?

    Has his fever abated yet?

  • sie ío thò̤ lío;

    the fever is abating.

  • cí īeⁿ îeh ŏi thò̤ sie;

    this medicine diminishes fever.

  • i hīn-khek thò̤ khì lío;

    it has now lost its odor.

  • i kâi lâk thò̤ ho̤h cōi;

    her strength is much diminished.

  • thóiⁿ-kìⁿ i kâi kìu-piaⁿ cē lâi cū lak-thò̤;

    when they saw the rescuing force, they retreated.

  • thò̤-hûe pńg tīn;

    withdrew into their own ranks.

  • àiⁿ cò̤ cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ tîeh ŭ thò̤ pō;

    if you are going to do this, you must leave a way of retreat for yourself.

  • hŭam sṳ̄ àiⁿ cò̤ tîeh phah-sǹg cìn kàu tī-kò̤, thò̤ kàu tī-kò̤;

    in everything that one plans to do, one must make up his mind to what point he will press forward, and to what point he will yield.

  • īa sĭ bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ thò̤ pō, sṳ̄ cū būe hó̤ kîaⁿ;

    if there be no opportunity for withdrawal, it is not best to act yet.

  • khṳt i thò̤ kíam ho̤h cōi ngṳ̂n;

    had the price greatly diminished by him.

  • piaⁿ-bé cū thiu-thò̤;

    remanded the troops.

  • léng thò̤ cē;

    push it back a little.

  • ēng tîeh m̄ hó̤ i àiⁿ thò̤ cîⁿ;

    if in using it I find it is not good, he is to abate the price.

  • téng m̄ kàu li cìe thò̤;

    if it is not full weight, will diminish the price accordingly.

  • Exuviæ, cast off skins.

  • cûa thò̤, sîam thò̤, sîen thò̤;

    the cast off skins of snakes or cicadas.

  • The peach.

  • phŵn thô̤; sien-thô̤;

    the peach which blossoms and bears fruit once in ten thousand years, and restores the youth of fairies.

  • thô̤-hue;

    a peach blossom.

  • thò̤ hût;

    peach stones.

  • thô̤ jîn;

    the kernel of peach stones.

  • thô̤-âng-sek;

    peach pink.

  • thô̤-ki lío-ki sĭ ēng lâi phek sîa phek kúi;

    peach and willow branches are used for driving out noxious influences and demons.

  • khó thô̤;

    the cling-stone peach.

  • pêh pn̄g thò̤;

    the free-stone peach.

  • cí lîap thô̤ sâuh kah tîam;

    this peach is firm-fleshed and sweet.

  • hût-thô;


  • thô̤-âng cúa;

    pink paper.

  • thô̤ kúe;

    globular cakes.

  • cût-bí pn̄g thô̤;

    balls of glutinous rice.

  • thô̤ cúaⁿ;

    a small spherical lamp.

  • thô̤ ìn;

    a globular seal.

  • thô̤ mô̤ⁿ;

    the down on a peach.

  • Rosy.

  • seⁿ lâi nĕ thô̤-thô̤;

    she has naturally a high color.

  • i cí hûe seⁿ lâi cìaⁿ sĭ thô̤-thô̤ kâi sî-hāu

    she is now in the flush of youth.