A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / thiⁿ | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / thiⁿ

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  • The highest of things, heaven both divinely and physicall;yv the sky, the air, the firmament; a day; a season; weather; ages of the world; celestial; the Power above; Nature, Providence, and though without definite personality is employed more than any term to indicate God; the emperor, who is Heaven’s vicegerent.

  • múaⁿ thiⁿ cn̂g kâi cheⁿ;

    the whole heavens are an unclouded azure.

  • thiⁿ-khì thîo-hûa;

    the air is salubrious.

  • hoó̤ thiⁿ;

    fine weather.

  • thiⁿ-sî hó̤, ŭ nŏ̤ saⁿ thiⁿ cū hó̤ kàu;

    if the weather is favorable, we may arrived there in two or three days.

  • thiⁿ thī nâng kìe-cò̤ sam châi;

    heaven earth and man are called the three great powers.

  • hek thiⁿ;

    dark days.

  • thiⁿ só̤ khàm, tī só̤ cài;

    whatever heaven covers, or earth sustains.

  • thiⁿ sîn;

    among the Buddhists used for gods, or inhabitants of the Brahma-lokas.

  • cì thiⁿ;

    cí tī; offer sacrifice to the heavens and the earth.

  • thong-thiⁿ-ĕ ŭ jîeh cōi kok?

    How many kingdoms are there under the whole heavens?

  • pài thiⁿ tī pĕ-bó̤;

    worship of the Heavens and the Earth, as the origin of all things.

  • thiⁿ ĕ bŵn kok;

    all nations under heaven, or the whole empire of China.

  • i sĭ khí-thâu-ē tit thiⁿ-ĕ kâi hûang-tì;

    he was the first who became emperor of China.

  • thiⁿ ŭ mâk;

    Heaven has means of seeing; the gods know it.

  • cṳ̆ tī-tiang-sî cìaⁿ ŭ cí kâi thiⁿ-tn̂g ti-gêk kâi sueh?

    Since what period has this doctrine of heaven and hell been propounded?

  • thiⁿ-kong nih mâk;

    the thunder-god winks; it lightens.

  • pue thiⁿ hŭa;

    unexpected casualty.

  • pìn thiⁿ o-àm;

    the whole sky is dark.seng cĭeⁿ thiⁿ téng; ascend into heaven.

  • hē-thiⁿ li khah jûah, tang-thiⁿ li khah chìn;

    summer is too hot and winter is too cold.

  • chun-thiⁿ, chiu-thiⁿ;

    spring and autumn.

  • tng-thiⁿtáu-cok;

    pray under the open sky.

  • thiⁿ teng;

    lanterns hung aloft above roofs.

  • Respectable; influential; decorous; becoming; befitting.

  • tōa thiⁿ tōa mīn kâi nâng;

    a very estimable person.

  • cìeⁿ-seⁿ ío ŭ thiⁿ-mīn;

    that is more respectable.

  • i hṳ́ khí nâng bô̤ thiⁿ bô̤ mīn;

    such people are of no repute.

  • m̄ kù thiⁿ-mīn;

    does not consider what others think of him.

  • To add, to increase, to put in more, to throw in; extra, additional.

  • thiⁿ ke cē;

    put in a little more.

  • thiⁿ kàu tĭⁿ;

    add enough to fill it full.

  • thiⁿ ke cho̤h húe-thùaⁿ;

    put on some more charcoal.

  • màiⁿ thiⁿ khah câk;

    do not put in so much more as to make it too thick.

  • îeh ā-sĭ cîah m̄ tùi cū àiⁿ jú-keǹ thiⁿ pēⁿ;

    if one takes medicine that is unsuitable he becomes the more ill.

  • thiⁿ ke nŏ̤ kù ūe cū m̄ hó̤ thiaⁿ;

    if you add anything to what you have already said it will not sound well.

  • thiⁿ piaⁿ;

    additional troops.

  • To sew.

  • thīⁿ saⁿ;

    to sew upon clothing.

  • thīⁿ saⁿ phò;

    a tailor’s shop.

  • i kâi saⁿ-khò thīⁿ khṳ̀ ngía;

    her clothes are well made.

  • thīⁿ lâi khah ló̤-chó̤;

    too badly sewn.

  • thīⁿ bâk cē, màiⁿ thīⁿ khah lang;

    sew it closer, do not take too long stitches.

  • sùaⁿ cūe lêng-ūaⁿ thīⁿ hó̤;

    sew this seam over again.

  • i kâi chùi tîeh thīⁿ miⁿ;

    sew up the mouth of it.

  • lîe tó̤ cē, thīⁿ khí lâi cìaⁿ ka;

    trim it off a little shorter, then when it is sewn it will be just the right length.

  • ēng sĭm-mih sùaⁿ lâi thīⁿ cìaⁿ hó̤?

    What sort of thread should it be sewed with?

  • thīⁿ kau-cam;

    to backstitch.

  • thīⁿ lío lâi n̂ng;

    sew it and then fell it down.

  • chó̤-lîak thīⁿ tùe cū hó̤;

    to just catch it together will do.

  • thīⁿ tîeh siap;

    hard to sew.

  • cía pò ío kōi thīⁿ;

    this cloth is easier to sew.

  • màiⁿ thīn tāⁿ;

    do not sew it wrongly.

  • chng cam lío, sùaⁿ thám khah cìaⁿ hó̤ thīⁿ;

    when the needle is threaded, tie a knot in the thread and then sew.