A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / thi | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / thi

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  • Viscid; sticky; bird-lime.

  • khô̤ kàu nĕ thi-thi;

    simmer it till it is very gummy.

  • thi cío;

    catch birds with bird-lime.

  • i kâi thi tîeh nĕ thi-thi cìaⁿ thi tit tîeh;

    the bird-lime must be very adhesive then it will catch them.

  • thi căi;

    very glutinous.

  • khṳt i thi kín tŏ̤ kò̤;

    is stuck fast in it.

  • To stretch open.

  • mn̂g thí khui;

    set the door wide open.

  • khàu kàu chùi thí-thí;

    crying with mouth wide stretched.

  • chìe kàu chùi thí-thí;

    laughing with open mouth.

  • hûe-sīeⁿ chùi thí-thí, m̄ sĭ àiⁿ cîⁿ cū sĭ àiⁿ bí;

    when a priest grins, he wants either money or rice.

  • thí kàu khuah-khuah;

    stretch it wide open.

  • ka-to̤ ngán khah siap, thí m̄ khui;

    the shears are so tight at the pivor that I cannot open them.

  • pó tō̤ chùi lṳ́ thí khui cē, úa cìaⁿ hó̤ khîeh lô̤h khṳ̀;

    open the mouth of the bag more widely, so that I can put in the things.

  • hŏ-sùaⁿ thí khui khṳt i la ta;

    open the umbrella and let it dry.

  • thí kha;

    set the legs far apart.

  • hŏi, nâng àiⁿ khṳ̀ lîah i, i kâi kha thí kàu khuah-khuah;

    when a crab is going to be caught, he opens his claws wide.

  • The body; the substance; the essentials; respectable; influential; to realize.

  • sì-thí;

    the body; the human frame.

  • i kâi sì-thí mông tîeh cn̂g kâi ngân-ngân;

    his whole body feels cold to the touch.

  • thí-mīn;

    reputation; the respect in which one is held by others; honor and dignity.

  • i kìe-sĭ i sit tîeh i kâi thí-mīn;

    he complained of her having diminished his importance in the eyes of others.

  • hīn-khek i thí-mīn căi;

    he is now held in high esteem.

  • côiⁿ sĭ tó̤ cò̤ nâng kâi kang, hīn-căi thí-thí mīn-mīn kâi nâng;

    formerly he was one who hired out to do other people’s work, now he is an honored personage.

  • thí-thiap;

    to accommodate; to consider the interest of a nother.

  • úa thí-thiap lṳ́, lṳ́ īa tîeh thí-thiap úa: jī-ke tîeh sie thí-thiap cìaⁿ hó̤;

    I consider your wishes, and you must consider mine also: all will be well if both are accommodating.

  • to sĭ cêk thí;

    it is all one thing.

  • to tîeh ŭ kâi thí-thóng;

    in all things there must be regard to decorum.

  • cn̂g kâi bô̤ thí-thóng;

    without regard to what is befitting.

  • To peel; to strip off.

  • thì tīo phûe;

    strip off the bark.

  • thì mûaⁿ-phûe;

    to peel off the bark used for ropes.

  • thì hṳ̂ phûe;

    to flay fish.

  • khṳt châk thì kàu cêk sin cheng-khih cheng-khih;

    stripped by a highwayman.

  • To tear apart, as in anger.

  • khì kàu thì tīo i kâi saⁿ;

    so angry that he rent his clothes.

  • tng mīn thì tīo;

    tore it up in his face.

  • thì kàu chùi-chùi;

    tore it in pieces.

  • khîeh khí lâi thì cò̤ ku-ā-kò̤;

    took it up and tore it in several pieces.

  • thì cò̤ nŏ̤ pôiⁿ;

    tear it in two.

  • To obstruct, to stop; indigestible; disagreeing with one; a hindrance.

  • i kâi nâng thì căi;

    he is very uncomfortable.

  • cò̤ sṳ̄ m̄ hó̤ khah thì;

    in doing things do not make yourself too uncomfortable.

  • i phêng-sù sĭ thì kàu seⁿ si;

    it was formerly impeded in its growth so that it became stringy.

  • i tó lăi sĭ ŭ cek-thi;

    he has undigested food in his stomach; has indigestion.

  • có̤-thì;

    hindered, impeded, stopped.

  • i cêk lō li bô̤ có̤ bô̤ thì;

    he had no hindrance during the whole journey.

  • i li khṳ̀ kàu pùaⁿ lō ngŏ̤ hŏ cū có̤-thì ku-ā jît;

    when he had gone half way there he encountered a storm and was prevented from going on for several days.

  • i cṳ̆ sòi bŏi thì, lí-lí tōa;

    he has from his earliest childhood met with nothing that prevented his growth, and has grown steadily.

  • i kâi nâng khah thì;

    he is too mulish.

  • thì căi;

    harassed, hindered.

  • i sĭ thì-khìkâi pēⁿ;

    he has a derangement of the system caused by stoppage of the fluids.

  • ūn khì có̤-thì ku-ā nî;

    luck has been against him for several years.

  • thóiⁿ i kâi mêh lâi kàu li sĭ thì-siap;

    her pulse is irregular as if the circulation were impeded.

  • thì-nĭ;

    bigoted; set in one’s way; opinionated.

  • To pick in pieces with the hands.

  • thì cò̤ nŏ̤ pôiⁿ;

    pull it apart.

  • cêk hah cêk hah thì chut lâi;

    pick it apart section by section.

  • thì ho̤h cōi têng lâi;

    have taken off ever so many layers.

  • àiⁿ thì, thì m̄ chut;

    would pick it off but am unable.

  • thì cêk si cêk si;

    pick it into shreds.

  • thì cêk phìen cêk phìen;

    separate it into flakes.

  • To take away official insignia.

  • i kâi kuaⁿ sĭ iⁿ-keng thì-keh kâi;

    his office is already taken from him.

  • kuaⁿ ŏi thì lĭ a bŏi?

    Is he deprived of all official rank?

  • thì-keh chûn kâi cìn-suŭ tīaⁿ;

    has been deprived of his office and degraded in rank so that he retains only his literary degree of Docter of Laws.

  • To shave.

  • thì thâu;

    to shave the head.

  • thì chiu;

    shave off the beard.

  • kio i thì tîo mâk-bâi;

    shave off her eyebrows for her.

  • thì tīo piⁿ;

    shave off the queue.

  • To prepare against;

    to oppose a barrier.

  • thî-hûang;

    guard against.

  • m̄ cai thî-hûang cū khíong-ùi gō suū;

    if you do not take care you will very likely quash the project.

  • To bring into notice; to suggest; to bring before a magistrate; to attend to.

  • thî-kîp;

    to speak of, or refer to.

  • i cē thî-kîp cí kâi nâng úa cū khì;

    if he mentions this person I shall be vexec.

  • thî-khí;

    to suggest.

  • màiⁿ khṳ́ thî-khí i;

    do not say anything to bring it to mind.

  • thî-phŵt;

    to put forward, to nominate.

  • sĭ úa thî-phŵt i;

    it was I who nominated him.

  • thî-hûang;

    awaken alarm; bring to notice a need of vigilance.

  • tîeh cai thî-hûang;

    must be on the watch against it.

  • thî-tn̂g;

    a courier of the government.

  • thî-chéⁿ;

    to rouse to a sense of danger.

  • lṳ́ hó̤ cang cía ūe thî-chéⁿ i;

    make use of these words to put him on his guard.

  • thî-hêng;

    inflict the punishment decreed by the provincial judge.

  • mùaⁿ-cá àiⁿ thî-hêng;

    the sentence will be carried into execution to-morrow.

  • thî-lô̤ a-pún;

    a keeper in the Board of Punishment.

  • cí ūi sĭ lêk lō thî-tok, hú ūi sĭ cúi-sṳ thî-tok;

    this is a captain-general, a military officer of the highest grade, and that is a naval officer of the same grade.

  • thî-thîo;

    a proctor or manager of colleges; the overseer of candidates at examinations.

  • kau toŏ thî-thîo-kuaⁿ kò̤;

    handed over to the proctor.

  • pńg hú àiⁿ thî ùaⁿ khí lâi sím;

    the prefect is going to take the case into his own hands and try it.

  • kṳ̆n-lâi sĭ i tó̤ thî-hĭ i;

    lately he has been the one who helped him on.

  • màiⁿ thî-phû cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;

    do not introduce this topic.

  • m̄ hó̤ thî-phû i kâi mîaⁿ;

    do not mention her name.

  • Moss, and small plants like liverwort, growing on rocks.

  • cheⁿ-thî;


  • chîeⁿ-kha chĭeⁿ cheⁿ-thî lo̤-lo̤ tn̂g;

    at the foot of the wall the moss is very thick.

  • cĕng-cĕng cheⁿ-thî;

    all covered with moss.

  • To direct with a firm hand.

  • cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ sĭ i tó̤ pá-thî;

    he has direction of this affair.

  • i cò̤ sṳ̆ ío ŭ pá-thî;

    he acts with greater firmness in the management of affairs.

  • sĭ i hû-thî i;

    it is she who abets him.

  • sît-căi lâng-ín ciⁿ-thî;

    it is really very hard to withstand.

  • To howl and bewail; to scream and cry; to crow; to coo.

  • thî-khàu;

    to weep and moan.

  • thî-thî khàu-khàu;

    to sob and cry.

  • koi thî lío;

    the cock crowed.

  • i koi-thî-cá cū lâi;

    he came at cock-crow.

  • i sĭ tó̤ thî;

    she is cackling.

  • A pheasant.

  • thî-koi;

    the common pheasant.

  • khṳ̀ phah cío, phah tîeh nŏ̤ ciah thî-koi;

    went out to shoot birds, and shot two pheasants.

  • thî-koi búe;

    tail-feathers of the Argus pheasant.

  • The piles; ulcers in the rectum.

  • lăi thĭ, gūa thĭ;

    internal and external piles.

  • seⁿ thĭ;

    to have piles.

  • i kâi thĭ seⁿ kú, íⁿ-keng sen̂g cò̤ thĭ-lāu;

    he has had piles a long time, and they have already ulcerated.

  • chwn tn̂g thĭ;

    chwn chîang thĭ; a fistula in ano.