A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / thau | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / thau

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  • To overpass bounds.

  • hía cúi thau thiⁿ tōa;

    the water rises sky high.

  • In polite phrase, to feel deeply grateful for.

  • thau mông i ài-sieh;

    have a deep sense of his kindness.

  • hĕng thau kà-hùe;

    earnestly desirous of seeing you.

  • To pilfer; to steal; to obtain unfairly; stealthily; underhand; furtively.

  • m̄-hó̤ thau ôiⁿ;

    one should not take his ease when he ought to work; do not be an eye-servant.

  • khṳt i thâu ôiⁿ khùn-kíaⁿ;

    let her steal a moment’s leisure.

  • i thau cáu khṳ̀;

    he stole off.

  • mûeh-kīaⁿ khṳt i thau-tău jîeh cōi;

    a great number of articles have been purloined by her.

  • i tó̤ thau thóiⁿ;

    she is slyly peeping at it.

  • thau thiaⁿ ūe;

    stealthily listen to what is said.

  • thau-khîeh mûeh;

    steal things.

  • thau lîah koi;

    steals chickens.

  • i kâi thâu-chah khṳt nâng thau pôih khṳ̀;

    her head-ornament was slyly removed by some one.

  • i hàuⁿ thau cîah;

    he pilfers food.

  • hṳ́ kò̤ hṳ̂ khṳt ngio thau kâⁿ khṳ̀;

    that piece of fish has been carried off by the cat.

  • i mêⁿ-kùa khṳ̀ thau tiah sîeh-lîu;

    he went by night and stole their pomegranates.

  • thau líu hun-kuah;

    steal sweet potatoes from the hill.

  • thau bōi kong châng;

    unbeknown to any one , he sold a rice-field which was owned in common.

  • thau á cìa;

    steal sugar-cane.

  • thau cáu lō;

    slink away and run off.

  • To punish the refractory; to put down rebellion.

  • lâm ceng, pâk tháu;

    the south is held in allegiance, and the north subjugated.

  • tòa piaⁿ khṳ̀ ceng tháu;

    lead troops to curb sedition.

  • To ventilate; to give free vent to; to pass through.

  • khui kâi theng hó̤ tháu khùi;

    open a window to let in the air.

  • khùi tháu m̄ lī;

    there is no ventilation.

  • i kâi khì bô̤ kò̤ thàu cū kek phòng khṳ̀;

    if the exhalations which arise from it find no vent, they will cause an explosion.

  • tîeh khui ke tîo kau, cúi cìaⁿ tháu tit lī;

    must make another drain then the water will have free vent.

  • Even, also, and.

  • thàu mêⁿ-kùa lâi;

    comes even in the night.

  • níoⁿ-chṳ́ thàu jît-kùn káⁿ chut lâi;

    the rats venture out even in the daytime.

  • thàu mêⁿ cò̤;

    works even by night.

  • thàu huang-hŏ to khù bói;

    goes and buys them even through the storm.

  • thàu cú thàu àm cò̤;

    does it early and late.

  • To pass through, as light does through glass; through-out; thoroughly.

  • sì-chù chūe kàu thàu, chūe bô̤;

    have searched thoroughly everywhere and cannot find it.

  • pìn koiⁿ chūe kàu nĕ thàu-thàu;

    have searched the place through.

  • tŏ̤-lí tàⁿ lâi thàu-thiet căi;

    gave a very thorough exposition of the doctrine.

  • i kâi cṳ-lí thàu-thàu thiet-thiet;

    his knowledge of letters is very thorough.

  • i kha chíu-hŵn sĭ thàu-cúi kâi;

    her bracelet is a transparent one.

  • i cêk kha thàu-lêk kâi gêk-hŵn sĭm ngía;

    her translucent green jade bracelet is very handsome.

  • cí kò̤ gêk ío thàu-lĭang, hṳ́ kò̤ gêk bô̤ hìoⁿ thàu-lĭang;

    this piece of jade is translucent, while that one is not very clear.

  • cía cū hío m̄ thàu;

    I do not fully comprehend this.

  • cia pat m̄ thàu;

    I do not well understand that.

  • What envelops another thing; to enwrap; to add or superadd; to include in the whole; of general observance; to run one thing into another; a case; a wrapper; a noose; a classifier of a set of books, of a suit of clothes, and of plays.

  • khò-thàu;


  • gūa-thàu;

    an overcoat.

  • i kâi chíu lap chíu-thàu;

    he wears mittens.

  • lô̤h i kâi khwn-thàu;

    fell into their trap.

  • cêk thàu i-hôk;

    a suit of clothes.

  • mâiⁿ kheh thàu;

    do not put yourself out on my account.

  • sôk thàu lío;

    it is nothing that you need put yourself out for; it is a familiar thing.

  • cía cheh sĭ thàu póiⁿ kâi;

    these books are between two boards which form a case for them.

  • cí cêk thàu ke-húe sĭ kio i sêng kâi a sĭ kio i sùe kâi?

    Did you buy this kit of tools from him, or hire them from him?

  • khîeh kâi cúa thàu lâi pau;

    take a paper wrapper and wrap them in it.

  • cía sĭ thong-thàu kâi ūe;

    this is language that is in general use; this expression is one commonly employed in different cases.

  • thóiⁿ i cò̤ ku-ā thàu pa-hì;

    saw him perform several tricks in jugglery.

  • ŭ nŏ̤ thàu pa-hì sĭang chù-bī;

    there are two very droll sleight-of-hand tricks.

  • cía cū khî-thàu lío;

    this is very curious.

  • To make known to others; to communicate.

  • thàu i cai;

    notify him.

  • thàu cêk khûn nâng lâi thóiⁿ;

    informed a great number of people so that they might come to see.

  • úa thàu lṳ́;

    I let you know about it.

  • thàu i cáu;

    gave him information about it, so that he could escape.

  • The head; the front; the top; the chief; the first; the best; the end, as of a beam; the beginning; the commencement of a thing; a classifier of affairs or acts, and occasionally of cattle and horses; it is added to many names of things because they are roundish like a head, or to make a distinctive noun.

  • thâu-khak;

    the head, the scull.

  • thâu-khak thìaⁿ;


  • tì tŏ̤ thâu-khak tèng;

    carried or worn on the head.

  • thì thâu;

    to shave the head.

  • sói thâu;

    wash the scalp.

  • siu thâu;

    comb the hair.

  • thâu-sak;

    lice in the head.

  • thâu-khíu;


  • thâu-mô̤n;

    the hair of the head.

  • thâu hîn;


  • i tì kâi thâu huang pēⁿ;

    he has a constant headache.

  • pâk-thâu-pò;

    a head-cloth; a turban.

  • pau thâu;

    bind the head with a fillet.

  • kám thâu;

    to cover the head with a cloth.

  • thâu kám miⁿ-miⁿ;

    closely veiled.

  • hûe thâu; ût tńg thâu;

    to turn the head.

  • hûe-tńg thâu lâi thóiⁿ;

    turned her head and looked backward.

  • kio i chut thâu;

    took her part; undertook to act in his behalf.

  • tī-tîang khéng chut thâu?

    Who will take the lead in the matter?

  • cṳ̆-jîen ŭ chut thâu kâi jît-cí;

    there is of course a time when you will begin to rise in the world.

  • mih sṳ̄ tîeh ŭ kâi thâu-náu;

    there must be a head in everything.

  • àiⁿ kîaⁿ tùi cìeⁿ thâu a kîaⁿ tùi hìeⁿ thâu?

    Will you follow this course or that?

  • cía sĭ cĭeⁿ thâu ŭ mĕng kâi;

    this is what the last leader commanded.

  • thâu-ke;

    the head the family, the master.

  • thâu-ke-nîe;

    the mistress of the house.

  • bô̤ thâu kong ùaⁿ;

    no cause for action; it is a doubtful case.

  • i cò̤ sṳ̄ ŭ thâu ŭ búe;

    he does things in a systematic manner.

  • cò̤ sṳ̄ bô̤ thâu bô̤ búe;

    acts without method.

  • thâu cêk kâi cū sĭ;

    the first one is the one.

  • thâu cêk jît;

    the first day of a period.

  • cho̤-thâu-ē;

    in the beginning; in the first place; at first.

  • khí-thâu sî;

    in the beginning; at first.

  • thâu-téng hó̤ kâi;

    the very best.

  • i bô̤ sĭoⁿ thâu;

    there is no other way for him to do; he sees no way out of it.

  • sái kàu i cáu thâu bô̤ lō, jîp tī bô̤ mn̂g;

    drive him to extremity; leave no opening for him to escape in any dircetion.

  • thâu mīn côiⁿ cū ŭ;

    there is one ahead of us.

  • bé-thâu;

    a pier, a landing.

  • khṳ̀ bé-thâu tah cûn;

    go to the pier and go on board a vessel.

  • cûn thâu;

    the bow or prow of a vessel.

  • sam thâu;

    the large end of a stick of timber.

  • íⁿ-thâu;

    a stool.

  • cá-cá tah i kâi thâu tō;

    go on board the first ferryboat that crosses in the early morning.

  • tak thân;

    nod the head.

  • îe thâu;

    shake the head.

  • jît-thâu; gûeh-nîe;

    the sun and moon.

  • sù cē; m̄ cai thâu;

    excuse me, I did it inadvertently.

  • chíu-cńg-thâu; kha-cng-thâu;

    the fingers and toes.

  • chíu-cńg-thâu chun chut lâi īa ŭ tn̂g tó̤;

    when the fingers are stretched forth they are not all of the same length.

  • ŵn-sui thâh pûaⁿ thâu;

    crown the dish with coriander-seed.