A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / tham | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / tham

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  • To covet; to desire inordinately.

  • tham sim put cok;

    the covetous are never satisfied.

  • tham-lâm;


  • lṳ́ phah-sǹg ŭ tham-thâu a bô̤ tham-thâu?

    Do you think there is anything to desire in it or not?

  • ŭ nâng li tham cíu, ŭ nâng li tham cîah, ŭ nâng li tham cîⁿ, ŭ nâng li tham sek: kak ŭ só̤ tham;

    some are fond of wine, some of dainties, some of money, some of women: each has some object of supreme desire.

  • nâng m̄ hó̤ khah tham, khak tham cū tîeh gō sṳ̄;

    one should not be too inordinately desirous of anything, for so doing thwarts its object.

  • tham khùaⁿ-ûah;

    fond of ease.

  • tham-khû i ŏi sie thâi;

    calculated upon their fighting.

  • To manipulate.

  • tám khak;

    to tie a knot.

  • thám ke kâi khak cìaⁿ bŏi lut;

    tie another knot then it will not loosen.

  • àiⁿ thám sí khak a thám ûah khak?

    Do you want it tied in a hard knot or in a bow knot?

  • To explore, to sound, to feel and search; to speculate on; to try to get information about.

  • hàm cêk nâng soiⁿ khṳ̀ thàm, thàm-thóiⁿ sṳ̄ sĭ cò̤-nî, kah thàm-thiaⁿ i kâi nâng ŭ lâi a būe;

    send some one to first go and get authenthic information, finding out what is the condition of affairs, and whether he has arrived yet.

  • cí kâi nâng hó̤ ēng cò̤ thàm-bé;

    this is a good person to employ as a detective.

  • lîah tîeh châk kâi thàm-kíaⁿ;

    caught the spy sent by the rebels.

  • lṳ́ khṳ̀ chì-thàm cē;

    you go and experiment upon it.

  • i íⁿ-keng khṳ̀ thàm sìn-sek;

    he has been to see waht news he could get in regard to it.

  • thàm-mn̄g;

    to inquire about.

  • ēng sô̤h thūi în thàm-thóiⁿ cúi jîeh chim;

    let down the lead by a rope and

  • see how deep the water is;

    sound and ascertain the depth.

  • tèng-thàm-hue;

    the third of the Hanlin academicians; (the name has reference to the metaphor of plucking the sprig of Olea fragrans*).


  • A sacrifice offered at the end of the twenty-seven months or the three years of mourning for a parent, when the mourning garments are put off.

  • thâm hôk;

    lay aside mourning.

  • thâm hôk kùe lío cìaⁿ bó̤ khí hôk;

    after the mourning is laid aside one returns to ordinary attire.

  • Deep poopls in a river; unfathomable.

  • chim kùe bw̄n tn̆g chim thâm;

    deeper than a pool of ten thousand fathoms; a bottomless abyss.

  • toi pàng lío châng khṳt i kúu cò̤ thâm;

    the dike having given way, the fields were washed out into pools.

  • cía sĭ ngŏ̤ tîeh thâm un sṳ̀ kâi;

    this is having a vast favor conferred on me.

  • Phlegm, mucous from the lungs.

  • ciu jît kâi thâm-nŭaⁿ cōi căi;

    raises much phlegm, spitting continually all day.

  • thâm phùi-pàng thâm-kóng kò̤;

    spit in the spittoon.

  • thâm-âp;

    a small spittoon having a cover.

  • thàm-kẁn;

    a spittoon.

  • cía cîah lío àiⁿ seⁿ thâm;

    after taking this you will raise phlegm.

  • thâm phùi chut lâi sĭ kṳ̂t a sĭ chieh?

    Is the phlegm that you raise solid or watery?

  • thâm cúi;

    thin mucous.

  • thò tīo thâm;

    vomits mucous.

  • thâm chàu-cho̤;

    fetid phlegm.

  • khak thâm;

    hawk and spit.

  • sio thâm;

    to cut the phlegm.

  • hùe-thâm;

    an expectorant.

  • i khṳt i khì kàu thâm-phû;

    she was so vexed that she was suffocated by phlegm.

  • cêk cūn thâm lâi kàu cū ĭng-kùo-khṳ̀;

    when the death-rattle comes one dies at once.

  • nâng li m̄ cai nâng, hía thâm li lō̤-lō̤-kìe;

    he was wholly insensible, and had the death-rattle in his throat.

  • i tì kâi thâm chẃn pēⁿ;

    his disease is expectoration with shortness of breath.

  • i sĭ thâm-ìong sí khṳ̀;

    he died of consumption.

  • thâm sàu;

    a cough with much expectoration.

  • cîah i kût thâm cìaⁿ hó̤;

    take somethign to loosen the phlegm and it will be better.

  • i sĭ thâm sak tîeh sim-khìo, sim-sîn cìaⁿ ŏi m̄ tīaⁿ;

    the derangement of her mind is caused by the passages in her chest being obstructed by phlegm.

  • sio thâm sŭn khì;

    a sedative.

  • thâm-húe pēⁿ;

    a cough with fever.

  • i kâi thâm-húe-húe pēⁿ;

    a cough with fever.

  • i kâi thâm-húe-cèng sêng lío;

    he has settled consumption.

  • sĭ jîet thâm; a sĭ hâng thâm, a sĭ huang thâm; a sĭ sip thâm, a sĭ cîah thâm?

    Was his expectorating brought on by heat, cold, wind or dampness, or was it caused by something he ate?

  • kún thâm îⁿ;

    pills taken to remove phlegm.

  • i kâi thâm sek sĭ tòa cheⁿ a sĭ tòa o?

    Is the phlegm which he raises flecked with green or with black?

  • thâm kho̤h chut lâi ŭ hueh-si;

    the phlegm which he coughs up has flecks of blood in it.

  • jûah thâm, lîang thâm;

    lung complaints with either a feverish or a chilly habit of body.

  • To converse; to discuss; to talk; a local dialect.

  • ôiⁿ thâm;

    idle conversation; gossip.

  • chap nâng thâm-sńg thâm-chìe cē cū bŏi hìeⁿ hŵn-ló̤;

    be where you will chat playfully with other people and you will not be so gloomy.

  • thâm-lŭn;

    to discuss; to cavil at.

  • i hàuⁿ phiah ka-chng-ău thâm-lŭn nâng kâi tó̤ chù;

    she is fond of talking about people’s short-comings behind their backs.

  • ngân-thâm;


  • tŏ̤ ngân-thâm cṳ kang put kak cū tàⁿ chut lâi;

    inadvertently spoke of it when talking.

  • i kâi ūe tàⁿ lâi seⁿ thó-thâm, bô̤ hìeⁿ cìaⁿ;

    he speaks with a local accent, and not very correctly.

  • kak chù kak chù kâi hiang thâm;

    each place has its peculiar modes of speech.

  • cía sĭ khîeh khí lâi cò̤ chìe thâm kâi;

    this is something she has treasured up to tell as a good joke.

  • A cylindrical earthenware wine-jar.

  • i kng cêk thâm cíu lâi sie sàng;

    they brought a jar of wine as a present.

  • khù phah cêk thàm cíu kâi cíu-toaⁿ kio i sie hō̤;

    went and wrote out an order for a jar of wine, and sent it to him as a congratulatory present.

  • To step in the mud; to get mired.

  • thām lo̤h khṳ̀ lok-cē-kìe;

    splashed as he sank in the mud.

  • thām lô̤h khṳ̀ lío, kha poih m̄ khí;

    sunk in the mud and could not get out.

  • thām kàu cêk sin cĕng-cĕng thô-kâu-mûeⁿ;

    got mired so deeply that he was wholly covered with mud.

  • thām lô̤h khṳ̀, bît pĭn kha-thâu-u;

    sank up to his knees in mud.

  • thām lío khṳt i kuh kín tŏ̤ kò̤;

    sank in the mire and stuck fact.

  • thām kàu kâi ūi kâi ūi;

    left tracks where his feet sank in the mud.