A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / teng | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / teng

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  • An individual; an adult; a grown person.

  • nâng teng;


  • cìe nâng-teng phàin cîⁿ;

    apportion the amount to be contributed according to the number of contributors.

  • saⁿ teng thiu nŏ̤;

    make a conscription, taking two out of three.

  • nŏ̤ teng thiu cêk;

    levy, taking one of every two persons.

  • sêng-teng;

    has reached his majority, and is over fifteen years old.

  • būe sêng teng;

    still a minor.

  • piaⁿ-teng;


  • teng pĕ iu;

    in mourning for a father.

  • cá mńg teng iu;

    the morning and evening mourning in a recently bereaved family.

  • teng-hieⁿ;


  • teng-hieⁿ cío;

    the clove-bird.

  • teng-hieⁿ hue;

    the lilac.

  • cí-hue tī-teng;


  • tē-teng cîⁿ-nîe;

    the land revenue estimated in money.

  • chut teng;

    have posterity.

  • châi teng heng-ŭang;

    this family has multiplied rapidly these last few years.

  • châi teng heng-ŭang;

    multiply and prosper.

  • cía sĭ pù-kùi châi teng côi kâi tī;

    this is a prosperous and prolific region.

  • chut hùaⁿ kâi àu teng;

    products few and worth less.

  • ṳ̂ teng;

    the supernumeraries in an army.

  • To ascend; to step up; to attain; at the time; to commence; to start; to record; to note.

  • kíaⁿ-jît sĭ chông-îang coih, cò̤-pû lâi khṳ̀ teng kau;

    to day is the ninth of the ninth month, let us go together and ascend the heights.

  • i teng-sî cū cai;

    he will presently discover it.

  • ngŏ̤ cṳ̀ teng khue;

    five sons succeeded at the examinations.

  • hûang-tì teng kêk;

    the emperor began to reign.

  • sûi-sî teng-kìⁿ cìaⁿ bŏi m̄ it-tit;

    make a note of it at once then you will not forget it.

  • A nail; a spike; a bolt.

  • thih teng;

    iron nails.

  • kó teng;

    round headed nails.

  • hô-khî teng;

    a clamp.

  • tâng teng;

    brass nails.

  • lô̤-si teng;


  • tōa thih teng;


  • hue-gê teng;


  • kîah teng;


  • lôih teng;

    nails having heads.

  • bô̤ lôih kâi teng;

    nails without heads.

  • chîeⁿ tōiⁿ căi, thih teng tèng m̄ lô̤h;

    the wall is very hard, I cannot drive the nail into it.

  • teng kîu;

    a ball covered with spikes, used by a spirit-medium to tear his flesh.

  • teng chn̂g;

    a bed covered with spikes on which demoniacs roll.

  • A swelling or hardness of the abdomen, supposed to proceed from calculi or derangement of the viscera.

  • cía pēⁿ sĭ teng-kíaⁿ a sĭ thâm-kak?

    Is this biliary calculus, or obstructions in the colon?

  • i kâi ngio seⁿ ngio-teng;

    their cat has cat-distemper.


  • To reiterate orders.

  • úa có̤-nî teng-lêng cok-hù lṳ́;

    how many times have I enjoined it upon you.

  • lṳ́ tîeh cài-saⁿ teng-lêng i;

    you must repeatedly and straightly charge him.

  • úa cò̤-nî câp teng-lêng poih teng-lêng, i to m̄ thiaⁿ;

    however much I enjoin it upon him, he pays no heed to my orders.

  • To seek; to hunt up; to inquire after; to levy, as taxes.

  • tī-tiang-sî khui teng?

    When were the books opened for the payment of taxes?

  • thong kūiⁿ cêk nî teng siu ŭ jîeh cōi cîⁿ nîe?

    What is the revenue from the duties and taxes throughout the district during one year?

  • ciu jît teng-tôk tîeh kang-khó căi;

    has wearied me greatly by his hanging around here all day.

  • cêk jît teng-teng tôk-tôk kâi sṳ̄ sĭm cōi;

    have a great many interruptions during the day from persons coming or sending for something.

  • Boils with nail-like heads.

  • seⁿ teng chng;

    has syphilitic ulcers.

  • cí īeⁿ îeh ŏi pôih chut teng kâi tâk;

    this medicine will draw the poison from syphilitic sores.

  • A lamp; a lantern.

  • tíam teng;

    light a lamp.

  • teng-nâng;

    a lantern.

  • teng kùe khṳ̀;

    the lamp has gone out.

  • pûn kùe teng;

    blow out the lamp.

  • lō teng;

    a street lamp.

  • líam thiⁿ teng;

    a lamp hung out by a votary to attract the attention of the gods.

  • sīa thiⁿ teng;

    a lantern hung aloft as a sign of thanksgiving to a god, or in fulfillment of a vow.

  • îeⁿ teng;

    foreign lamps.

  • se teng;

    gauze lanterns.

  • to̤h teng;

    a table lamp.

  • teng-táu;

    a lamp with a square glass shade.

  • keng teng;

    an octagonal, ornamented lamp, with legs.

  • lîu-lî teng;

    a strass lamp.

  • po̤-lî teng;

    a glass lamp.

  • teng chīu;

    a stand like a candlestick on which the oil-cup of a lamp is placed.

  • tah piah teng;

    a wall lamp.

  • chíu teng;

    a hand lamp.

  • teng am;

    a small spherical night-lamp.

  • máng teng;

    a lamp that draws in mosquitoes, and destroys them.

  • teng khêng;

    a small oblong night-lamp.

  • cṳ teng;

    a student’s lamp.

  • cáu bé teng;

    a toy in which the shadows of revolving puppets are cast on a screen.

  • khóng-mêng teng;

    a toy balloon with a lamp in it.

  • huang teng;

    hun teng; an opium lamp.

  • sîn teng;

    a lamp burned before the gods.

  • teng cúaⁿ;

    oil-cup of a lamp.

  • teng thie;

    a pick used in raising the wick in a lamp.

  • teng sim;


  • teng thie kng cē;

    raise the wick a little so as to make a brighter light.

  • teng pûaⁿ;

    a tamp tray.

  • teng khàm;

    the screen of an opium or night-lamp.

  • cí ki teng sĭ tîam tān-îu a sĭ tíam húe-îu?

    Do you burn pea-nut oil or kerosene in this lamp?

  • cá cai teng sĭ húe, pn̄g sêk íⁿ to̤ sî;

    if I had known in the beginning that the lamp was fire the rice would have been cooked long ago.

  • teng kîu;

    a lamp globe.

  • The top, peak or summit; the crown; a knob or button, adopted by the Manchus, and worn on official caps to indicate rank; a classifier of hats, caps, sedans, and state umbrellas; superior, a form of the superlative; to substitute; to put instead.

  • suaⁿ téng thâu;

    the summit of a mountain.

  • thâu-khak-téng;

    the top of the head.

  • tì téng;

    wear a button denoting official rank.

  • i ka-kī tiah tio téng-tài cĭeⁿ pńg khṳ̀ chîaⁿ cŭe;

    he himself took off the insignia of his rank, and dutifully went and asked for punishment.

  • cía sĭ téng-sĭang kâi;

    this is the very highest of all.

  • téng tōa;

    the largest.

  • têng hô̤;

    the very best.

  • i kíaⁿ khṳ̀ téng i a-pĕ kâi khueh;

    the son went to take the father’s post.

  • kíaⁿ tōa lío bŏi téng-sêng a-pĕ kâi khueh, m̄ phû;

    when his son is grown, he will not be incapable of taking the place his father holds.

  • cía sĭ lâi téng măuⁿ kâi;

    this is one who entered the examinations under a false name.

  • To weigh; small steelyards.

  • téng thóiⁿ jîeh tăng;

    weigh it and see how much there is.

  • lût khui lî-téng âp;

    open the case of the money scales.

  • lî-téng kâi chìn-cheⁿ;

    the bar of the money scales.

  • lît-téng thûi, lî-téng pûaⁿ, teńg pûaⁿ so̤h, lî-téng nău;

    the brass weight, the brass pan, the cords attached to the pan, and the two holding cords of Chinese money scales.

  • teńg tît chìn, bô̤ kio bô̤ bî;

    poise the scale yard horizontally neither inclining upward nor downward.

  • màiⁿ téng khah lîu;

    do not weigh too light weight.

  • téng khio cē;

    put on enough more to tip the scale downward a little.

  • téng tê, téng châ, téng bí, téng îu;

    to weigh tea, wood, rice, and oil.

  • chìn-thâu têng kàu;

    weigh out a full amount.

  • Order, class, sort or quality; grade, rank; to class.

  • sĭang-téng hó̤ kâi;

    of the very best quality.

  • it-teńg tōa;

    the very largest.

  • tŏiⁿ jī téng;

    second best.

  • thâu-téng;

    first best.

  • hùe-mûeh put téng;

    goods in great variety.

  • hó̤ khiap cōi téng;

    many sorts, both good and bad.

  • hĭa téng;

    inferior sorts.

  • tong téng;

    medium grades.

  • hú téng nâng sĭ àu nâng;

    such people are rascals.

  • i m̄ sĭ téng ôiⁿ kâi nâng;

    he is not one who can be had on ordinary occasions.

  • hŭam sṳ̆ tîeh in téng;

    everything must be done in its proper order.

  • choiⁿ téng hw̄n téng;

    numberless kinds.

  • sṳ̄ ŭ sam téng sam hō̤;

    has varied occupations.

  • i kháu pai téng;

    he failed in his examination and was classed lower than before.

  • kak téng;

    every quality or class.

  • To thump, to pommel with the fist.

  • tèng tîeh i kâi sim-kuaⁿ;

    thumped him in the chest.

  • i năi tèng năi phah;

    it endures thump ing and beating.

  • tèng tîeh bô̤ bī bô̤ sò;

    it is of no use to pommel him for he is not hurt by it.

  • i tùi i lí-kẃn tèng;

    he kept on pommeling her.

  • To nail; to drive a nail.

  • tèng chim cē cìaⁿ ngĕ;

    drive it deeper then it will be firm.

  • tèng pit khṳ̀;

    split it in driving the nail in.

  • tèng pit khṳ̀;

    cannot drive the nail in.

  • cang hô-khî-teng lâi tèng cìaⁿ tùe;

    take a clamp and drive it in then they will hold together.

  • tèng nŏ̤ sang kîah;

    make two pairs of clogs.

  • In; upon; on; by; among.

  • tŏ̤ cîeh tèng cŏ̤;

    sitting among the stones.

  • khṳ̀ thiaⁿ tèng chūe;

    go and look in the main room for it.

  • khṳ̀ suaⁿ tèng kò̤ chūe;

    go and seek it among the hills.

  • pàng i sin tèng;

    put it upon his person.

  • khîeh tŏ̤ i chíu tèng;

    held it in his hand.

  • pàng tŏ̤ chn̂g tèng;

    put it on the table.

  • khǹg tŏ̤ sim tèng;

    kept it in mind.

  • taⁿ tŏ̤ koiⁿ-thâu tèng;

    carried it on his shoulder.

  • cŏ̤ tŏ̤ kha-thâu-u tèng;

    sitting in her lap.

  • chō̤ tŏ̤ úaⁿ tèng;

    put it in a bowl.

  • tìo tŏ̤ piah tèng;

    hung it against the partition.

  • pâk tŏ̤ ie tèng;

    tied it around his waist.

  • To attain; fit; suitable.

  • i bô̤ tèng ēng;

    it is not fit for such use.

  • cí kâi cū tèng úa kâi ì;

    thia suits my ideas.

  • cîa īa sĭ m̄ tèng ì li sûi i sẃn kàu tèng ì kâi;

    this does not suit his taste, let him select one that does.

  • tèng kṳ́-jîn lío cū tèng cìu-sṳ̄;

    having taken the degree of Master of Arts, he gained that of Doctor of Laws.

  • tī cêk séⁿ tèng cŏ̤-ngŵn?

    To which province did the one who became senior wrangler of the empire belong?

  • i mō̤ⁿ ŏi kau tèng;

    he hopes to attain the highest degree.

  • m̄ tèng i cîah;

    not fit for her to eat.

  • m̄ tèng i chēng;

    not suitable for him to wear.

  • To suck, as a fly or mosquito does.

  • khṳt máng tèng tîeh;

    bitten by mosquitoes.

  • khṳt bun tèng kàu cêk sin cĕng-cĕng lâu;

    bitten by gnats so that he is covered with blotches.

  • A stirrup.

  • bé-tâh-tèng;

    a stirrup.

  • ŭ nâng cang kha-ău-teⁿ tâh bé-tâh-tèng; ŭ nâng cang kha-ău-tenn tâh bé-tâh-tèng;

    some people put the toe in the stirrup, and some the heel.

  • i pûah lôh bé lío kâi kha khṳt bé-tâh-tèng lap tŏ̤-kò̤, nâng cū khṳt bé tó̤ thua;

    he fell off, leaving his foot entangled in the stirrup, and was dragged along by the horse.

  • An anchor, a grappling iron.

  • cûn tèng ŭ kúi mn̂g tèng?

    How many anchors are there on the vessel?

  • pha tèng;

    cast anchor.

  • khieh tèng;

    hoist the anchor.

  • tèng khí lío cū kîaⁿ;

    take in the anchor and then go on.

  • tèng so̤h;

    anchor chains.

  • kìa tèng;

    lay at anchor.

  • huang tōa tîeh pha ke cêk mn̂g tèng;

    the wind being high we must cast out another anchor.

  • To sting.

  • khṳt phang tèng tîeh;

    stung by a bee.

  • mûeh tīo i kâi chì cū bŏi tèng nâng;

    if its sting is destroyed it cannot sting people.

  • A form, a bench, a settle.

  • chun-tèng;

    a long bench.

  • chn̂g pho ìⁿ tèng;

    tables, beds, chairs and benches.

  • A roof supported on pillars; an abor; a portico.

  • tê teng;

    a tea booth.

  • lîang têng;

    a summer-house.

  • poih kak têng;

    an octagonal pavilion.

  • hienn têng;

    an open sedan-like stand, used to exhibit things in a procession.

  • hŏ têng;

    a shed where travellers may take shelter from rain.

  • A layer; a thickness; a repetition.

  • ŭ kúi têng kău;

    several layers in thickness.

  • cêk têng pò;

    one thickness of cloth.

  • cêk têng cêk têng;

    layer by layer.

  • cêk têng mô̤h pô̤h-pô̤h, m̄ hó̤ thăng phùa i;

    do not break the thin film.

  • têng hok;


  • têng-têng thâh thâh;

    piled up in layers.

  • sie têng thâh;

    layer upon layer.

  • têng thâh kàu kwn;

    packed to its utmost capacity.

  • cò̤ ŭ jîeh cōi têng saⁿ-khò khṳt i;

    many suits of clothes were made to put upon him.

  • lṳ́ ciang-sî chēng têng pò īa bŏi chìn;

    you generally wear only one thickness of cloth and are not cold.

  • têng tàⁿ ūe;

    reiterate one’s words.

  • têng khek;

    a new edition.

  • têng siu-sîp;

    newly arranged.

  • An honorary portal.

  • chìaⁿ cí khîa têng;

    ask an imperial permit to erect an honorary portal.

  • cak-hàu têng;

    a portal in honor of a chaste and filial daughter-in-law.

  • hûang-sĭang sṳ̀ kŭa têng kim;

    the Emperor conferred also the money to pay for the erection of the portal.

  • To fix on; to settle; to adjust.

  • tĕng-tú-tĕng;

    just as I supposed; I told you so; it is as thought.

  • tĕng-tú-tĕng, sĭ khṳt i khîeh khṳ̀;

    as I thought, it has been carried off by him.

  • khṳt úa līo khṳ̀ tĕng-tú-tĕng;

    it came out just as I had calculated that it would.

  • A seam which has opened; to come apart; an inkling,

  • úa thóiⁿ chut i kâi phùa-tĕng;

    I have an inkling of it.

  • i kâi sṳ̄ phùa-tĕng lío;

    the affair has leaked out.

  • i kâi sṳ̄ sĭ tŏ̤ tì-kò phùa-tĕng?

    How did the matter come to be divulged?

  • sṳ̄ cē phùa-tĕng cū khṳt nâng lîah lâi;

    as soon as there is a hint of it, people will grasp the notion.

  • A medical preparation, made in into pastiles.

  • cí-kim-tĕng;

    a medical pastile, used to rub on sores.

  • Personable; erect; tall and straight

  • i kâi nâng tēng-ten̄g nē;

    he is very tall and straight.

  • kûiⁿ-tēng kûiⁿ-tĕng nē;

    has a fine presence.

  • nŏ̤ kâi nâng cò̤-pû kîaⁿ, cêk kâi li tēng-ten̄g nē, cêk kâi ku-ku nē;

    they both walked along together, the one erect and personable, the other crooked and dumpy.

  • To rear; to stand on the hind legs.

  • i ak̂i káu thóiⁿ-kìⁿ cú-nâng cē lâi, huaⁿ-hí kàu tēng khí lâi;

    the dog seeing his master coming, is.so pleased that he stands on his hind legs.

  • m̄ cai hûang, i kâi bé tēng khí lâi, nâng cū pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;

    was not on his guard, and when his horse reared he fell off.