To waste; to misuse.
tak-n̄ng căi;
very wasteful.
mài tak-n̄ng tīo mûeh;
do not waste things.
tak-n̄ng sî-hāu;
waste the time.
ēng kâi ke-ke to hó̤, tak-n̄ng kai cêk tíam to m̄-hó̤;
you may use as much as ever you like, but do not waste the least bit.
To butt, to gore.
gû sie tak;
the oxen gore each other.
màiⁿ khṳt i tak tîeh;
do not get gored by him.
i cē sie tak cĭu tak kàu hueh lāu hueh tit;
if they begin to butt each other they will keep it up until the blood runs.
To press the thumb nails together, as in killing vermin between them.
phàⁿ kâi sak-n̆ng cū tak bŏi híang;
dead nits do not crack when you press them.
tak ka-cáu;
crack a flea between the thumb nails.
Sleepy from fatigue; to nod.
i tó̤ tak mâk ût;
he is dozing through weariness.
i mâk siap căi, cŏ̤ pàng kó̤ tó̤ tak;
she is very sleepy, and is dozing as she sits.
i ût lío, tó̤ tak;
he is asleep and nodding.
Open; permeable; to reach all around; to permeate; to pervade; to see through; to perceive; to inform; to make known to; to give or transfer to; to promote, to advance, or bring forward; suitable; all; everywhere; intelligible; intelligent; penetrable; successful in life.
cí kâi nâng ío thong-tâk chêng-lí;
this person understands correct doctrines more thoroughly.
cía ùaⁿ ŭ tâk pŏ a bô̤?
Has this case been re ported to the Board?
hó̤ khṳ̀ tâu-tâk i tōa nâng cai;
it will be well to go and inform his elders in the family.
i sin-seⁿ kò̤ úa īa khṳ̀ tâu-tâk cai;
I went and informed his teacher also.
i kàu sì-câp-gūa hùe cìaⁿ hwt-tâk;
he was over forty years old when he began to rise in the world.
cía sǹg sĭ soiⁿ tâk kâi nâng;
this is a person who was previously eminent.
i kâi sìn tît-tît tâk kàu lău-tia hṳ́ lăi;
his letter was forwarded directly to the magistrate.
The value, worth, or price of a thing.
cí kâi ēng sĭm-mih kè-tâk?
What is the price of this?
cía sĭ ho̤h tâk cîⁿ kâi mûeh;
this is a rather costly thing.
cía tâk jîeh cōi cîⁿ?
How much is this worth?
hía m̄ tâk cîⁿ;
that is not worth much.
tâk bô̤ kâi cîⁿ;
not worth a cash.
tâk ŭ kúi kâi ngṳn̂;
worth several dollars.
hía tâk ío ke, cía tâk ío cìe;
that is worth more than this is.
lṳ́ thóiⁿ tâk a m̄ tâk?
Do you think it worth that?
úa thóiⁿ li sît căi kham tâk;
consider it really worth its price.
cía tâk bô̤ cîⁿ-thih kâi mûeh-kĭaⁿ;
this is not worth a copper.
koi-n̆ng ío tâk ŭ lâk kâi cîⁿ;
to have borne you is of loss benefit than to lay an egg, for a egg is worth six cash.
To calculate; to estimate; to reckon.
chúi chêng tâk lí; chúi-tâk chêng-lí;
to think out the correct method.
tîeh lĭang-tâk ka-kī kâi lâk cìaⁿ hó̤ cò̤;
must make a correct estimate of your own strength before beginning the job.
khuah káu m̄ hó chek-tâk;
so wide that it cannot bo measured.
lĭang jîp tâk chut;
reckon the income and the outlays.
To take up in order; successively.
lṳ́ hó̤ tâk î tâk jī tàⁿ úa thiaⁿ;
you take up the heads one by one in their order and recite them to me.
tâk kâ tâk kâi to kìⁿ cheng-chó̤ lío;
they are all recoi’ded, in their order.
sìo, tâk jît sǹg;
reckon the accounts, as taken day by day.
Noxious, poisonous, hurtful, destructive, baneful, malevolent; a poison, a virus, a baneful exudation.
i kâi sim tâk căi;
his feelings are very malicious.
íⁿ tâk kong tâk;
counteract one poison with another.
cía mīaⁿ-ùaⁿ;
this case is one in which a person has poisoned himself in order to unjustly implicate another in a charge of murder, it is not a real case of murder.
suicide by poisoning.
cía cìⁿ sĭ cìm tâk îeh kâi: īa sĭ khṳt cía tâk cìⁿ sīa tîeh cū sí;
this arrow is one that has been sleeped in poison: if you are hit by a poisoned arrow you will die.
put jím hĭa tâk-chíu;
cannot endure the thought of such a destructive act.
pńg sĭ àiⁿ tâk sí káu, tì kàu tâk sí tîeh nâng;
meant to poison a dog, and eventually poisoned a person.
i kâi tâk-khì cē hwt cū o̤h ui;
if once the poison takes effect it is difficult to counteract it.
seⁿ tâk mûeh;
has scrofulous or syphilitic ulcers.
cûa ŭ kâi tâk, ŭ kâi bŏi;
some serpents are poisonous, and some are not.
tâk kùe sí-cûa;
more poisonous than a viper.
tîeh ēng ngṳ̂n-khì lâi kehh tīo i kâi tâk hueh;
must use a silver instrument to scrape off the poisoned blood.
lap tîeh tâk;
poisoned by syphilitic virus.
cíkâi ŏi kói-sú tâk;
this is an antidote to poison.
i in-ūi tòng tâk tì-kàu sàng sèⁿ-mīaⁿ;
she lost her life through having been inoculated with a poisonous virus.
i sĭ hó̤ ì a sĭ tâk ì?
Are his designs good or bad?
kam-cháu ŏi kói peh tâk;
liquorice is an antidote to all sorts of poisons.
kim-ngṳ̂n-hue lêk-tāu sĭ ŏi sio tâk kâi mûeh;
honeysuckles and peas will dissipate poison that is in the system.
tâk thâng;
poisonous reptiles.
ngó tâk;
all sorts of poisonous creatures.