A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / tah | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / tah

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  • To paste up; to stick on; to lay on.

  • tah tŏ̤ chîeⁿ tèng;

    paste it up on the wall.

  • tah jī khṳt nâng cai;

    put up a notice and let people know.

  • tah kò̤ phio-thâu khṳt nâng thóiⁿ;

    put up a placard for people to see.

  • tah m̄ tùe;

    it will not adhere when pasted on.

  • tah m̄ kín;

    it does not adhere tightly.

  • cí kâi phāng tîeh can cúa lâi tah miⁿ;

    paper must be pasted over this crevice to close it up.

  • i kìⁿ tîeh, kŭi kàu tah-tah;

    on seeing him, she knelt quite down.

  • ciu-jît tah tiah ka-ciah;

    he is tagging at my heels all day long.

  • tah kò̤-(illegible text);

    put up a proclamation.

  • tah nêk saⁿ;

    an undergarment.

  • To put on at the top; to pile up; to add to; to suffix; to engage a place or take passage.

  • tah kûiⁿ-kûiⁿ;

    pile them up very high.

  • tah ín-kèⁿ;

    put up a scaffolding.

  • àiⁿ tah phâng a m̆?

    Are you going to raise an awning overhead?

  • tah phâng phò;

    set up a tent to use as a shop.

  • tah cêk cō̤ phû-kîe;

    lay a floating bridge.

  • tah cûn;

    take passage on a boat.

  • cí ciah cûn tah ŭ jîeh cōi kheh?

    How many passengers are there on this vessel?

  • To intrust to; to commit to; to commission.

  • úa àiⁿ kìa-tah lṳ́ kù ūe;

    I want to send a message by you.

  • tah lṳ́ kio i tàⁿ;

    commission you to tell him.

  • àiⁿ kìa-tah khah cōi mûeh, úa cū bŏi khîeh;

    if you have many things to send, I shall not be able to take them.

  • i tah úa khîeh lâi hâiⁿ lṳ́;

    he gave it to me to bring back to you.

  • cí kâi nâng hó̤ siang-sìn, úa kâi cîⁿ ngṳ̂n to sĭ kìa-tah;

    this person is trustworthy, and I send my money by him.


  • A purse shaped bag, with a slit in one side, used for carrying articles when travelling; it is slung orver the shoulder, with its contents in the two ends.

  • pì tah-lîen;

    carry a bag.

  • cang tah-lîen cò̤ hêng-lí, mih mûeh khǹg tŏ̤ tah-lîen tói;

    use a bag as a case for carrying luggage, and put all your things into it.

  • A tenter hook; to hang on a hook; to hook on.

  • khîa ki tah-kau khṳ̀ tah tìaⁿ;

    take a long hook and hang it up thereby.

  • tṳ-nêk tah pàng lîo-hûe kò̤, sûi i kuah;

    hang the pork on a long hook with numerous barbs, and let him cut it off to suit himself.

  • khîeh ki thih-tah, tah khí lâi thóiⁿ;

    take long iron hooks and hang it up for inspection.

  • A classifier of clouds; a blotch.

  • cêk tah hûn;

    a cloud.

  • ku-ā tah o hûn;

    several masses of black clouds.

  • i kâi mīn phû khí lâi cêk-tah cêk-tah âng-âng;

    red blotches came out all over her face.

  • in cêk tah cêk tah phû khí lâi;

    the smoke rises in clouds.

  • To talk much; to mutter unintelligibly.

  • ūe tàⁿ lâi sĭ thèng tah, cn̂g kâi m̄ tīaⁿ;

    spoke in an incoherent way, saying nothing definite.

  • ūe tàⁿ lío, cìeⁿ-pôiⁿ tah kùe lâi, hìeⁿ-pôiⁿ tah kùe khṳ̀;

    after he had said it, he repeated it with all the statements reversed.

  • To pat to slap lightly.

  • tah i ût;

    pat him to sleep.

  • tah i kâi koiⁿ-thâu;

    slap him on the shoulder.

  • tûi heng tah ka-ciah;

    beat his breast and slapped his back.

  • To set the foot upon; to tread.

  • tâh cheⁿ;

    to step on the green; to worship at the tombs.

  • kha tâh nŏ̤ pôiⁿ kîe;

    walk on two bridges at once; he is “on both sides the fence.” hàm ciah kha-tâh lâi cài; call a boat rowed by one man to carry us over.

  • sie tâh kha tì-kàu sie phah;

    tread upon each others toes until a fight ensued.

  • cèng nâng lūn-tâh kâi tī-hng;

    ground that everyone tramps over.

  • lūn-tâh khṳ̀ thíam căi;

    very violently trampled upon.

  • tâh i sît;

    tread it down solid.


  • Mixed; repeated.

  • câp-tâh; câp-câp tâh-tâh;

    bustle; hubbub, made by people going to and fro on promiscuous business, or with all sorts of occupations.

  • nâng-mûeh câp-tâh;

    crowds trooping hither and thither.

  • câp-tâh tī-hng;

    a thronged place.