A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / tîe | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / tîe

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  • The tides.

  • tîe cúi;

    the tidal waves.

  • tîe ciu hú;

    the Department of the Tides, the name of that in which Swatow is situated.

  • tîe tĭⁿ;

    flood tide.

  • tîe khó̤;

    ebb tide.

  • tîe cúi thò̤;

    the tide recedes.

  • sŭn tîe cúi, ngêk tîe cúi;

    to follow or oppose the tide.

  • To shudder; to shiver.

  • chìn kàu tó̤ tīe;

    so cold that she shivered.

  • kiaⁿ kàu hṳ̄-hṳ̄-tīe;

    shook with fear.

  • kûaⁿ kàu tó̤ tīe;

    shivered with cold.

  • hṳ́ tói cheⁿ tīe chut lâi;

    rigors beginning in the interior of the body.

  • khṳt pak huang cē chue tîeh cêk sin li-li tīe;

    when the north wind blows upon me I shiver all over.

  • tīe m̄ hàuⁿ hiah;

    cannot stop shivering.

  • chìn kàu khí khap-khap tīe;

    so cold his teeth chattered.

  • To rebound; to bound.

  • tīe-tò̤ tńg lâi; tò̤-tīe tńg lâi;

    to bound backward.

  • kîu cŭang tîeh chîeⁿ cū tīe khui lâi;

    the ball hit the wall and bounded off.

  • lô̤h khṳ̀ tīe nang-uang kûiⁿ khí lâi;

    fell and rebounded very high.