A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / sun | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / sun

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  • A grandchild.

  • lâm sun, ńng sun; ta-po sun, cṳ-nîe sun;

    grandsons and granddaughters.

  • lăi sun;

    a son’s child.

  • gūa sun;

    a daughter’s child.

  • kíaⁿ sun;

    children and grandchildren.

  • ceng sun;

    great grandson.

  • hîen sun;

    great great grandson.

  • pó̤-hō̤ sun kiaⁿ gâu-gâu tōa-tōa;

    give divine assistance to his descendants, making them wise and great.

  • A sprout; a shoot.

  • tek sún;

    bamboo sprouts.

  • tang sún;

    winter sprouts of the edible bamboo.

  • mo̤ⁿ sún;

    sprouts of a very large species of bamboo.

  • tek-kíaⁿ sún;

    young sprouts of the dwarf bamboo.

  • cheⁿ sún;

    fresh bamboo-sprouts.

  • sún kuaⁿ;

    dried bamboo sprouts.

  • sún khak, sún nêk;

    the husk and flesh of the bamboo sprout.

  • sún ciam, sún kha;

    the point and the base of a bamboo sprout.

  • To lose; to damage; to spoil; to injure; detrimental; ill luck.

  • cìeⁿ-seⁿ sĭ ŭ iah, bô̤ sún;

    that is advantageous, not injurious.

  • chŵn bô̤ sieⁿ-sún pùaⁿ lî;

    not in the least injured.

  • sún tek kâi sṳ̄ m̄-hó cò̤;

    do nothing which outrages morality.

  • bô̤ sieⁿ bô̤ sún;

    no harm done.

  • i sĭ tì hṳ-sún kâi pēⁿ;

    his disease arises from an injury to the vital organs.

  • bûa mêⁿ kâi sṳ̄ sĭang sún tîeh sîn-khì;

    night toil makes the heaviest draft on the energies.

  • bŏi sún tîeh pńg-cîⁿ cū hó̤;

    if there be no loss of capital it is well.

  • kōi sún hāi;

    easily spoiled.

  • sún tîeh sin-hūn;

    harms the person.

  • A tenon.

  • tàu sún;

    to mortise in a tenon.

  • cía chn̂g íⁿ sĭ ún ka kâi, m̄ sĭ tàu sún kâi;

    this furniture is glued, not mortised together.

  • sún cîn khṳ̀;

    the tenon has broken off.

  • sún tàu m̄ kín;

    the tenon is not tightly set in.

  • sún cē khùaⁿ cū àiⁿ bái;

    if the tenon is loose it will be rickety.

  • sún khùaⁿ cū àiⁿ ie-ló;

    if the tenons are not tightly set it will rattle.

  • ciⁿ sún;

    set a wedge beside a tenon to render it firm.

  • The fifth of the eight diagrams, and the 57th of the 64 diagrams, denoting the wind, and the northeast.

  • khiam-sùn;

    humble, modest, unassuming, teachable, deferential.

  • khiam-khiam sùn-sùn;

    very docile.

  • To go about from place to place in order to examine what is being done; to go on a circuit; to cruise; to patrol; a course at a feast; to fill up the glasses all around.

  • chut sûn;

    go out to reconnoitre.

  • sûn-bú;

    the governor of a province.

  • sûn-pŭ;

    special aids to the provincial authorities.

  • sûn-kíam;

    a supervisor or judge in a township.

  • sûn keⁿ;

    on his beat, as a watchman.

  • thek che khṳ̀ sûn-chip;

    send a constable to look out for and seize.

  • sûn-cûn;

    a revenue cutter.

  • sûn hô̤;

    to patrol the water-courses.

  • sûn îeⁿ-mīn;

    to cruise on the high seas.

  • hṳ́-kò̤ ŭ sûn-leng hùe tó̤ sûn-chê;

    there are policemen there looking after it.

  • i khṳ̀ sûn châng;

    he has gone to see what is the condition of the growing rice crop.

  • úa àiⁿ khṳ̀ sûn i;

    I am going to inquire after her health.

  • khṳ̀ sûn-sĭ i;

    go and visit her.

  • sie sûn;

    pay friendly visits to each other.

  • sûn mêⁿ;

    patrol the streets at night.

  • sûn sîaⁿ;

    patrol the city.

  • sûn-thóiⁿ;


  • cíu kùe saⁿ sûn;

    the wine has been passed three times.

  • sûn kàu ngìam căi;

    kept under very strict surveillance.

  • Unmixed; pure; fine; best; simple; whole; sincere.

  • i kâi kang-hu sûn căi;

    his work is very honestly done.

  • sûn-cĕng căi, bŏi chap-câp;

    very uniform throughout, not heterogeneous.

  • khang-khùe lŏ sûn-sêk căi;

    the work is very evenly and thoroughly done.

  • sûn sĭ o kâi sek;

    it is black all the way through.

  • sek sûn âng;

    the color is a uniform red.

  • nâng aiⁿ chūe kàu sûn-chŵn kâi cíe căi;

    there are very few perfect people to be found.

  • To follow; to accord; to go around with; to perambulate.

  • tîeh sûn kui tău kṳ́;

    must act in accordance with the usages of the place.

  • sûn cí tîo lō khṳ̀ chūe;

    follow this road in search of him.

  • sûn cí khoi-kiⁿ kò̤ khṳ̀;

    go along here on the bank on the river.

  • sûn cí kâi suaⁿ-kha kîaⁿ khṳ̀, cū bŏi hn̆g;

    follow along the foot of the hill here and you have not far to go.

  • Tame, gentle, docile.

  • cí ciah gû m̄ sûn, ŭ sî àiⁿ tak nâng;

    this ox is intractable and sometimes hooks people.

  • cí ciah bé sûn căi, cn̂g kâi m̄ pat thak nâng;

    this horse is very gentle, and never kicks.

  • ceng-seⁿ kà kàu sûn-sêk le, sek căi;

    this animal is well trained, and is very tame.

  • A decade of days or years.

  • nî kṳ̆n chit sûn;

    nearly seventy years of age.

  • cieⁿ sûn, tong sûn, ĕ sun;

    chiu sûn, câp sûn, jîh sûn; the first, the second, and the last third of the month.

  • i sûn-sûn chit-chit to cò̤ hût su;

    she practises Buddhist observances during every period of ten and of seven days.

  • i kíaⁿ-jît cò̤ thâu-sûn;

    they to-day observe the rites customarily performed on the fifty-ninth day after the death of a relative.

  • To follow the dead to graves and be buried their with them.

  • eng sĭm-mûeh khṳ̀ sûn cǹg?

    What was buried with her?

  • i ēng kŭa nâng khṳ̀ sûn cǹg;

    they buried the living with the dead.

  • i sûn lăng khṳ̀;

    he killed himself to escape misery.

  • Rich, good, and clear, (as wine).

  • hṳ́ khí cíu kâi bĭ ío cheⁿ-ngĕ, cí khí cíu kâi bĭ ío sûn;

    that sort of wine is crude and sharp, while this has a more generous flavour.

  • khǹg kú kâi lău cíu, i kâi bĭ to ío sûn;

    old wine that has been long kept, has a softer and richer taste.

  • To accord with; to follow; to agree to; to obey, to comply with, to yield; to let a thing pass and not hinder; to be in sympathy with; docile, compliant, unresisting; agreeable; filial; convenient; fair, as a wind; following the grain, as in wood; flowing, rythmical; easy, graceful, as penmanship; favorable; a mild form, as of small-pox.

  • sŭn-sŭn nē;

    it furthers our project; it works in our favor.

  • sŭn huang, sŭn lâu;

    with wind and tide.

  • sŭn cúi;

    follow the current.

  • sŭn i kâi mĕng;

    obey his commands.

  • lṳ́ tîeh sŭn i kâi ì;

    you must act in accordance with his wishes.

  • sŭn-chông;

    comply with.

  • sŭn lō;

    is on the route.

  • sŭn lō tùi hṳ́-kò̤ kùe;

    we pass there on our way to our destination.

  • sŭn chíu kueⁿ mn̂g;

    close the door after you.

  • sŭn chùi tàⁿ chut lâi;

    let it out heedlessly when talking.

  • sŭn khî cṳ̆-jîen;

    let it go; such is the luck, it can’t be helped.

  • bûn-lí thong sŭn;

    the style is clear and easy.

  • íⁿ-keng kui-sŭn tong-kok;

    have returned to their allegiance to China.

  • tŏ̤-li sŭn a ̄m sŭn;

    Does this doctrine accord with reason or not?

  • sŭn sì cū lô̤hkhṳ̀;

    followed the drift and went down.

  • i cò̤ khṳ̀ ío sŭn sì;

    she makes them more stylishly.

  • bô̤ hìeⁿ sŭn chíu;

    not well adapted to the hand; not easy to wield.

  • i cìeⁿ-sî sŭn chín căi, kìⁿ cò̤ kìⁿ tîeh;

    he has everything to his hand of late, and succeeds at once in whatever he does.