A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / sua | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / sua

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  • To spill, to scatter about.

  • cía bí tâng hṳ́-kò̤ sua-îa kàu cí-kò̤ lâi;

    the rice has been scattered all the way from there here.

  • put hó̤, màiⁿ sua-îa cêk koiⁿ;

    take it up carefully and do not let it drop through your hands and scatter around.

  • sua-îa ŵn khṳ̀;

    all spilled oat.

  • khîeh kâi mûeh khṳ̀ chō̤, cìaⁿ bŏi sua-sua îa-îa;

    take something to hold it, then it will not be scattered around.

  • Sand, gravel, pebbles, shingle; reefs, banks; granulated, as sugar; gritty; broken fine; friable and mealy, as fruit; frequenting sand banks and beaches; a sandy, brown, or gray color.

  • chiah sua thn̂g;

    coarse dry brown sugar.

  • sua-thâng;

    a grub.

  • i kâi mīn pōiⁿ kàu cū sĭ sua-thâng khòi;

    his face is as spotted as if it had been nibbled by grubs.

  • tōa lîap kâi sua-bó̤;

    large pebbles.

  • àiⁿ kap jîeh cōi sua lô̤h khṳ̀?

    How much sand should be mixed in?

  • cía bí seⁿ sua;

    this rice is gritty.

  • tôa tīo sua;

    rinse out the sand.

  • sua-thô̤ eng cêk koiⁿ;

    there is earth scattered all over the place.

  • hue-sua-thô;


  • mâk eng tîeh sua;

    have got some sand in my eyes.

  • cang sua lâi chìu;

    scour it with sand.

  • sua-pà;

    sand banks.

  • cîah tîeh sua nē;

    it tastes very mealy.

  • sua-cîh;

    a spit of sand.

  • sua tî; sua céⁿ;

    a pool with a sandy bottom.

  • cia cúi nah-sap; tîeh cang sua lâi tè kùe;

    this water is dirty, and it must be filtered through sand.

  • sua-mûiⁿ;

    fine sand.

  • sua ue;

    an unglazed earthen pot.

  • i tó̤ līen-phah sua-pau;

    he is practicing boxing upon sand bags.

  • tōa sua-bô̤-thâu;

    large smooth pebbles.

  • sua-iu kâi tī;

    sandy land.

  • chio sua;

    mix in sand.

  • cang sua lâi ìm;

    cover it over with sand.

  • pó̤-sua-hún;

    emery powder.

  • seⁿ sua êng;

    it is dusty.

  • cí bó châng teh sua.

  • teh jîeh clim;

    this field is covered with sand to a considerable depth.

  • pua lío, pua cò̤ kâi sua-tun;

    carry it off in baskets, and thus make a sand heap.

  • Cholera.

  • cí’-hûe sĭ tîeh sua kâi īeⁿ; hó̤ hàm kâu nâng kio i phah sua;

    he now appears as if he had cholera, it will be well to call some one to combat the disease by maniplation.

  • kueh sua;

    to scarify for cholera.

  • ká-tn̂g sua;

    Asiatic cholera.

  • sua îⁿ;

    pills for cholera.

  • tîeh sua m̄ hó̤ cîah sie kâi mûeh;

    when one has cholera he should not take hot things.

  • si sua îeh;

    dispense remedies for cholera.

  • tîeh kín sua;

    have an accute attack of cholera.

  • The shark family, including rays and skates.

  • sua-hṳ̂ phûe;


  • sua pó;

    dried shark’s flesh.

  • lôi-thâu sua;

    the shovel-nosed shark.

  • pêh gê sua;

    the white-toothed shark.

  • chut jîp sua;

    young sharks, which are said to hide in their mother’s belly.

  • sua-hṳ̂ lêk;

    a bright slate color.


  • The dragon-fly.

  • âng sua-me;

    a bright dragon-fly.

  • sua-me-nîe;

    a small brilliant dragon-fly.

  • toa chùi sua-me;

    the big headed dragon-fly.

  • kâi sua-me tó̤ cèng thiⁿ-tang-tek;

    to stand on one’s head.

  • nih sua-me khṳt a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ thit-thô̤;

    catch a dragon-fly for the children to play with.

  • sua-me hiah lî;

    a dragon-fly lit on the hedge; to place the body in an attitude like that of a dragon-fly perched on a hedge.

  • To move one’s abode; to shift one’s things from one place to another.

  • î-súa khṳ̀ lío;

    has moved away.

  • chien-súa tŏ̤ tī-kò̤?

    Where has he moved to?

  • cìeⁿ pôiⁿ súa kùe hìeⁿ pôiⁿ;

    move from this side to the other side.

  • súa tī-hng;

    change the location of.

  • má-sṳ̆ kâi hâng-phò lóng-cóng súa jîp sùaⁿ-thâu;

    the Double Island warehouses are all removed to Swatow.

  • súa theh bûang chi;

    to change one’s abode, and forget to take the wife along; absent minded.