A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / so | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / so

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  • Crisp; flaky; short.

  • so píaⁿ;

    crisp cake.

  • pek kàu so-so;

    toast it till it is very crisp.

  • mûaⁿ-so-píaⁿ;

    a short-cake sprinkled with hemp-seed.

  • sĭ ēng îu khí-so a ēng lâ khí-so?

    Are they shortened with oil or with lard?

  • so-thn̂g;

    molasses candy.

  • A species of thyme, whose fragrant smell refreshes the weary spirit; to cheer up; happy.

  • so-cí;

    a species of Lophanthus*, cultivated for its oil.

  • cí-so;

    sweet basil.

  • so-hâh-hieⁿ;


  • so-bâk;

    sapan wood.

  • so-ciu;


  • so sìⁿ, so bō̤, so jìo;

    fans, hats, and crape from Soo-chow.

  • īa-so;


  • īa-so kà;


  • Flavor, gust, sapidity, savor; good effect.

  • bī-sò; taste, raciness, seasoning; effectual.

  • bô̤-bī bô̤ sò;


  • bī-sò hó̤;

    delicious, palatable.

  • cí kò̤ khah khin, teh bô̤ bī-sò, tîeh chūe ío tăng lâi teh cìaⁿ ŭ bī-sò;

    this is too light and it is of no use to lay it on as a weight, something heavier must be sought and then it will be effectual.

  • Plain, simple, unornamented; in the original color or state.

  • chēng khṳ̀ sò-sò;

    plainly dressed.

  • tá-pàng khṳ̀ sò-sò jú ngía;

    one looks better when simply attired.

  • sò mīn;

    of a solid color; without decoration.

  • sò jìo;

    plain crape.

  • sò lêng-tîu;

    plain thin silk.

  • àiⁿ căm-hue kâi, a sĭ àiⁿ sò-mīn kâi?

    Do you want the flowered or the plain?

  • Thin, poor; meager; lean.

  • i cìeⁿ-sî sáng-sò;

    she is very thin lately.

  • i cò̤-nî cîah kàn hìeⁿ sò?

    What makes him so lean?

  • sò-sò;

    much emaciated.