A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / sio | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / sio

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  • To melt; to liquify; to thaw; to lessen by using; to do away with; to annul; to need and consume; needed, required, exigent; to allay; to digest; to exhaust; to eliminate; diminished, dispersed; sold out; transpiring.

  • sio hùe khṳ̀;

    melted away.

  • sio khṳ̀;


  • cí īeⁿ mûeh sio cîah;

    this aids digestion.

  • saⁿ tǹg cîah lío tó lăi m̄ sio kâi cū hó cîah i sio;

    what remains undigested after three meals have been eaten should be eliminated by medicine.

  • cí īeⁿ ŏi sio tâk, hṳ́ īeⁿ li ŏi sio céng;

    this scatters the poison, and that takes down the swelling.

  • îeh tah lío céng sio a būe?

    Has the swelling gone down since the medicine was applied?

  • tîeh cîah kàu tâk-khì sio cheng-chó̤;

    must take it till the virus has all been cleansed out.

  • i tì kâi sio kuah kâi pēⁿ;

    he has an ailment which is accompanied with intolerable thirst.

  • cīeⁿ sio, ĕ sio, tong sio;

    a great appetite with constipation, a great appetite with diarrhea, and a great appetite with good digestion and no increase of flesh.

  • hua sio;

    use up, spend, consume.

  • cêk jît sio saⁿ táu bí;

    use three pecks of rice per day.

  • ke kâi sio m̄ khṳ̀;

    cannot digest more than that.

  • sio khíen;

    dissipate care.

  • sio ôiⁿ;

    pass the time.

  • cîah cíu sio chô;

    drink wine to dissipate sorrow.

  • kîaⁿ khṳt i sio-thîo cē;

    walk about to aid digestion and quicken the circulation.

  • hûn sio, phek sùaⁿ;

    it has taken away all my spirits.

  • i kâi hùe-mûeh sio tōa căi;

    his goods have a great sale.

  • cí īeⁿ mûeh ío thong sio;

    this article is more saleable.

  • sio thâm;

    cuts phlegm.

  • cí sio cêk peh ngṳ̂n cū bói ŭ;

    it will require only a hundred dollars to buy it.


  • To search a house, as policemen do; to seek for.

  • sio chūe m̄ tîeh;

    cannot find it anywhere.

  • hāi úa múaⁿ-tī-kò̤ sio, jw̆n sio, sio bô̤;

    made me search everywhere for it, and no matter how much I searched it, it was not to be found.

  • múaⁿ koiⁿ sio;

    searched everywhere.

  • sio-thóiⁿ ŭ tŏ̤ tû tói mē;

    look and see whether it is in the cupboard.

  • sio ŭ a bô̤?

    Did you find it?

  • thong sin sio;

    searched his whole person.

  • sio tîeh cêk ki to̤;

    searched and found a knife upon him.

  • sio i kâi ie-tŏ;

    searched in his stomacher.

  • phài tī-tîang tó̤ tok sio-kíam;

    depute some one to search the candidates entering the examinations.

  • sio chut lâi;

    searched it out.

  • sio ke;

    search the house.

  • pàng khim-che khṳ̀ sio ke;

    send a commissioner to search the dwelling.

  • sio-chê cng-mûeh kâi pbìe;

    a search-warrant, authorizing a search for stolen goods.

  • sio-lîah nâng hŭam;

    search for and seize a criminal.

  • To finish; to spend; to cancel; to make void; to exhaust.

  • sio ùaⁿ;

    to decide a case in court.

  • cang ùaⁿ cù-sio;

    take up a case in court and dismiss it.

  • ùaⁿ-kĭaⁿ íⁿ-keng sio tīo;

    the case is already disposed of.

  • sio kim, cîah ngṳ̂n kâi tī-hng;

    a place where money quickly disappears; a very expensive place to live in.

  • tńg lâi sio che;

    return and report on the message sent.

  • chṳ́ hṳ̆n lâng sio;

    such enmity is hard to appease.

  • cêk pit kau-sio;

    the affair is quite settled.

  • khui sio;

    render an account of government expenditures.

  • càu sio;

    a memorial of outlays.

  • Night; in the night; dark.

  • ngŵn-sio-mêⁿ;

    the night of the full moon of the first month.

  • ĕ ngó lîen sio;

    through the afternoon and night.

  • phio-thâu ŭ sía lîen sio a bô̤?

    Does the placard announce that it is to be continued through the night?

  • phok-sio;


  • ēng lîu-n̂g phok-sio cò̤ húe-îeh;

    sulphur and niter are used in making gunpowder.

  • sai cài sio n̂g sĭ hŭam kìm kâi sṳ̄;

    to smuggle nitre and sulphur is against the law.

  • mâng-sio;

    glauber salts.

  • sio-îo;

    to ramble, to saunter, to wander for diversion.

  • sio-îo cṳ̆-căi;

    saunter at ease.

  • The empyrean; the highest region of air; heaven.

  • kíu sio;

    the remotest heavens.

  • thiaⁿ tîeh kâi hûn cū pue kàu kíu sio;

    on hearing it, I was frightened quite out of my wits.

  • lêng-sio-hue;

    the trumpet flower.

  • sio-tîo;

    lonely, desolate, poverty stricken.

  • hṳ́ kâi tī-hng cí ău sio-tîo căi;

    that region is during late years very forlorn.

  • Crazy; mad; wild; insane.

  • sío káu;

    a mad dog.

  • i sĭ sío kâi; nín màiⁿ thīn i;

    he is crazy, do not provoke him.

  • i thâk cṳ, thâk kàu sío, thâk cò̤ cṳ-tien;

    he has become daft by over study, and is a sort of bibliomaniac.

  • i sui sĭ cìeⁿ tōa kâi, cò̤ sṳ̄ hŵn-lío sío sîn sío tôk;

    although he is so large, he still acts without judgment.

  • i kâi sío sîn cêk ē lai, mih nâng i to m̄-ùi, īa bô̤ lîam bô̤ chí;

    whenever his crazy fits come upon him, he is afraid of no one, and pays no regard to decency.

  • i pùaⁿ sío pùaⁿ tīaⁿ;

    he is half insane.

  • i hŵn-ló̤ kàu sío;

    she is insane from grief.

  • hŵn-ló̤ lío, sío ā!

    When you have fretted enough about it, you will be crazy!

  • nín màiⁿ tó̤ sío!

    Do not act as if you were crazy!

  • i cía sío hŵn-lío sǹg sĭ kun-cṳ́ sío;

    though he is insane, his is still a mild form of insanity.

  • hṳ́ kâi sío khṳ̀ cū tăng căi;

    that one’s insanity is of a violent type.

  • Petty; small; trifling; uneducated; vile.

  • sío-jîn;

    rude, boorish.

  • sío-jîn nâng;

    a boor.

  • sío sṳ̄;

    a petty affair; an unimportant matter.

  • sío-khì;

    small minded.

  • sío-khì-kúi;

    a petty, spiteful person.

  • sío-khó̤;

    but a trifle.

  • sío kù;

    no great matter.


  • Ashamed, abashed, conscious of demerit or unworthiness.

  • hāi úa sío-lí căi;

    made me much ashamed.

  • cn̂g kâi m̄ pat sío-lí;

    bŏi sío bŏi lí; does not feel in the least ashamed.

  • i ùi sío-lí;

    he is afraid of bringing disgrace upon himself.

  • sío-lí kàu m̄ káⁿ lâi;

    so ashamed he dare not come.

  • thóiⁿ tîeh sío-lí sí;

    was dreadfully ashamed when she saw it.

  • Relationship between parent and child.

  • put sìo kíaⁿ;

    an unfilial son.

  • khṳ̀ kuaⁿ-hú kò̤ pín put sìo;

    go before a magistrate and charge with unfilial conduct.

  • i kâi a-pĕ íⁿ-keng pín kùe put sìo kâi, ṳ̆ i bô̤ kang;

    his father has already legally disowned him, and has nothing to do with him.

  • i kâi kíaⁿ, tōa kâi cū hàn-sŭn, jī kâi cū put-sìo;

    of his sons, the eldest is filial, and the next to the eldest is unfilial.

  • Young; juvenile; junior.

  • hŵn-lío sìo nî;

    he is still very young.

  • sìo nî ke;

    a young family.

  • sìo nî lău sêng;

    a young man with the wisdom of age.

  • lău sìo;

    old and young.

  • sìo îa;

    the young master.

  • sìo nái;

    the young mistress.

  • To enumerate; to count; deal out; to find out the number; an account, a bill; a list.

  • sìo thóiⁿ jîeh cōi;

    count them and see how many there are.

  • sìo tāⁿ;

    make a mistake in counting.

  • cài sìo ke hûe;

    count them over again.

  • lêng-ūaⁿ sìo;

    count again.

  • sǹg-sìo;

    to reckon; to calculate.

  • sìo phŏ;

    an account book.

  • sìo-mâk-jī;


  • kìⁿ sìo; chĭeⁿ sìo; lô̤h sìu;

    set down in account.

  • pîaⁿ sìo;

    transfer an account.

  • chau sìo;

    copy out an account.

  • tùi sìo;

    compare accounts in order to verify them.

  • hŭe sìo;

    transfer a bill in payment of a debt.

  • khìam sìo;

    unsettled balance.

  • thó̤ sìo;

    dun for the amount of a bill.

  • hâiⁿ sìo;

    to pay bills.

  • hok sìo;

    verify an account by again calculating it.

  • bô̤ sìo;

    there is no account to be reckoned.

  • siu sìo;

    to collect bills.

  • cheng sìo;

    to clear off an account.

  • sìo m̄ tîeh i;

    did not reckon him in.

  • o̤h sìo;

    difficult to determine.

  • sìo-búe ap cheng;

    the balance is paid in full.

  • i tó̤ kẃn sìo;

    he keeps the accounts.

  • lí sìo-bâk;

    regulate the accounts.

  • sìo pâng;

    counting room.

  • thien kang tīaⁿ sìo;

    fixed as fate; exact as the cycle.

  • thien sìo íⁿ tīaⁿ;

    destiny is fixed.

  • tăi sìo lâng tô̤;

    destiny cannot be escaped.

  • seⁿ sí ŭ sìo;

    life and death are as fate determines.


  • The long legged spider.

  • sìo-cîⁿ, si li ŭ si, bŏi kio ti-tu hìeⁿ-seⁿ keⁿ kâi;

    the shepherd spider has a web indeed, but it is not woven like that of the house spider.

  • Like; resembling; likeness.

  • lṳ́ thóiⁿ sĭo a m̄ sĭo;

    do you think the likeness good?

  • thóiⁿ tîeh sĭo căi;

    it is very like him.

  • sĭo kàu jīn m̄ pat tò̤ khṳ̀;

    so much alike one cannot tell them apart.

  • àiⁿ ūe kàu câp hun sĭo tîeh ŭ hó̤-hó̤ kâi kang;

    if you want an exact likeness drawn you must have an expert workman.

  • úa thóiⁿ tîeh li bô̤ mih sĭo;

    it does not look much like him.

  • bŏ̤i ā, ŭ kúi sîaⁿ sĭo;

    yes, it does, it is somewhat like.