A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / seng | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / seng

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  • A Chinese quart, dry or liquid; to complete or bring about; the 46th diagram denoting advancement; to advance; to rise, as in office.

  • nŏ̤ tâng sĭ cêk seng, câp seng cū cò̤ cêk táu, câp táu cò̤ cêk cîeh;

    two pints make a quart, ten quarts make a pock, and ten pecks make a chaldron.

  • cêk seng bí;

    a quart of rice.

  • nŏ̤ seng cíu;

    two quarts of wine.

  • kuaⁿ chut lâi seng tn̂g;

    the magistrate has come out and opened court.

  • cí-hûe híang seng-tn̂g-phàu;

    the cannon announcing the opening of the court has just been fired.

  • to̤h jît seng êⁿ;

    choose a lucky day for raising the roof beams.

  • seng kî;

    raise a flag.

  • seng pín;

    promotion in rank.

  • seng-cĭeⁿ;

    to ascend.

  • jît seng khí lâi, gûeh tîm lô̤h khṳ̀;

    as the sun rises the moon sets.

  • cìeⁿ-seⁿ thóiⁿ tîeh ío ŭ seng kàng;

    thus there appears to be more ups and downs.

  • àiⁿ seng phû kúi chieh?

    How many feet should it be raised?

  • seng kûiⁿ saⁿ chieh cū hó̤;

    to raise it three feet more will be sufficient.

  • Relatives of other surnames; the sons of a sister.

  • gūa seng sun sài;

    a sister’s son’s daughter’s husband.

  • To rise, as in office.

  • seng kuaⁿ;

    promoted to office.

  • seng kuaⁿ, kàng gê-mn̂g;

    promotion in rank with diminution of power.

  • cí jît kau seng;

    may you soon be promoted.

  • seng jīm;

    obtain a post.

  • An instrument of the organ kind, a Pandean pipe, composed of thirteen dissimilar reeds inserted in a gourd-bulb, with a bent blow-pipe; the music is made by inhaling the air through the reeds.

  • kuh seng;

    to play the Pandean pipe.

  • Life; the living; means of living.

  • hâk-seng;


  • mn̂g-seng;

    disciple, pupil.

  • mńg-seng;

    an adherent.

  • cṳ seng;

    a scholar.

  • ui-seng;

    a physician.

  • thien-bûn-seng;

    an astrologer.

  • seng tòaⁿ;

    actors, taking male and female parts.

  • bú-seng; bú-seng-ŵn;

    military men.

  • cìaⁿ seng;


  • lău seng;

    an old man.

  • seng-lí;

    trade, commercial transactions.

  • cò̤ seng-lí nâng;

    those engaged in trade.

  • hó̤ seng-lí;

    a profitable business.

  • An ape, described as having yellow hair, sharp ears, and a human face. Strange stories are told of its ability to speak, wear shoes, drink wine, and go in companies.

  • nâng tàⁿ seng ŏi tàⁿ ūe, sĭ mē?

    People say the yellow ape can talk, is it so?

  • A banner.

  • chíaⁿ seng pío;

    request that a worthy person may be honored with a scroll.

  • seng pío cak hàu;

    a testimonial to filial piety.

  • The mulberry tree.

  • seng-sûi châ;

    mulberry wood.

  • seng-sûi cí;


  • To conquer; to get the victory; to excel.

  • i kâi nâng hàuⁿ sèng;

    he loves to be first.

  • sèng kùe pât nâng;

    surpasses other people.

  • phah sèng cĭang;

    win a battle.

  • tit sèng tńg lâi;

    returned victorious.

  • i nŏ̤ nâng cìen khṳ̀ m̄ hun sèng-hŭ;

    neither of the two got the advantage of the other in the fight.

  • cìen sèng;

    to overcome in battle.

  • cō̤ sèng sì;

    on the winning side.

  • hûa-kî, âng sèng;

    the red wins (in the game of chess).

  • Guileless; sinceire; real; unalloyed; really; verily; in fact.

  • sêng-sim;


  • sêng-kèng;

    pure-minded reverence.

  • tâu sêng;

    return to allegiance.

  • sêng-sît;


  • ci sêng cū ŏi kám-tŏng sîn-mêng;

    entire sincerity will move the gods.

  • The bastard banyan.

  • sêng chīu;

    the banyan tree.

  • ciaⁿ gûeh cèng tek, jî gûeh cèng sêng;

    in the first month plant bamboos, in the second month banyans.

  • To succeed to; to take over; to undertake; to receive and hold.

  • sĭ kio i sêng pûe kâi;

    is what ho has taken off her hands; has superseded him in the possession or occupancy of it.

  • cí kâi sĭ kio nâng sêng kâi;

    this is something taken over from another.

  • cía sêng-sĭu m̄ khí;

    I am not adequate to this.

  • hŏng-sêng;

    adulation; flattery.

  • sêng-ciap i kâi ĕ chíu;

    take hold when he lets go.

  • sêng tng m̄ tit;

    cannot bear up under so much; cannot answer for it.

  • i tó̤ tng sêng-hwt-pâng cóng-su;

    he is the officer in the Board who receives and forwards dispatches.

  • sêng cīeⁿ kâi mĕng;

    to receive orders from a superior in office.

  • cang i a-tĭ kâi kíaⁿ lâi sêng i kâi hieⁿ-teng;

    adopted his younger brother’s son, as a successor who should in his stead worship the manes.

  • To aid, to second; a deputy, a coadjutor, an assistant.

  • sêng-sìeⁿ;

    a prime minister (an ancient term).

  • kūiⁿ-sêng;

    a district magistrate’s deputy.

  • jī ke sĭ sêng;

    they are coadjutors each to the other.

  • îah-sêng;

    a road-master superintending a station on a post-road.

  • In arithmetic, to multiply.

  • sǹg-sìo put kùe sĭ ēng kui in sêng tṳ̂ kâi huap;

    calculation is merely the use of the rules for division, addition, multiplication and subtraction.

  • To bring to pass.

  • sêng cĭu;


  • cò̤ tit sêng;

    can compass it.

  • cò̤ m̄ sêng;

    could not bring it about.

  • cò̤ sêng a būe?

    Is it yet completed?

  • m̄ sêng khi̤;

    not fitted for the position.

  • sêng jîn khì;

    fitted for actual life.

  • tì sêng pēⁿ;

    to become sick.

  • cò̤ sêng lío;

    already effected.

  • lṳ́ thóiⁿ cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ cò̤ tit sêng;

    see whether this can be effected.

  • sêng teng;

    an adult.

  • būe sêng teng;

    a minor.

  • i kâi chin íⁿ-keng cò̤ sêng lío;

    his marriage is already consummated.

  • tô̤h jît sêng chin;

    choose the day for the wedding.

  • m̄ sen̂g phìen tn̄g;

    not amounting to a wholesale packet.

  • kong sêng, mîaⁿ cĭu;

    honors attained and fame secured.

  • lău-sêng căi;


  • The pine tree.

  • sêng-peh;


  • sêng-hieⁿ;

    resin, pitch.

  • sêng thùaⁿ;

    charcoal made from pine.

  • sêng-peh lûi;

    pine cones.

  • sêng-peh chiu;

    pine needles.

  • lô̤-hàng-sêng;

    the yew.

  • To seize the opportunity; to take advantage of; to avail one’s self of; in arithmetic, to multiply.

  • sĕng ŭ khang-khiah cū jîp khṳ̀;

    get in through a crack.

  • sĕng ki-hŭe;

    seize the chance.

  • sĕng i bô̤ ṳ̆-pĭ;

    catch him unprepared.

  • sĕng huang, pàng húe;

    when the wind is right, set it on fire.

  • sĕng cí kâi sì ío kōi cò̤;

    take advantage of the drift in that direction, and it will be more easily done.

  • kui in sĕng tṳ̂ kâi sǹg huap;

    the rules for division, addition, multiplication and subtraction.

  • sĕng ki cak-lw̆n;

    take the opportunity to revolt.

  • sĕng pĭen kìa lâi;

    send it when there is a convenient opportunity.

  • Plenteous; abundant; flourishing; exuberant; in perfect conditio.

  • jú buah jú sĕng;

    the more I annoint it, the more it spreads.

  • mŏng-sĕng;

    luxuriant; affluent; thrifty.

  • sĕng sue;

    to thrive or to decline; growing vigorous, or failing in health.

  • cí hûe cìaⁿ tó̤ sĕng kâi sî-hāu;

    this is a prosperous time with it.

  • thô̤ hue sĕng khui kâi sî-hāu;

    when the peaches are in bloom.

  • i kâi húe tó̤ sĕng;

    the fever is increasing.

  • húe tó̤ sĕng, phah m̄ kùe;

    the fire is burning more hotly, and cannot be extinguished.

  • châk-sì sĕng;

    the rebels gather strength.

  • cía sĭ i cêk tn̄g sĕng ì;

    this is his idea about it.