A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / sek | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / sek

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  • To toss, to pitch, to fling.

  • sek kùe lâi, sek kùe khṳ̀;

    tossed to and fro.

  • màiⁿ khṳt i sek tîeh;

    do not let it hit you as it flies.

  • úa sek, lṳ́ cih;

    I will toss it, and you catch it.

  • To unloose, to free, to liberate; to open out the meaning; to relax; to slight or let alone; to leave; to melt or dissipate.

  • i m̄ khéng sek chíu;

    he would not loose his hold.

  • sek-pàng i;

    loose him and let him go.

  • sek-kà;

    the Buddhists.

  • sek-kia-hût;

    Sakyamuni, the solitary, the monk of the Sakyas, also called Buddha, who died B. C. 643.

  • cía cṳ kâi cù-sek sĭ tī-tîang cù kâi?

    By whom was the commentary on this book written?

  • cí nŏ̤ mîaⁿ, chíaⁿ kuaⁿ-hú tiah-sek;

    pray the magistrate to remove these two names from among those of the persons who are to be punished.

  • líang ke būe hûa, cò̤ ŭ jîp sek-sŏng?

    The two parties not having come to a reconciliation, why enter an appeal to relax the prosecution?

  • cí tieⁿ sek-tîaⁿ kang-khó cò̤ căi, líang ke sui-sĭ àiⁿ hûa-sek ūe tàⁿ m̄ tńg;

    this plea for a cessation of the prosecution is very difficult to make, for although the parties desire a peaceful settlement to be announced, what has been spoken cannot be recalled.

  • cău-hùe kuaⁿ khai-sek i;

    fortunately the magistrate released him, and did not keep him under arrest.

  • kói-sek;

    to explain.

  • khṳ̀ khǹg-sek i;

    go and expostulate with him.

  • To set up.

  • phûe-sek;

    to set up in life.

  • cí kâi kíaⁿ-tĭ sĭ hó̤ phûe-sek kâi;

    this youth is one whom it is worth while to start in life.

  • tăi-tăi phûe-sek i;

    did much to give him a start in life.

  • To adorn, to paint, to ornament; to set off; to gloss over; to pretend; to patch up; to brighten; ornaments.

  • i taⁿ tó̤ khui hok-sek phò;

    ho now keeps a shop in which theatrical costumes are sold.

  • ūaⁿ cêk sin hok-sek, sĭ àiⁿ khṳ̀ cò̤ kheh kâi īeⁿ;

    changed all his garments, as if he were going out to pay a visit.

  • íam-sek kàu bô̤ nâng cai;

    kept it under cover, so that no one knew.

  • gūa mīn hún sek kàu hó̤ thóiⁿ căi;

    the outside is beautifully tinted.

  • cuang-sek;

    bedizened, tricked out; specious.

  • i kâi tàⁿ ūe nĕ sît-sît, bô̤ cuang bô̤ sek;

    what he says is perfectly true, nothing is glossed or slurred over.

  • síu-sek;

    women’s head ornaments.

  • síu-sek;

    to brighten up, to adorn, to make comely by repairing; to paint and whitewash.

  • A sample; an example; a form, fashion, rule, or pattern; to make like a copy.

  • hâh sek;

    like the sample.

  • hâh sim sek;

    corresponding to the ideal.

  • keh-sek;

    the model.

  • hŭam keh-sek;

    go contrary to the pattern.

  • cúa-khò-sek;

    a copy slip.

  • jī sía lâi ŭ thiap sek;

    the letters are written so well as to be fit for a copy.

  • bô̤ khẃn bô̤ sek;

    without style or rule.

  • lṳ́ àiⁿ sĭm-mih khẃn-sek kâi?

    What sort of ones do you want?

  • i cí ău íⁿ-keng sek-ngûi;

    he is latterly much reduced in circumstances.

  • cêk sek ngṳ̂n;

    a dime.


  • To leave, to abandon, to cast away, to dismiss; to put aside or let go.

  • sek tīo i bó tŏ̤ chù kò̤, lío cò̤ i khṳ̀;

    left his wife there at home and went off.

  • sim àiⁿ sek tīo, sek m̄ khṳ̀;

    cannot dismiss it from my thoughts.

  • kûi i sek pàng kò̤;

    let it go and leave it there.

  • sek tŏ̤-kò̤ káng nî;

    left behind for about a year.

  • khṳt i sek tŏ̤ cí kò̤, kang-khó căi;

    left here by him, in great distress.

  • To rest; to desist and repose; to produce; interest on money.

  • ang-sek-jît;


  • hiah-sek;

    to stop and rest.

  • sek nō̤ⁿ;

    to appease wrath.

  • lāi-sek;

    the interest on money lent.

  • ŭ sĭm-mih chut sek mē?

    Are there any perquisites?

  • seⁿ sek;

    bear interest.

  • cṳ́-sek;


  • i kâi cṳ́-sek pô̤h;

    she has but a small family.

  • mîn uaⁿ, tău sek;

    the people tranquil, and marauders quiet.

  • sek piaⁿ;

    to suspend military operations.

  • To accord; to suit; to chime in.

  • sek ì;

    consonant with one’s desire.

  • bô̤ cêk kâi sek i kâi ì;

    there is not one that suits him.

  • i sek-ì kâi cū hó̤;

    if he likes it that is sufficient.

  • cía put kùe sĭ sek chêng cē;

    this is nothing more than taking a little relaxation.

  • sek ngŏ̤ ŭ nâng-khek lâi;

    just then a visitor came.

  • Experienced; versed in.

  • kìen-sek;


  • kìen sek chim;

    thoroughly versed in.

  • chŵn bô̤ kìen-sek;

    wholly without experience.

  • sêk sek cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;

    versed in this business.

  • Air, manner; form, color, hue; complexion; expression of the face; the deportment; to look blandly; mode.

  • sort, kind, quality;

    glory, beauty; lust; a show of well dressed women; in Buddhism one of the six outward perceptions, that of form.

  • sek cúi;


  • chái cò̤ ngŏ sek;

    adorned with all the various colors.

  • thiaⁿ tîeh, mīn cū cak sek;

    on hearing it, he changed color.

  • cheⁿ sek;

    green, the color of leaves, the colors found in nature; applied to various shades of green, blue, gray and brown.

  • n̂g sek;


  • chiah sek;

    flesh-colored; the color of undressed leather.

  • pêh sek;


  • o sek; hek sek;


  • lâm sek;

    indigo blue.

  • âng sek;


  • lêk sek;


  • cí sek;


  • chíⁿ sek;

    bright blue.

  • thô̤-âng-sek;


  • tṳ-kuaⁿ sek;

    a reddish brown.

  • hun-cío sek;

    dove color.

  • hui sek; húe-hu sek;


  • thien-cheⁿ sek;

    dark purple.

  • tàng-cheⁿ sek;

    cream color.

  • chim sek;

    a dark shade of this color.

  • chíen sek;

    a pale shade.

  • lâh sek;

    mahogany color.

  • câp sek;

    mixed colors.

  • pńg sek;

    the natural color; undyed.

  • jíam sek;

    to color, to tint.

  • àiⁿ ní tī cêk sek?

    What color do you want it dyed?

  • thóiⁿ tîeh m̄ cîaⁿ sek, m̄ cîaⁿ sîn;

    it does not appear to be thoroughly and fully dyed.

  • sek-cêk;

    gloss, luster, brightness of color.

  • ní chut lâi bô̤ sek-cêk;

    it is not dyed so as to give it luster.

  • chut sek kâi nâng-ŵn;

    an officer above the common run.

  • bô̤ mih chut sek;

    not much beyond the common sort.

  • mîaⁿ-sek;

    reputation; fame; good name.

  • ŭ mîaⁿ-sek kâi nâng;

    is a man of repute.

  • cok sek kâi ngṳ̂n;

    pure silver.

  • sek sek kŭ chŵn;

    every sort is kept on hand.

  • kòiⁿ sek;


  • cìaⁿ sek;

    a solid color.

  • hṳ́ kâi nâng hàuⁿ sek, cí kâi nâng cíe sek-îok;

    that one is inclined to be salacious, the other is less libidinous.

  • khí sek;

    increasing prosperity or improvement.

  • sek-sîn ngía căi;

    the colors are beautiful.

  • sek-līo àiⁿ cò̤-nî phùe-kah?

    How are the dye-stuffs to be compounded?

  • To comprehend in all particulars; minutely.

  • sêk sek;

    fully understand.

  • i cū sêk sek cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;

    he knows all about this.

  • sái kàu mih nâng cai sek;

    make every one acquainted with the details.

  • sek thàng;

    thoroughly acquainted with.

  • A polypus.

  • i kâi phīⁿ seⁿ sek-nêk;

    he has a polypus in his nose.

  • Ripe, mellow, mature; well cooked; acquainted with; perfect at; skilled, experienced, apt at; intimate, very friendly.

  • pû būe sêk;

    it is not yet boiled through.

  • kúe-cí tng sêk kâi sî-hāu;

    when the fruit is ripe.

  • chīu-câng-sêk kâi sūaiⁿ;

    mangoes ripened on the tree.

  • sêk chíu;

    a skilled hand.

  • sêk nâng bô̤ lói;

    intimate acquaintances dispense with ceremony.

  • nâng sêk, lói m̄ sêk;

    familiarity breeds contempt.

  • ô̤h sêk cē;

    learn it more perfectly.

  • līen kàu nĕ sêk-sêk;

    practised it till he became very expert in it.

  • cêk ē lô̤h khṳ̀, cū bŏi cîah sêk bí;

    after one fall you will not be able to eat cooked rice; it will be fatal to you.

  • i nŏ̤ nâng sie sêk;

    the two are very friendly with each other.

  • khĭa-khí khah sêk;

    stayed there till he became too familiar.

  • pû khah kùe sêk;

    boiled too much.

  • káu sîa sêk cū hó̤;

    to cook it till it is nearly done is enough.

  • cṳ tîeh thâk kàu sêk-sêk;

    you must learn your lessons perfectly.

  • sêk nâng căi; made himself very much at home.

  • sêk-sāi;

    not at all diffident; unabashed.

  • sêk sêk nē, màiⁿ cṳ̆-sòi;

    being well acquainted, do not take thought about it.

  • cía sĭ ún chī sêk kâi;

    this is one we have tamed.

  • ēng sêk-lôi khṳ̀ ín cheⁿ-lôi lâi;

    employ a half-civilized one to go and bring one of the aborigines.

  • cí tîo lō lìu kàu sêk;

    have travelled this road till I know it well.

  • cĭu sêk lō kîaⁿ;

    go by a well known road.

  • cíeⁿ pn̄g bŏi sêk;

    the watched pot never boils.

  • tah i bói kâi sêk-tâng-só̤;

    commission him to buy a wrought brass lock.

  • sêk thn̂g;

    to make sugar.

  • àiⁿ ka cò̤ cheⁿ si, a sĭ sêk si?

    Do you wish to buy a piece of stiff silk, or of pliable silk?

  • sêk nêk;

    cooked meat.

  • sêk hṳ̂;

    cooked fish.

  • sêk châk;

    a thief who is acquainted with the premises.

  • sêk mīn, sêk mīn;

    a very familiar face.

  • soiⁿ càⁿ sêk;

    first scald it in hot water till it is done.

  • sêk îeh phò;

    a shop where prepared drugs are sold.