A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / seⁿ | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / seⁿ

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  • Sacrificial animals, of which there are six; victims.

  • saⁿ seⁿ;

    poultry, pork and fish.

  • seⁿ kháu;

    carcasses prepared as offerings.

  • phōiⁿ cêk hù ngŏ-seⁿ khṳ̀ pài sîn;

    prepare a full complement of victims and lay them before the gods.

  • ceng-seⁿ;

    draught animals or cattle.

  • chī ceng-seⁿ;

    rear domestic animals.

  • To bear; to produce; to arise, as an event; to grow; to beget; to bring about the birth of; to excite; to live; to come forth; life, vitality; the living; manner of living; raw; unpolished.

  • seⁿ kíaⁿ;

    to bear a child.

  • bŏi seⁿ;


  • chin seⁿ kíaⁿ;

    own child.

  • seⁿ pēⁿ;

    become ill.

  • sin-seⁿ;

    a teacher.

  • phêng seⁿ;

    the whole life.

  • seⁿ phêng bô̤ ak sṳ̄;

    has done no evil in all his life.

  • ŭ seⁿ ì;

    looks as if it were growing.

  • hṳ̂-seⁿ;

    a preparation of raw fish.

  • boí khṳ̀ pàng seⁿ;

    buy living creatures in order to set them free, an act considered to be meritorious.

  • seⁿ-seⁿ put íⁿ;

    age after age in unceasing succession.

  • seⁿ lâi ngía;

    is handsome.

  • cṳ̆ seⁿ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    is naturally thus.

  • seⁿ cîn kâi; seⁿ-sêng kâi;

    is natural.

  • chau seⁿ suah cṳ khŵn;

    holds the power of life and death.

  • seⁿ chut sì;

    to be born into the world.

  • seⁿ jît;


  • chông i seⁿ chut lâi kâi;

    arises out of that.

  • thâu tho̤ seⁿ kâi kíaⁿ;

    the first born son.

  • tho̤ seⁿ;


  • n̆ng seⁿ;


  • sip seⁿ;

    produced by moisture.

  • hùe seⁿ;


  • tho̤h seⁿ;

    the doctrine of rewards and punishments by a second life.

  • thau seⁿ kíaⁿ;

    bear a child by stealth.

  • khin seⁿ;

    set light by one’s life.

  • seⁿ khì;

    get angry.

  • ciap tîeh i kâi seⁿ-khì;

    prolong his life.

  • seⁿ kòi;

    have the itch.

  • seⁿ ko;

    become mouldy.

  • bw̄n-bw̄n seⁿ-lêng;

    all living creatures.

  • seⁿ n̆ng;

    lay eggs.

  • lṳ́ thóiⁿ hṳ́ lîap mûeh kâi sĭ seⁿ sĭm-mûeh?

    What do you think that little sore is that is coming out upon him?

  • nín kâi hieⁿ-lí seⁿ tŏ̤ tī kò̤?

    Where is your village located?

  • úang i pĕ-bó̤ seⁿ i kàu cìaⁿ tōa!

    It is a pity that his parents reared him!

  • i lîen seⁿ sin cṳ pún to m̄ kù, cò̤ ŭ kù pât nâng?

    Since he does not regard his own progenitors, how can he show consideration for other people?

  • i seⁿ khṳ̀ ko̤h īeⁿ căi;

    he is very much deformed.

  • i kâi thâu-khak seⁿ lâm-sap;

    lie has sores on his head, arising from neglect.

  • seⁿ jûah-pauh;

    has a cold-sore.

  • seⁿ thûe;

    has boils.

  • seⁿ cîⁿ;

    borrow money on interest.

  • i côiⁿ seⁿ côiⁿ sì sĭ cò̤ cek ak;

    his sins in a former life were numerous.

  • hău-seⁿ;

    young; in the vigor of youth.

  • àiⁿ cai côiⁿ-seⁿ sṳ̄, kim-seⁿ sĭu-cía sĭ;

    would you know what were the events in your former state of existence, you have but to consider what your present state of existence has been made.

  • tek seⁿ;


  • seⁿ súaⁿ;


  • hûeⁿ seⁿ;

    a cross presentation at childbirth.

  • tò̤ seⁿ;

    presentation of the feet first in childbirth.

  • chui seⁿ hû;

    a charm to produce easy parturition.

  • chui seⁿ lô̤;

    a spiral shell, supposed to hasten parturition.

  • kin-nî kâi tāu seⁿ cōi căi, kū-nî cn̂g kâi bŏⁿ seⁿ;

    the peas are very productive this year, last year they did not bear at all.

  • seⁿ thâng;

    have worms on them.

  • seⁿ tŏa;

    have grubs in them.

  • màiⁿ seⁿ kîeⁿ kùe seⁿ;

    it would have been better not to have begotten you.

  • màiⁿ seⁿ kîeⁿ pak îeh;

    prevention is better than cure.

  • seⁿ tâk mûeh;

    have a malignant ulcer.

  • i m̄ hio seⁿ sí mn̂g;

    he does not know in which way safety lies.

  • ŭ-cîⁿ-cía seⁿ, bô̤-cîⁿ-cía sí;

    the moneyed ones live, the moneyless die.

  • kìaⁿ-seⁿ;

    a parasite; lichens.

  • seⁿ sek;

    the income from money lent.

  • seⁿ-îok;


  • to̤ seⁿ, cíe íang;

    bear many and rear few.

  • seⁿ tau-kíaⁿ;

    bear a son.

  • seⁿ cáu-kíaⁿ;

    bear a daughter.

  • seⁿ sṳ̄;

    lead to a disturbance.

  • seⁿ ūe;

    give rise to an altercation.

  • ngw̆n seⁿ ngw̆n sí;

    willing to stake his life on it.

  • tham seⁿ phàⁿ sí;

    long for life and dread death.

  • sí seⁿ ŭ mīaⁿ;

    life and death are as fate decrees; no man can die till his time comes.

  • i seⁿ gūa sṳ̄;

    he indulges in pleasures which are not domestic.

  • cṳ̆ íu seⁿ íⁿ-lâi m̄ pat thóiⁿ-kìⁿ;

    I never saw such a thing in all my life.

  • thiⁿ seⁿ cṳ̄-jîen;

    a natural production.

  • tâu seⁿ, bô̤ tâu sí;

    one gives himself up that he may live, not that he may die.

  • seⁿ tâk;

    to become poisonous.

  • bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ îong-seⁿ;

    no means of getting a living.

  • seⁿ khùn tó kâi kíaⁿ;

    have a son that is of no use.

  • cêk seⁿ nâng;

    all my life.

  • seⁿ i tit phû;

    can surpass her in bearing children.

  • tîeh i ka-kī tó lâi ŏi seⁿ pìen;

    he must be able to think it out for himself.

  • cía sĭ i tó̤ seⁿ ko peh-lêh kâi;

    this is prevarication on his part.

  • Manner; method; style; way.

  • cìeⁿ-seⁿ hó̤, a hìeⁿ-seⁿ hó̤?

    Is this or is that the better way?

  • căi-seⁿ? căi-seⁿ-ieⁿ?

    What sort of thing is it?

  • cū sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    that is the way it is; nothing more need be said about it.

  • Cast iron.

  • sĭ thih kâi a sĭ seⁿ kâi?

    Is it of wrought iron or of cast iron?

  • seⁿ ue;

    a cast iron pot.

  • lâm seⁿ;

    pour out melted iron.

  • Raw, minced flesh.

  • hṳ̂ seⁿ;

    boned fish.

  • hṳ̂ seⁿ chò;

    the vinegar for boned fish.

  • A province of the empire; to save, to spare, to diminish; to examine, to inspect; watchful; to awaken.

  • séⁿ cîⁿ;

    lessen the expense.

  • séⁿ sṳ̄;

    makes less trouble.

  • séⁿ kíam;

    to reduce the outlay.

  • séⁿ-seⁿ nē;

    very sparing.

  • câp-poih séⁿ;

    the eighteen provinces.

  • séⁿ sîaⁿ; séⁿ hŭe;

    the provincial capital.

  • hun-hwt séⁿ-hun;

    sent him to a post in the provinces.

  • séⁿ so̤-hùi;

    save expense.

  • hùi-ēng lîah séⁿ cē cū kàu;

    if the outlays are frugally made, there will be enough.

  • séⁿ-chak mêng-pêh;

    investigate thoroughly.

  • ău-lâi cìaⁿ séⁿ-ngŏ̤;

    was afterward roused to a sense of his danger.

  • hûe ke séⁿ chin;

    return home and look after his own affairs.

  • cía sĭ séⁿ-úi kâi, m̄ sĭ kiaⁿ-pàng;

    this one is a deputy sent from the provincial capital, not a commissioner sent from Peking.

  • lô̤h séⁿ; cìn séⁿ, jîp séⁿ; kàu séⁿ;

    to go to the provincial city.

  • chut séⁿ;

    leave the province.

  • kòi séⁿ;

    convoy a criminal to Canton.

  • keh séⁿ;

    the adjacent province.

  • pńg séⁿ;

    our own province.

  • Natural disposition; temper, spirit; a quality; a property; faculty; naturally, unconstrainedly.

  • sèⁿ-mīaⁿ;

    the life; one’s existence.

  • i ngĕ sèⁿ căi;

    she is very set in her way.

  • sèⁿ ngĕ căi;

    obstinate, mulish.

  • sèⁿ màiⁿ khah kip;

    do not be too impatient.

  • i kâi sèⁿ sĭang kín, cí kâi sèⁿ cū māng;

    his is an impetuous nature, the other is more moderate.

  • sèⁿ-chêng khwn-hûa;

    an easy temper.

  • ŭ hueh sèⁿ kâi nâng;

    a person who is quick to feel, and earnest in doing.

  • i ío hío îeh sèⁿ;

    he better understands the nature of the remedies.

  • cí īeⁿ îeh kâi sèⁿ hâng-lîang;

    this is a cooling medicine.

  • i kâi sèⁿ-chêng căi-seⁿ-īeⁿ?

    What sort of a disposition has she?

  • sèⁿ tîeh khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ íang;

    the right spirit must gradually be developed.

  • i kâi sèⁿ tōa căi;

    she has a high temper.

  • húe sèⁿ;

    fiery; hot tempered.

  • húe-sèⁿ phû;

    his temper was roused.

  • sèⁿ chàu-pău;

    has a violent temper.

  • pău sèⁿ căi;

    very cruel.

  • sèⁿ un-jîu;

    has a gentle disposition.

  • bô̤ sèⁿ;

    mild, amiable.

  • thò̤ sèⁿ;

    become less testy.

  • i hó̤ sim sèⁿ;

    she is good tempered.

  • màiⁿ jía kàu i kâi sèⁿ phû;

    do not provoke him to anger.

  • i kâi sèⁿ-thâu m̄-hó̤ căi, sèⁿ cē lâi mih mûeh m̄ kẃn;

    ho has a very bad temper, and whenever it is roused lie pays no heed to anything.

  • sèⁿ-lí kâi cṳ;

    mental philosophy, or metaphysics.

  • pek-sèⁿ;


  • khǹg-kòi i sèⁿ màiⁿ pek;

    exhort him not to be hasty.

  • phiah-sèⁿ;


  • ngău-sèⁿ;


  • jím sèⁿ;


  • jĭm sèⁿ;

    acts as he feels; not self-restrained.

  • sai-sèⁿ;


  • sèⁿ kuai-phiah;


  • The surname of a family or clan; a clan; one of a clan.

  • kùi sèⁿ? kau sèⁿ?

    What is your clan name?

  • i nŏ̤ nâng tâng sèⁿ;

    they both belong to the same clan.

  • mâiⁿ-mîaⁿ, mût sèⁿ;

    to conceal one’s name.

  • i kâi sĭm-mih sèⁿ-sĭ?

    What is his surname?

  • peh-sèⁿ;

    the people; the masses.

  • sèⁿ sĭm mûeh?

    Of what clan?

  • ko̤h sèⁿ;

    an odd name.

  • pât sèⁿ;

    another clan.

  • kó sèⁿ;

    old family names.

  • tōa sèⁿ; tōa jī sèⁿ;

    a great clan.

  • síe sèⁿ; mûiⁿ sèⁿ; pĭ sèⁿ;

    an humble name.

  • bói ûi sèⁿ; teh ûi sèⁿ; phah ûi sèⁿ;

    to bet on the names of the successful candidates.

  • ṳ́n-nêk mîaⁿ-sèⁿ;

    to conceal one’s name.

  • hok sèⁿ;

    a double surname, a surname with more than one letter in it.

  • cîah sang sèⁿ;

    belong to two clans.

  • câp sèⁿ;

    of various clans.

  • cí kâi hieⁿ-lí câp sèⁿ;

    the residents in this village are of many different surnames.

  • khĭa sèⁿ;

    the largest clans in a village of mixed clans.

  • cêk sèⁿ chío, cêk sèⁿ phûh;

    one clan is powerful, and the other is weak.