A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / sai | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / sai

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  • To decant liquors; to pour a libtation; to pour out.

  • sai cíu;

    pour wine for a guest.

  • sai ke cêk ceng tê;

    pour another cup of tea.

  • màiⁿ sai khah tĭⁿ;

    do not pour it too full.

  • màiⁿ sai cêk koiⁿ;

    do not spill it in the pouring.

  • The lion, which has long been extinct in China.

  • sai kó, sai bó̤, sai kíaⁿ;

    lion, lioness and whelp.

  • sai tó̤ háu;

    the lion is roaring.

  • phah cêk túi cîeh sai;

    sculpture a pair of stone lions.

  • mŏng sai hóⁿ;

    a pantomime play of masked lions.

  • i kâi phīⁿ seⁿ lâi sai-sai;

    his nose is large and curves upward.

  • thn̂g sai;

    two lions made of sugar.

  • kho a-sai lâi cîah pn̄g;

    call the dog to eat his mess.

  • i cǹg tîeh sai tī;

    he is buried in a good spot.

  • ngò̤ thâu sai;

    an open mouthed, watchful lion.

  • kim sai;

    gilded lions.

  • kuah sai; chak sai;

    to carve lions in wood.

  • sai thâu bō̤;

    a child’s bonnet, having fur ears.


  • The west; western; westward.

  • sai hng;

    western lands.

  • sai pôiⁿ;

    on the west.

  • sai kok;

    European countries.

  • sai îeⁿ;

    the Occident.

  • sai thiⁿ;

    the paradise of Buddha, the nirvana of the common people.

  • sai pin;

    a private tutor (the west side of the hall being the place for guests).

  • màiⁿ taⁿ tang laⁿ sai;

    do not beat about the bush.

  • sai-lam kak;

    the south-western corner.

  • sai-pak;


  • co sai hxang tang;

    located with the back to tue west, and facing east.

  • sai mng;

    the west gate.

  • m̄ kwu i tang sai jl poih;

    it makes no difference where he comes from.

  • nor how his accounts stand;

    have nothing to do with him in any way.

  • Private, personal, selfish; partial; underhand, nefarious; contraband.

  • cáu-sai;

    to smuggle.

  • lîah sai;

    to arrest smugglers.

  • sai hùe;

    smuggled goods.

  • sĭ kong-si seng-lí, a sĭ sai-khia seng-lí?

    Is this business licensed or unlicensed?

  • i chûn ŭ cêk bw̄n sai-khia ngṳ̂n;

    he has ten thousand dollars of his personal funds remaining.

  • sai-ĕ;


  • sai-ĕ sĭ siang-hó̤;

    are privately in agreement.

  • soiⁿ kong, ău sai;

    first public business, and after- ward private affairs.

  • bōi sai îam;

    sell salt that has paid no duty.

  • côih hô̤, sai thiu;

    bar the river and levy for personal use.

  • i khṳ̀ cò̤ sai sṳ̄;

    he has gone to attend to some private affairs.

  • i kio i ŭ sai chêng;

    they have private relationships with each other.

  • sai-cṳ̆ chut kun;

    go out alone in advance of the army.

  • sai ì;

    personal notions.

  • chip-sai kâi nâng;

    the coast guard.

  • The rhinoceros.

  • sai kak;

    a rhinoceros horn, thought by the Chinese to detect poison and often carved into cups.

  • sai-gû;

    a rhinoceros.

  • The jowl; the chops.

  • líang sai;

    the jaws.

  • chíu tho̤h hiang sai;

    she leaned her chin on her hand.

  • líang sai khah khui;

    lantern jawed.

  • ĕ-hâi-sai;

    the lower jaw.

  • A master workman.

  • sai-pĕ;

    an artisan; a clever workman.

  • sai-kíaⁿ;

    an apprentice.

  • sai hiaⁿ tĭ ŭ jîeh cōi nâng?

    How many of the trained hands are there?


  • To command; to order; to send; to employ; to commission; to cause, to effect, to occasion; to serve one’s self by; expense, use, service.

  • àiⁿ sái i khṳ̀ tī-kò̤?

    Where are you going to send him as a messenger?

  • sĭ úa tó̤ sái-hẁn kâi nâng;

    he is a person whom I employ to do errands for me.

  • hàm i màiⁿ sái phî-khì;

    tell him not to be sulky.

  • cí kâi ngṳ̂n sái m̄ khṳ̀;

    this dollar will not pass.

  • sái-ēng;


  • siet-sái i ā-sĭ lâi, úa cū mín khṳ̀;

    in case he should come, then I need not go.

  • jiak-sái ā-sĭ úa tŏ̤ kò̤, i cū m̄ káⁿ;

    if so be that I were there, he would not venture to do it.

  • sái-hùi tīo tōa-bó̤-mûeh ngṳ̂n;

    spent a great amount of money.

  • sái cîⁿ, sái ngṳ̂n;

    lay out money.

  • màiⁿ sái i hŵn-ló̤;

    do not sadden her.

  • tì-sái i kiaⁿ-kŭ;

    renders him apprehensive.

  • sái kàu i huaⁿ-huaⁿ hí-hí;

    makes him very happy.

  • i sĭ sái àm chieⁿ;

    he uses concealed weapons.

  • cí kâi nâng m̄ hó̤ sái;

    this is not one whom it is well to employ.

  • sái sang-to̤;

    wield a double sword.

  • bô̤ nâng hó̤ sái;

    have no one to go at my call.

  • kía-sái sî-hāu a sĭ kùe li cò̤-nî?

    Supposing the time to be already past, what then?

  • Ordure; filth; excrement.

  • pàng sái;

    to go to stool.

  • i ŏi làu-sái a bŏi?

    Has he a diarrhea?

  • sái tháng;

    an ordure bucket.

  • To sail.

  • sái cûn;

    sail a boat.

  • cûn tó̤ sái huang;

    the boat is sailing.

  • sái phâng;

    raise the sail.

  • nín kâi cûn àiⁿ sái khṳ̀ tī kò̤?

    Whither are you sailing?

  • sái tāⁿ káng-kháu;

    sailed into the wrong port.

  • To show off; to rival; to make a display.

  • îaⁿ sîn sài-hŭe kâi sî-hāu;

    when striving to surpass each other in the elegance of the processions accompanying a god.

  • líang-ke tó̤ sie sài;

    the two are trying to see which can make the best show.

  • sài hue-teng;

    the feast of lanterns.

  • sài thóiⁿ tī-tîang kâi sîn chîang ngía;

    see who will make the finest tabernacle for their god.

  • i kâi pêh sài kùe soh;

    its whiteness rivals the snow.

  • sài kó-ngẃn;

    see who will make the greatest display of antique curiosities.

  • sài kùe cin kâi;

    surpasses the actual ones.


  • A son-in-law; a husband.

  • kíaⁿ-sài;


  • jî-sài;


  • tîet-sài;

    niece’s husband.

  • sun sài;

    a son’s daughter’s husband.

  • gūa sun sài;

    a daughter’s daughter’s husband.

  • mūeⁿ sài;

    a younger sister’s husband.

  • i khṳ̀ cò̤ sin kíaⁿ-sài;

    he has gone to pay the first visit to his bride’s parents.

  • i ong sài cò̤-pû lâi;

    the old man and his son-in-law came together.

  • i kâi cáu-kíaⁿ àiⁿ lāu pàng kò̤ cie kíaⁿ-sài kâi;

    they are going to keep their daughter with them and bring a husband for her into their family.

  • tô̤h sài;

    choose a husband.

  • gūa seng sài;

    a sister’s daughter’s husband.

  • To dry in the sun.

  • úa àiⁿ phah kâi sài-péⁿ;

    I am going to make a platform for drying things in the sun.

  • cía tîeh sài kang lío cìaⁿ hó̤ ngói;

    this must first be dried thoroughly in the sun, and then it may be ground fine.

  • khîeh khṳ̀ jît tèng cē sài cū khauh-khauh;

    put it in the sun and dry it a little while, and it will warp from dryness.

  • cía sĭ chó̤-lîak sài kùe jît tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ, hŵn phâk būe kàu tī;

    this has been only slightly exposed to the sun, and is not yet dried through.


  • A messenger; a servant sent to inquire.

  • sài-chîn;

    an envoy, a legate.

  • sài-cía;

    one who is sent.

  • sîn sài;

    an angel.

  • kong sài;

    a delegate.

  • sài-mĕng;

    an ambassador.

  • pù-cèng-sài;

    a civil governor of one province.

  • i khṳ̀ chut sài;

    he has gone as deputy.

  • àng-cak-sài;

    a provincial judge.

  • piaⁿ-pĭ sài-cía;

    an Intendant of Circuit.

  • A frontier, a boundary, a limit.

  • sài gūa kâi tī-hng;

    beyond the borders.

  • piaⁿ-bé chut khṳ̀ kàu sài gūa;

    the troops went over the frontier.

  • The persimmon.

  • âng-săi;

    ripe red persimmons.

  • âng-thang-săi;

    deep red persimmons.

  • thīm săi;

    to cover persimmons with hot chaff in order to ripen them.

  • gû thīm săi;

    yellow persimmons.

  • săi píaⁿ;

    dried persimmons.

  • săi lih;

    the persistent calyx.

  • săi píaⁿ lih;

    the calyx and stems of dried persimmons.

  • săi hut ;

    the seeds.

  • săi sng;

    the flour on the surface of dried persimmons.

  • ieh săi-khĭ;

    guess at the number of carpels in an unopened persimmon.

  • âng-săi-kîe;


  • cháu săi-kíaⁿ;

    the red fruit of the belladonna plant.

  • siap săi;

    the astringent persimmon.

  • To offer sacrifices to gods or devils; to set up and worship as a god.

  • sāi sîn cîah sîn, sāi hût cîah hût;

    those who offer sacrifice to the gods, live on the gods, those who offer sacrifice to Buddha live on


  • sāi có-kong;

    worship the ancestors.

  • sāi cò̤ cêk kham;

    set them up in one shrine.

  • Timber; lumber.

  • châ sāi;

    wood used as material for making things.

  • hó̤ cò̤ sāi;

    this will do for the stuff to use in the making.

  • to̤ m̄ cĭeⁿ sāi;

    this will not do to use as the timber for making it.

  • êⁿ sāi;

    timber for rafters.

  • sam sāi;

    pine lumber.