A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / pun | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / pun

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  • To distribute; to apportion; to divide up.

  • i nŏ̤ nâng íⁿ-keng pun khui cîah;

    the two have already established themselves separately in housekeeping.

  • i a-tĭ tó̤ pìaⁿ pun ke-húe;

    his younger brother is pressing him to divide the property.

  • kâi nâng pun ŭ jîeh cōi bó châng?

    How many acres of land does each get in the division of property?

  • pun cò̤ câp hūn;

    divide it into ten equal portions.

  • cŏ̤ suaⁿ pun hūn;

    remains at head-quarters, to apportion to each his share.

  • jw̆n pun, pun m̄ lío;

    an endless remainder when divided.

  • lô̤h sĭm mûeh cē pun cū cheng-chó̤?

    What do you put in to separate the different elements?

  • i ke lăi saⁿ pun lâk ko̤h;

    in that family each is for himself.

  • chīu pun a;

    the tree forks.

  • khoi pun cò̤ nŏ̤ pôiⁿ;

    the river divides into two branches.

  • kîaⁿ kàu cí kò̤ pun cò̤ ku-ā tîo lō;

    at this point the road divides into several branches.

  • thàng cîⁿ pêⁿ pun;

    divide the earnings equally.

  • pun sùaⁿ; pun khui;

    to separate.

  • kîaⁿ kàu pùaⁿ lō cū pun lō;

    half way there the road divides.

  • A sign of the passive voice, showing that what follows was suffered or done.

  • i pun nâng khi-hŭ;

    he was imposed upon by people.

  • nín sĭ àiⁿ pun nâng o̤-ló̤ a sĭ àiⁿ pun nâng mēⁿ?

    Do you want people to praise you or to blame you?

  • pun kuaⁿ-hú lîah khṳ̀;

    seized by the magistrate.

  • pun i cŭang tîeh;

    suffered from the force of the collison.

  • pun i nâk tîeh;

    was clutched by him.

  • To give to; to supply; to afford opportunity.

  • cí kĭaⁿ mûeh khîeh khṳ̀ pun i;

    take this and give it to him.

  • bô̤ mûeh hó̤ pun i;

    I have nothing to give him.

  • koiⁿ chù pun i tīn;

    gave him a house to live in.

  • cho̤h châng pun i sĭu co;

    allowed him to receive the rent of a piece of ground.

  • cài kiah ke nŏ̤ koiⁿ phò pun i, i àiⁿ i buah ke koiⁿ pun i;

    after he had set aside two more shops for her, she wanted him to set apart another one for her.

  • lṳ́ pun úa thóiⁿ;

    let me see it.

  • i ā-sĭ keh sek cū màiⁿ pun i cîah;

    if he is disobedient, do not give him anything to eat.

  • kâi tī-tîang pun lṳ́ kâi?

    Who gave it to you?

  • Native; proper; appropriate to; one’s own.

  • bûang pún;

    to forget one’s parents.

  • pún lâi úa m̆ khṳ̀;

    I should not have gone of myself.

  • pún-tī nâng;


  • hó̤ pún-sṳ̄;

    capable; clever.

  • i kâi pún-nía tōa căi;

    he has great abilities.

  • a-pún;

    a clerk or secretary in a yamun.

  • Ordure; filth; muck; dung; manure.

  • cêk bó châng ēng lô̤h jîeh cōi pûi-pùn?

    How much fertilizing matter must be put on one acre of ground?

  • put tīo tŏ-pùn;

    clear away the rubbish.

  • pùn-mn̂g;

    the anus.

  • pùn-ki;

    a dust hod.

  • pùn tî;

    a dust hole.

  • èng pùn;

    to put on liquid manure.

  • To blow with the mouth.

  • pûn hō̤ tâng;

    sound a signal horn.

  • pûn hûeⁿ têk;

    play on a flute.

  • pûn ti-tâ;

    play on a pipe.

  • pûn pi;

    blow a pipe.

  • pûn pu;

    blow a trumpet.

  • pûn ki-kû;

    blow on a whistle.

  • pûn hăⁿ-haⁿ;

    make a low hoarsesound on a wind instrument.

  • pûn phak tī hóⁿ;

    blow, and make a sound like the roaring of a crouched tiger.

  • pûn kùe teng;

    blow out the lamp.

  • pûn chìn cē;

    cool by blowing.

  • pûn huang;

    blow upon.

  • To expel the breath forcibly; to puff; to spurt.

  • pûn cúi;

    spurt water out of the mouth.

  • mâk eng tîeh, úa kio lṳ́ cē pûn cū hó̤;

    if you have dust in your eye, I will blow it out for you.

  • in to sĭ pûn chut lâi;

    it keeps puffing out smoke.

  • hueh tît pûn;

    the blood spurts straight out.

  • Rude, doltish, dull.

  • cho-pŭn;

    coarse and awkword; ungainly.

  • i kâi nâng seⁿ lâi cho-pŭn, i kâi cò̤-sṳ̄ īa cū cho-pŭn;

    he is himself uncouth, and his conduct also is boorish.

  • mûeh-kĭaⁿ cò̤ chut lâi thóiⁿ tîeh īa cho-pŭn, to̤ m̄ ìuⁿ-sìu;

    the things that he makes have all a rough and rude look and are never delicate and elegant.