A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / po̤h | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / po̤h

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  • To argue against; to contradict; to criticise adversely; to tranship; to thrust in; to insert.

  • po̤h-sìo;

    find fault with the bill.

  • po̤h phêng;

    cavil about the weight.

  • pĭen-po̤h;

    to debate the question.

  • po̤h mn̄g i;

    cross-question him.

  • po̤h kàu i bô̤ ūe ìn;

    argued the opposite side of the question until he had nothing to say in reply.

  • cīeⁿ-si po̤h lô̤h lâi;

    criticised by his superior in office.

  • pŏ tèng cē cài-po̤h lô̤h lâi;

    the Board reversed the decision and returned it to the lower court for reconsideration.

  • po̤h hùe;

    to tranship goods.

  • po̤h cāi;

    tranship the cargo.

  • po̤h kàu nĕ kín-kín cū ŏi tit kùe;

    if you squeeze it in very close you can get it through.

  • To fasten, moor, or anchor a boat.

  • cûn po̤h tŏ̤ káng lăi;

    the vessel is moored in the harbour.

  • ŭ kò̤ hó̤ suah-po̤h a bô̤?

    Is there good anchorage?

  • po̤h pàng cí kò̤;

    moor here.

  • The neck.

  • tìo po̤h;

    to hang one’s self.

  • hāi i khṳ̀ tìo po̤h;

    was the cause of her going and hanging herself.

  • Desolate; poor.

  • ke cṳ lô̤h pô̤h;

    the family is wretchedly poor.

  • i būe lô̤h-pô̤h kâi sî-hāu, cí kò̤ sǹg i sĭang pù;

    before he became impoverished, he was reckoned to be the richest man hereabouts.

  • A weir; small fishing stakes.

  • pô̤h táu;

    the weir.

  • câh p̤ô̤h;

    to set up a weir.

  • màiⁿ kio tó̤ siang pô̤h hìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    do not flop about as a fish does when trying to escape from the weir.

  • cū sĭ tó̤ siang pô̤h-táu hìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    uneasy as a fish out of water.

  • hṳ́ ki pô̤h-táu kíaⁿ m̄-hó̤ căi;

    that restless little urchin is a nuisance.

  • Thin; attenuated; poor; fortunate; light; few; to slight; to treat coldly; a thin leaf or plate.

  • sĭ kău kâi a pô̤h kâi?

    Is it a thick or a thin one?

  • siah kàu nĕ pô̤h-pô̤h;

    hew it very thin.

  • màiⁿ thiu kah pô̤h;

    do not plane it too thin.

  • cí kâi pô̤h hṳ́ kâi;

    this is thinner than that.

  • cêk têng mô̤h pô̤h-pô̤h;

    a thin film.

  • i tó̤ phah siah pô̤h;

    he is making tin foil.

  • ngṳ̂n-pô̤h;

    silver foil.

  • tah kim pô̤h kâi;

    covered with gold-leaf.

  • sieⁿ thih pô̤h;

    plated with iron.

  • sieⁿ ngṳ̂n pô̤h;

    plated with silver.

  • sĭang pô̤h;

    the thinnest.

  • có̤ ío pô̤h cē;

    make it rather thinner.

  • chùi-lîm-phûe pô̤h-síe pô̤h-síe;

    has very thin lips.

  • úa thăi i put pô̤h;

    I treated him with no lack of courtesy.

  • i pô̤h thăi úa;

    he treated me with scant courtesy.

  • pô̤h ceh i cē cū hó̤;

    to give him a slight reprimand is sufficient.

  • pô̤h mīaⁿ;

    a hard lot.

  • ẁn ka-kī kâi mīaⁿ pô̤h;

    complained of his own fate being so hard.

  • i khu kau, ii khin poh i a bo?

    Did he receive contemptuous treatment on arriving?

  • pô̤h lói;

    less than customary civility.

  • mīn phûe pô̤h;

    thin skinned.

  • pô̤h phûe căi, khin-khin cū m̄ hàuⁿ;

    he is very touchy, and gets displeased at the least reproof.

  • tăⁿ-pô̤h;

    to stint; frugal; to economize.

  • cṳ̆ uaⁿ tăⁿ pô̤h;

    content with little.

  • pô̤h hok kâi nâng;

    one who has few blessings.

  • hok-hūn pô̤h;

    has few comforts.

  • khek-pô̤h căi;

    greatly harrassed.