A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / po̤ | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / po̤

  1. 1.

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  • A wave, a ripple; moved, ruffled, wavelike; glossy; shining.

  • cúi-po̤; cúi-po̤-hûn;


  • cúi-po̤ iap-iap-sih;

    the ripples sparkle.

  • phêng-tī khí huang po̤;

    a plain rolling up in waves; a calamitous disturbance.

  • cêk nâng cē m̄-hó̤ cū po̤ kîp cèng nâng;

    one person’s illness disturbs many people.

  • i sĭ khṳt nâng po̤-lŭi tîeh;

    he was compromised by some one.

  • i cêk seⁿ phun-po̤ lâu-lok;

    he is always hurrying here and there, busy with the cares of life.

  • cí-hûe kâi po̤-lăng tīam-cĕⁿ;

    the waves are now smooth.

  • po̤-lô̤-bît;

    the jackfruit.

  • po̤-lô̤-mûaⁿ;

    cloth made from the fiber of the pine-apple leaf.

  • po̤-sek;

    changeable tints.

  • hut-jîen-kang, heng-po̤, khí éng;

    suddenly the waves rose.

  • po̤-lî;


  • pô̤-lî khì;


  • po̤-lî cău;

    a glass shade, for covering artificial flowers.

  • po̤-lî phìen;

    panes of glass.

  • po̤-lî chùi;

    broken glass.

  • îeⁿ po̤-lî;

    foreign glass.

  • kuah po̤-lî;

    to cut glass.

  • A declivity; a slope; the side of a hill.

  • kîaⁿ tùi cí suaⁿ-po̤ kò̤ lâi khṳ̀;

    come along over this slope of the hill.

  • cí kâi suaⁿ po̤ nĕ pêⁿ-pêⁿ;

    this slope is a gentle one.

  • cí kò̤ sĭ ūe cò̤ tī-po̤;

    this represents the ground in the picture.


  • To praise extravagantly, to extol unduly, to laud too highly.

  • cía i sĭ tó̤ po̤-cíe kâi;

    he is commending this beyond what it deserves.

  • The gunwale of a vessel.

  • cŏ̤ tŏ̤ cûn-po̤-kîⁿ;

    sat on the gunwale of the boat.

  • i kâi cûn-po̤ ío kûiⁿ;

    his boat has higher sides.

  • Precious; valuable; worth; a gem; a coin; a term of compliment meaning honorable, noble, respected; to esteem; to value; biliary calculi.

  • pó̤ pùe;

    rare, costly, precious; jewels, valuables, treasures.

  • bô̤ kè pó̤;

    a priceless gem.

  • nín tó̤ khui mih pó̤ hō̤;

    What is the name of your firm?

  • sieh kùe pó̤;

    keep as a treasure.

  • káu pó̤;

    dog bezoar, a medicine.

  • tien-pó̤;


  • i tó̤ khui pó̤-tîeⁿ;

    he keeps a gambling hall, where people gamble by guessing on numbers.

  • bô̤-cîⁿ cin-kìⁿ pó̤;

    the moneyless dream of gems.

  • bûn-pâng sì pó̤;

    writing materials, the four precious articles of the library.

  • úa pat pó̤;

    I am a judge of rare and costly things.

  • pó̤ cîeh;

    precious stones.

  • pó̤ sua;

    emery powder.

  • âng pó̤ cîeh;

    red stones, having value as gems, or used in jewelry.

  • màiⁿ háⁿ kêng nâng m̄ pat pó̤;

    do not find fault with poor people for not being judges of valuable articles.

  • khṳ̀ muaⁿ tī kò̤ chîm pó̤;

    go everywhere searching for treasures.

  • thiⁿ cīeⁿ ŭ pó̤, jît gûeh cheⁿ sîn: tī cīeⁿ ŭ pó̤ hàu cṳ́ tong chîn;

    what is most highly prized in the heavens are the sun, the moon, the stars and the gods: what is most valuable among earthly things are filial sons and loyal courtiers.

  • To protect to guard; to keep safe; to be surety for; to warrant; bail; a guardian; a protector; an advocate.

  • pó̤ húe;

    insure against fire.

  • pó̤ cúi;

    insure against accidents at sea.

  • pó̤ cāi;

    insure a cargo.

  • pó̤ ke;

    a surety; an insurance company.

  • pó̤ ke kẃn;

    insurance office.

  • hùe-mûeh ā sĭ sit, pó̤-ke tîeh pûe i kàu kàu-kàu;

    if the goods are lost, the insurance company must indemnify him in full.

  • cí ciah cûn ŭ pó̤-ke a bô̤?

    Is this vessel insured?

  • pó̤-nía;

    to endorse; to go bail for; to guarantee; to stand as security.

  • lṳ́ tîeh pó̤-tŏng sin-thói;

    you must take care of your health.

  • pó̤-íang kàu sin-thói khîang-càng;

    nurse up and make strong in body.

  • màiⁿ cò̤ tong-nâng, màiⁿ cò̤ pó̤;

    do not act as middleman nor as surety.

  • lâi kîaⁿ pó̤-kah kâi huap, cū bô̤ nâng kàⁿ o̤-châng châk;

    by going according to the system of dividing the town up into tithings with a head man to each tithing, none will dare harbour thieves.

  • i tó̤ tng tī-pó̤;

    he is the head man of the district.

  • pó̤ chûn i kâi sèⁿ-mīa;

    preserve his life.

  • pó̤-kṳ́;

    electioneer for.

  • pó̤-hŭ;

    to protect, aid or defend.

  • īa sĭ bô̤ i lâi pó̤, i cū thâi khṳ̀;

    had he not come to her help, she would have been slain.

  • khó̤ pó̤ bô̤ ngô̤;

    can insure against accidents.

  • kŏ sîn pó̤-īu phêng-ang;

    trust the gods to keep in safety.

  • sîn put lêng pó̤ bô̤ ūn cṳ nâng;

    the gods cannot protect those who have fate against them.

  • To requite; to recompense; to revenge; a retribution; a reward; to state, to tell, to inform, to report; a messenger; a reporter; a gazette.

  • ṳn pò̤ ṳn, ẁn pò̤ ẁn;

    return good for good, and evil for evil.

  • sĭen pò̤;

    the reward of right doing.

  • ak pò̤;

    retribution for evil doing.

  • im pò̤;

    hidden consequences of concealed wickedness.

  • îang pò̤;

    evident or open reward.

  • sok pò̤;

    a speedy retribution.

  • chî pò̤;

    tardy recompense.

  • cong-sū ŭ pò̤;

    in the end the recompense is sure.

  • pò̤-èng;


  • cang ṳn pò̤ ẁn;

    return good for evil.

  • pò̤-chîu;

    avenge; an avenger.

  • tâng-sim hîap-lâk khṳ̀ pò̤ pĕ chîu;

    joined their forces and with one accord went to avenge the murder of their father.

  • khṳ̀ pò̤ i cai;

    go and inform him.

  • thû pò̤ kău ṳn;

    I hope to reward your great kindness.

  • pò̤-tap;


  • pò̤-pún;


  • lṳ́ ciang-lâi àiⁿ cò̤-nî pò̤ i?

    What sort of return are you going to make for it in the future?

  • jît pò̤;

    daily newspapers.

  • gûeh pò̤;

    monthly magazines.

  • ŵn-mn̂g pò̤ lâi cò̤-nî pò̤?

    What was the news on the official bulletin?

  • sĭ cò̤-nî, méⁿ-méⁿ lâi pò̤;

    whatsoever it be, come quickly and bring information.

  • An old woman; a mother; a crone.

  • ko pô̤;

    an old dame; an aunt; the goddess “Queen of Heaven” is thus called by the Lim family, whoso surname is also hers.

  • lău ko pô̤; lău sím pô̤; lău ḿ pô̤;

    an aged dame; an old lady; a grand-aunt.

  • thóiⁿ tîeh pô̤-pô̤ nē;

    appears very slow and stupid.

  • saⁿ-ki-pô̤;

    a large hod with ears.


  • Peppermint.

  • pŏ̤-hò̤ îu;

    peppermint oil.

  • pŏ̤-hò̤ piaⁿ;

    crystallized peppermint essence.