A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / pin | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / pin

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  • A regal concubine of the first rank.

  • hûang-tì sĭ cêk hŏ, cêk hui, nŏ̤ pin;

    the emperor has one empress, one concubine, and two maids of honor who wait in the royal presence.


  • The areca or betel nut.

  • cîah pin-lô̤;

    chew betel.

  • hŵt i lâi khîa pin-lô̤ pûe hui;

    require him to bring a present of betel-nut, in acknowledgement of an offense.


  • To make sport of; to tease; to play practical jokes upon.

  • pin-tǹg kàu i khàu;

    plagued him till he cried.

  • A visitor; a stranger.

  • pin-kheh;

    a visitor.

  • sai-pin;

    a domestic tutor.

  • pin cú tùi cŏ̤;

    guest and host sat opposite each other.

  • pin hẃn cò̤ cú, cú hẃn cò̤ pin;

    guest took the place of host, and host of guest.

  • în-pin-kẃn;

    reception rooms in a yamun.

  • A beach; to border on.

  • hái pin kâi tī-hng;

    land lying along the coast.

  • cúi pin;

    the water side.

  • To make known one’s case to a superior; to announce; to petition, to ask of, (employed in courtesy to friends and by servants to their master); a petition; a statement or report.

  • pín-hôk cīeⁿ-sĭ;

    reply to a superior officer.

  • pín-cai kuaⁿ-hú;

    make known to the magistrate.

  • pín kuaⁿ cai;

    inform the authorites.

  • chíaⁿ nâng lâi cò̤ pín-thiap;

    invite some one to draw up a petition, or statement.

  • píu i khìam cîⁿ, m̄ hàuⁿ hâiⁿ;

    complain against him that he owes money and will not pay it.

  • hṳ́ pín tói kâi ūe cò̤-nî tàⁿ?;

    What is said in the statement laid before the officials?

  • cía tîeh ēng tîaⁿ, a ēng pín?;

    Should an indictment or an accusation be made use of in this case?

  • jîp pín ēng sĭm-mih lói-sìo a mín?;

    In entering a complaint, is it necessary to pay any fee?

  • úa sĭ cìe sît pín;

    I went according to the facts, in making my complaint.

  • soiⁿ íⁿ-keng pín mêng kùe;

    it has been clearly stated beforehand.

  • kuaⁿ ka-kī lâi, úa íⁿ-keng mīn pín kùe;

    the magistrate himself came, and I have already stated the case to him in person.

  • pín sî;

    announce one’s departure.

  • pín táu;

    announce an arrival.

  • pín kàu jīm;

    send information of his arrival at his post.

  • pín kìⁿ;

    announce a visit.

  • A board with an inscription.

  • pâi-pín; píu-hîah;

    a votive tablet.

  • seng pín;

    hang up a votive tablet.

  • A kind; series; rank.

  • pín măuⁿ;

    the expression; the countenance.

  • bô̤ pín;

    no character; abandoned.

  • kêk pín;

    the highest grade.

  • cṳ̆ cìaⁿ it pín, kàu cŭang káu pîn;

    from the very highest rank to the very lowest.

  • A fine toothed comb; to comb.

  • bói hù siu pìn;

    buy a set of combs.

  • cía sak-pìn khah hi;

    the teeth of this fine-toothed comb are too far apart.

  • Everywhere; the whole; to go around; to make a circuit.

  • pìn sin sng-thìaⁿ;

    my whole body aches.

  • thâk cêk pìn cū cai;

    when you have read it all through you will know.

  • pin chù to cêk īeⁿ;

    throughout the house it is the same.

  • pìn tī n̂g-kim;

    the whole land is full of gold.

  • pìn thiⁿ cn̂g kâi hûn;

    the whole heavens are overcast.

  • lṳ́ līam cêk pìn úa thiaⁿ;

    you recite it once for me to hear.

  • pìn-sì-chù khṳ̀ chê-mn̄g;

    inquired for it in all the surrounding houses.

  • To carry out to burial.

  • chut pìn;

    to carry to the grave.

  • sàng pìn;

    to accompany to burial.

  • pìn-cǹg tŏ̤ tī-kò̤?;

    Where is he buried?


  • The hair on the temples.

  • pìn-piⁿ;

    the temples.

  • nŏ̤ pôiⁿ pìn-piⁿ pîak-pîak-kìe;

    my temples throb.

  • pìn-piⁿ lûah kàu kng-kng;

    the side tresses are combed very smooth.

  • The crashing roar of a falling rock.

  • pīn-pōng-kìe;

    make a racket; a reverberating thundering noise.

  • pin-pin pōng-pōng kìe, kio suaⁿ pang, tī hām hìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    makes a crashing roar, like that of an avalanche.

  • hía cîeh tŏ̤ suaⁿ téng pīn-pong-kìe li-li khah lô̤h lâi;

    the stone came rolling down the mountain with a crashing roar.

  • To reach to; up to; to, at.

  • lô̤h khṳ̀ bît pīn tī-kò̤?

    How far do you sink in when you step upon it?

  • cí-kò̤ li bît pīn sái-tó-câi, hṳ́-kò̤ li bît pīn ăm-kíaⁿ;

    here one sinks up to his middle, and there he sinks up to his neck.

  • pīn tī-kò̤ hiah?;

    At what point did you leave off?

  • pīn cí-ko̤ cū ŵn;

    it ends at this point.

  • chō̤ pīn cunăm kò̤;

    fill it up to the neck.

  • chēng lô̤h cìaⁿ pīn kha-thâu-u, khah tó̤;

    on putting it on it reaches only to the knees, it is too short.

  • From or at this point.

  • àiⁿ pīn tī-kò khí?

    At what point shall I begin?

  • pīn kíaⁿ-jît khí sǹg;

    begin to reckon from to-day.

  • pīn ĕ kâi gûeh cí;

    make next month the close of the period.

  • pīn tìn-tang kò̤ côih lô̤h khṳ̀;

    sever it from the middle.


  • Ready; convenient; handy.

  • pīn a būe?

    Are you ready?

  • nĕ pīn-pīn;

    just at hand; all ready.

  • m̄-pīn;

    inconvenient, unhandy; unattainable.

  • pīn bói pīn bōi;

    buy or sell ready made.

  • siu-sîp pīn-pīn, tŏ̤ táng i;

    all ready and waiting for him.

  • cáu-khí lâi pn̄g pīn, chài pīn;

    when he gets up breakfast is all ready.