A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / piaⁿ | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / piaⁿ

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  • A soldier; troops; a force; an army; military; warlike.

  • piaⁿ teng;


  • piaⁿ cìang;

    army leaders.

  • khí piaⁿ;

    raise troops.

  • thîo piaⁿ;

    to station troops.

  • ceng piaⁿ;

    disciplined troops.

  • hôk piaⁿ;

    troops in ambush.

  • tăi piaⁿ;

    the main body of the army.

  • bé-piaⁿ;


  • pō-piaⁿ;


  • cìen piaⁿ;

    the engaged forces.

  • kìu piaⁿ;

    a force sent to succor.

  • tíam piaⁿ;

    to call the roll; mustering.

  • chau-līen piaⁿ-bé;

    to exercise or drill troops; a disciplined force.

  • Ice; icy; crystallized.

  • piaⁿ sng;

    ice and frost.

  • piaⁿ sng cúi;


  • cúi kit sêng piaⁿ;

    water freezes and forms ice.

  • piaⁿ îeⁿ khṳ̀;

    the ice has melted.

  • piaⁿ-thn̂g;

    rock candy.

  • pŏ̤-hò̤ piaⁿ;

    crystallized peppermint essence.

  • Cake; biscuit; dumplings.

  • píaⁿ kuaⁿ;

    dry biscuits.

  • guêh píaⁿ;

    cakes made at the full of the eighth moon and used in worshipping it.

  • so-píaⁿ;

    crisp cakes.

  • píaⁿ phûe, píaⁿ āⁿ;

    the pastry and the filling of a dumpling.

  • gû-ni-píaⁿ;


  • sie píaⁿ;

    to bake cakes.

  • pūe píaⁿ;

    to bake cakes in a pan over the fire.

  • The third of the ten stems.

  • píaⁿ teng sok húe;

    the third and fourth of the ten stems belong to fire.

  • cŏ̤ jîm hìang píaⁿ;

    facing due south.

  • To reduce to uniformity; to expose; to endanger; to pour together.

  • pìaⁿ mīaⁿ cò̤;

    act without regard to his life.

  • i pìaⁿ căi;

    he is very reckless.

  • nŏ̤ úaⁿ pìaⁿ cò̤ cêk úaⁿ;

    put what is in the two bowls into one.

  • nŏ̤ saⁿ khí ùaⁿ-kĭaⁿ pìaⁿ cò̤ cêk khí;

    reduce two or three cases at law to a single case.

  • màiⁿ pìaⁿ sua-îa;

    do not spill it in turning it out.

  • pìaⁿ cò̤ cêk ē;

    turn them all into one lot.

  • sì pau, pìaⁿ cò̤ cêk pau;

    put the four bundles into one.

  • sie pìaⁿ;

    join in one.

  • pìaⁿ thóiⁿ tī-tîang méⁿ;

    see who will be quickest.

  • thun-pìaⁿ;

    to swallow up; to devour.

  • tōa hieⁿ thun-pìaⁿ síe hieⁿ, tōa kok thun-pìaⁿ síe kok;

    large towns swallow up small ones, and great nations swallow up lesser ones.

  • jī ke sie thun-piaⁿ;

    the two devour each other.

  • To repeat what one has heard.

  • úa pîaⁿ lṳ́ thiaⁿ;

    I will narrate it to you as I heard it.

  • jī mó̤ chîa, ūe mó̤ pîaⁿ;

    letters should not be rubbed out and written in again on the same paper, and words should not be repeated from hearsay.

  • i cò̤-nî tàⁿ, lṳ́ pîaⁿ úa thiaⁿ;

    repeat his words to me as nearly as you can.

  • cêk kù cêk kù pîaⁿ mēng-pêh;

    state it plainly word for word.

  • cē píaⁿ cū bô̤ saⁿ sîaⁿ;

    in relating it he told less than three tenths of the story.