A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / phueh | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / phueh

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  • To converse; to talk about; to discuss; to chat.

  • i tó̤ phûeh mih ūe?

    What are they talking about?

  • phûeh lâi phûeh khṳ̀;

    to bandy words.

  • phûeh tang phûeh sai;

    talk of all sorts of things.

  • ôiⁿ tiang-sî lâi cŏ̤ phûeh;

    when you have leisure come and have a chat with me.

  • bô̤ sṳ̄, tó̤ ôiⁿ phûeh;

    talking at ease, having nothing to do.

  • phûeh sńg; phueh chìe;

    talk playfully.

  • Froth; foam; spume; drool; scum.

  • cúi phûeh;

    spume on water.

  • lâu phûeh;

    spit out froth.

  • phûeh lâu-lâu;

    froth bubbles out.

  • ko tīo mīn cīeⁿ kâi phûeh;

    skim the scum off its surface.

  • nŭaⁿ seⁿ phûeh;

    frothy expectoration.

  • gû-nĭ phueh;
