A warrant; a summons; an evidence of authority.
chut phìe;
issue an official summons.
che phìe;
a policeman’s warrant.
tòa pâi tòa phìe khṳ̀ lîah nâng;
take warrants aid arrest people.
bô̤ pâi bô̤ phìe;
destitute of any evidence of authority.
lêng-ūaⁿ tńg tieⁿ phìe;
to renew a warrant.
ngīam lō-phìe;
examine a pass permitting one to cross the lines.
hŭ sin kâi lō-phìe;
a passport.
The tender blade of herbs.
châng phîe li hó̤, m̄ căi ău-lâi kak kúe căi-seⁿ?
The young grain is in fine condition, but we do not know how it will be when it hereafter comes to head up.
tî tèng kâi phîe;
the duck- weed which covers the pool.
ko cho̤h phîe lâi khṳt i cîah;
gather some duckweed and feed him.
bô̤ kṳn, cúi lâu phîe;
a rootless, drifting weed; a homeless vagabond.
i kâi nâng cò̤ sṳ̄ phû-phîe;
he does things in a desultory fashion.
The air-bladder of fishes, from which glue is made.
hṳ̂ phĭe;
fish bladders.