A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / pak | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / pak

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  • A string of.

  • kùa cêk pak chîo-cu;

    wore a string of beads, indicating official rank.

  • cêk pak sù cu;

    a string of plain beads.

  • cêk pak hieⁿ cu;

    a string of amulets.

  • To flay; to peel off; to fleece.

  • pak tīo i kâi phûe;

    skin it.

  • cûa pak khak;

    the cast skin of a serpent.

  • côih lō chíeⁿ pak;

    waylay and strip.

  • ngŏ̤ tîeh châk khṳt i pak kàu theh-theh;

    fell among thieves, and was stripped stark naked by them.

  • saⁿ khò lóng-cóng khṳt i pak khṳ̀;

    his clothes were all stripped off by them.

  • hía lău-pak-phûe kâi ūe, màiⁿ thiaⁿ i;

    he is an old skin-flint, pay no heed to him.

  • thâi lío pak tīo phûe;

    kill and flay.

  • North; northern; northwards.

  • pak pôiⁿ;

    at the north.

  • pak hng;

    northern regions.

  • pah mn̂g;

    the north gate.

  • pak kháu gūa;

    beyond the wall.

  • pak kêk;

    the north pole.

  • cŏ̤ lâm hìang pak;

    faces the north.

  • i kâi cûn khṳ̀ cĭeⁿ pak;

    their vessel has gone northwards.

  • pak hái;

    the northern ocean.

  • pak-kiaⁿ;


  • i tó̤ bōi pak-thâu hùe;

    he sells northern goods.

  • pak-táu;

    the Great Dipper.

  • lâm pak hâng;

    warehouses in which both northern and southern goods are kept.

  • tùi pak lō khṳ̀;

    went by the northern route.

  • That which envelopes the viscera; the belly or abdomen; the seat of the mind.

  • tó-pak m̄-hó̤;

    the stomach out of order.

  • síe pak kâi tī-hng;

    the abdomen.

  • cía sĭ i kâi sim-pak nâng;

    this is his bosom friend.

  • jîak hui sim-pak nâng, bô tàⁿ sim-pak ūe;

    if he were not a bosom friend, I should not speak my inmost thoughts to him.

  • ŭ kâi jŭi pak kíaⁿ;

    has a posthumous son.

  • cí pak ṳ̂i hun;

    betroth before birth.

  • khîa ki to̤, lâi khui pak;

    took a knife and opened the carcass.

  • bói cêk hù ah pak lăi, lâi chá;

    buy the contents of a duck’s carcass and grill them.

  • i kâi pak lăi châng to̤ châng kìam;

    he hides treachery in his bosom.

  • A scroll; a strip; a classifier of scrolls.

  • tîo pak;

    a scroll.

  • sì pak thâu;

    a set of four scrolls.

  • tong pak;

    the central scroll.

  • khṳ̀ bói kúi pak jī ūe lâi tìo;

    go and buy some scrolls with letters and pictures on them, and hang them up.

  • cí nŏ̤ pak ūe kauh khí, lêng-ūaⁿ khîeh nŏ̤ pak jī lâi tìo;

    roll up and put away these two drawings, and take two of the written scrolls to hang up instead.

  • huang chue lîh cêk tōa pak;

    one large scroll has been torn by the wind.

  • cí cêk pak pò jîeh tn̂g?

    What is the length of this piece of cloth?

  • cía ío khuah pak, hía ío ôih pak;

    this is the wider piece, and that the narrower.

  • nŏ̤ pak tùi-lîn;

    two scrolls that match.

  • cí kâi phŭe-toaⁿ àiⁿ cò̤ cò̤ kúi pak?

    How many breadths do you wish to have put into this quilt cover?

  • To take off; to cast off; to lay aside; to strip off; to undress.

  • pak tīo bō̤;

    take off the hat.

  • pak tīo ôi;

    take off the shoes.

  • thong sin khṳt i pak kàu theh-theh;

    he was stripped stark naked by them.

  • pak-chiah kha;


  • pak-chiah-ka-lit;

    half naked.

  • To bind, to tie, to fasten.

  • khún pâk;

    to bind up securely.

  • lîah i lâi pâk pàng thĭo kò̤;

    seize him and tie him to a pillar.

  • cò̤ sṳ̄ pâk kha pâk chíu;

    doing things under difficulties.

  • bô̤ nâng péⁿ, bô̤ nâng pâk;

    no one thwarts or hampers him.

  • tîeh pâk kín-kín;

    must tie it tightly.

  • pâk m̄ kín;

    not tightly bound.

  • pâk khùaⁿ cē;

    tie it more loosely.

  • ŭ pâk ie-tŏ a bô̤?

    Have you your cloth wallet on?

  • pâk kûn;

    put on a petticoat.

  • pâk ie-tòa;

    wear a girdle.

  • pâk cò̤ cêk kîu;

    do them up in a bunch.

  • pâk cò̤ cêk pé;

    bind them in one sheaf.