A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / noiⁿ | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / noiⁿ

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  • Hard and crisp; solid; dense.

  • cîah tîeh tōiⁿ-nòiⁿ tōiⁿ-nòiⁿ nē;

    in eating it, it seems very firm-fleshed.

  • pû lío cong-kú tōiⁿ-nòiⁿ;

    after being cooked it continues very hard.

  • mông tîeh hṳ́ tói ŏi tōiⁿ-nòiⁿ;

    can feel a hard lump inside.

  • The lotus, the flower consecrated to Buddha.

  • nôiⁿ hue;

    the lotus or water-lily, of which there are many varieties.

  • nôiⁿ ci, nôiⁿ ki, nôiⁿ hieh, nôiⁿ kău;

    the seeds, stems, leaves and roots of the lotus.

  • nôiⁿ kng;

    a large jar in which water-lilies are grown.

  • so nôiⁿ;

    the dwarf lotus.

  • n̂g nôiⁿ;

    yellow lilies.

  • hṳ̂ nôiⁿ;

    ground lilies.

  • tôk-kha nôiⁿ;

    a plant like the arum.

  • nôiⁿ-hue hah, nôiⁿ chīu;

    petals and stamens of the lotus.

  • nôiⁿ tî;

    a lotus pond.

  • hŵn lâu i kâi nôiⁿ pō;

    still detain her from departing.

  • nôiⁿ pō;

    a lady-like gait.

  • nôiⁿ pô;

    the seed-pod of the lotus.

  • The lichi, a fruit found in Southern China.

  • nôiⁿ-kúe; nôi-kúaiⁿ;

    the lichi.

  • cù hût nôiⁿ-kúaiⁿ;

    tho small-seeded lichi.

  • o hîeh nôiⁿ-kúaiⁿ;

    the dark foliaged lichi.

  • nôiⁿ kúaiⁿ kuaⁿ;

    dried lichis.

  • hŏng hue nôiⁿ-kúaiⁿ;

    tho thick-rinded yellow lichi.

  • An aquatic vegetable.

  • nôiⁿ-kak;

    the water caltrop, or buffalo horn, whose fruit is eaten.

  • nôiⁿ-kak tî;

    a pool in which the water caltrop grows.

  • tiah kúi lîap cheⁿ nôiⁿ-kak lâi cîah;

    pick a few water caltrops to eat.

  • A tree bearing lilac flowers, the melia azederach*, or Pride of India.

  • kho-nōiⁿ chīu;

    the Pride of India tree.

  • To set the heel upon and grind down; to tread upon.

  • cang kha lâi nōiⁿ;

    set the foot upon and destroy.

  • nōiⁿ cò̤ nêk-cìeⁿ;

    trampled to a jelly.