A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / nie | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / nie

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  • A tael, the highest weight used in Chinese money transactions, and equivalent to nearly one and a half ounces.

  • lṳ́ téng thóiⁿ ŭ kúi níe tăng;

    you weigh it and see how many ounces it weighs.

  • saⁿ níe tăng;

    three ounces in weight.

  • pùaⁿ kṳn tùi poih níe;

    half a Chinese pound is eight Chinese ounces.

  • ĕ jît sì níe sì níe khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ kuah;

    hereafter you will suffer the ignominious punishment of being slowly cut to pieces.

  • i tòa ŭ ngṳ̂n-níe lâi a bô̤?

    Did he bring money?

  • sì níe, saⁿ cîⁿ, ngŏ hun pùaⁿ;

    four taels, three mace and five and a half candareens.

  • sĭ lŭn ngṳ̂n-kâi, a sĭ lŭn ngṳ̂n-níe?

    Is it dollars or taels that are under discussion?

  • cía pó̤ cêk kâi ngŏ-câp níe;

    these bars of silver are each fifty taels in weight.

  • ci ki chìn sĭ câp-lâk níe a câp-poih níe?

    Do these steelyards weigh sixteen or eighteen ounces to the catty?

  • câp níe khí tîeh lô̤h thien-phêng;

    for over ten ounces, it mast be put into the balances.

  • téng ki jĭ-câp níe chìn;

    the steelyard bar rests at twelve ounces.

  • hāng chìu kṳn cìaⁿ câp-jĭ níe, ŭ khí câp-sì níe;

    the Chinese pound averdupois, is twelve or fourteen ounces.

  • choiⁿ níe n̂g-kim bô̤ sía sìo;

    a promise of a thousand taels of gold is not entered in account.

  • cía bô̤ câp níe īa tîeh ŭ pùaⁿ kṳn;

    if there are not ten ounces of this, there must be at least a half a pound.

  • níe ngṳ̂u táu jîeh cōi cîⁿ?

    What is the amount of cash given in exchange for a tael?

  • níe kúi kâi cîⁿ?

    How many cash is it per ounce?

  • cíe tê sek ngṳ̂n cêk níe;

    this tea is a dime an ounce.

  • cí ki chìn níe-cīeⁿ síam;

    this steelyard gives short weight.

  • cí cho̤h hùe ío ŭ kṳn níe;

    these goods are more nearly of the weight they are marked at.

  • bô̤ kṳn níe;

    short of the number of pounds marked as their weight.

  • phâk sîh kṳn níe;

    lose weight in drying.

  • cêk kheng ēng thiah sîh jîeh cōi níe?

    How much will each basketful lose in weight when it comes to be divided up?

  • phêng saⁿ-peh níe ngṳ̂u hâiⁿ i;

    weigh out in the balance three hundred taels and pay him.

  • i phò lăi cêk jît phêng chut ŭ kúi níe ngṳ̂n phêng-thân;

    in their shop, they gain several taels per day from the overplus of weight in the money taken in.

  • sĭ phêng sîh cêk níe a phêng chut cêk níe?

    Did he lose or gain a tael on the amount that was weighed in small portions?

  • A girl; a young lady; a female; a goddess; applied to what is beautiful or elegant.

  • s̆i ta-po a sĭ cṳ-nîe?

    Is it a boy or a girl?

  • seⁿ kâi cṳ-nîe kíaⁿ;

    has given birth to a daughter.

  • a-nîe-kíaⁿ;

    a little girl.

  • nín lài thóiⁿ kâi ngía a-nîe;

    come and see this elegant lady.

  • chūa sin-nîe;

    bring home a bride.

  • gûeh-nîe;

    the moon.

  • a tia nîe;

    your father and mother.

  • ún a-nîe;

    our mother; the lady of the house; the housemother, in a large and rich family.

  • a sìa nîe;

    the squire’s wife.

  • ta-po nâng cò̤ sū a-nîe a-nîe;

    a man who is feminine in his ways.

  • kwn-im nîe;

    the goddess Kwanyin.

  • To measure the quantity or size of; to deliberate; to take counsel upon.

  • nîe thóiⁿ jîeh tn̂g;

    measure it and see how long it is.

  • nîe tiêh khah tn̂g;

    find by measuring that it is too long.

  • nîe thóiⁿ kàu mē;

    measure and see if there is enough.

  • nîe bí;

    measure out rice.

  • cang táu lâi nîe;

    take a peck measure and measure it.

  • kàu-nîe;

    to consult about, to talk over a matter together.

  • khîeh ki chieh lâi nîe thóiⁿ ŭ chieh-thâu a bô̤;

    take a foot rule and measure it and see whether there is anything over the exact number of feet.

  • kàu-nîe lâi īa m̄ sĭ thó̤-tàng cū màiⁿ;

    if on talking it over it is not thought to be safe, then we will not do it.

  • sṳ-nîe;

    to bargain; to cheapen goods; to haggle about the price.

  • sṳ-nîe lâi, cêk tàⁿ chit kâi ngṳ̂n;

    made a bargain for it at seven dollars per picul.

  • sṳ-nîe m̄ tn̆g kè, thó̤ cîⁿ àiⁿ sie mēⁿ;

    if a definite price be not agreed upon, there will be a quarrel at the time for payment.

  • Rations; soldier’s pay; food, provisions; taxes in grain or kind.

  • kháu-nîe;

    victuals; stores.

  • hwt kháu-nîe;

    give out rations.

  • kòi nîe-bí;

    convoy rations.

  • tòa kang nîe;

    take along dry provisions.

  • nîe-cháu;


  • cīⁿ-nîe;


  • kiap nîe;

    to forage.

  • nîe-tău;

    the commissioner who collects the revenues of a province.

  • nîe hìang;

    revenue, in grain.

  • ūn nîe;

    transport the grain taken as taxes.

  • nîe-cîah cok;

    the provisions are sufficient.

  • khìam nîe;

    owes taxes.

  • ŵn nîe;

    the land tax.

  • nîe hŏ;


  • nîe che;

    tax collectors.

  • lâp nîe;

    to pay taxes at stated times.

  • A beam or girder.

  • tháng nîe;

    the cross-bar of a water-bucket.

  • cí kâi nâng sĭ kok ke kâi tàng nîe;

    this man is a pillar of the state.

  • kîe nîe;

    the girders of a bridge.

  • phīⁿ nie;

    the bridge of the nose.

  • A valance or curtain.

  • nîe-sùaⁿ;

    an umbrella with an embroidered valance depending from its edges.

  • khîa ki tōa nîe-sùaⁿ;

    carry a curtained umbrella.

  • To throw in, as in a bargain; to spare.

  • i tó̤ khṳt nīe;

    he is begging to be let off.

  • kĥiu i nīe chíu cē;

    beseech him to stay his hand.

  • i lâi mīn côiⁿ khîu nīe mīaⁿ;

    he came forward and begged for his life.

  • tit nīe nâng chù, chíaⁿ nīe nâng;

    when you let a man off, then do it fully and frankly.

  • nīe cêk chut;

    give an extra act in a play.

  • nīe i cêk lîap cí, sĭ nīe i kṳ a sĭ nīe i bé?

    In giving him one chessman, did he give him a queen or a knight?

  • To cede, to yield, to give way.

  • nīe i soiⁿ;

    allow him to take precedence.

  • nīe i cŏ̤ tōa ūi;

    yield the chief seat to him.

  • líang-ke sie-nīe cū hûa-khì;

    if each yields to the other there will be harmony.