A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / ngiam | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / ngiam

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  • Talkative; to talk wildly.

  • ngíam-gṳ́;

    the delirious talk of a sick man.

  • cêk ĕ-kùa, nâng cē hwt sie cū àiⁿ ngíam-gṳ́;

    in the afternoon when his fever comes on, he talks incoherently.

  • Of a commanding presence; carrying the head high; severe-looking; as before; like.

  • ngíam-jîen;


  • ngíam-jîen cū sĭ tŏ̤ seⁿ cêk īeⁿ;

    a life-like likeness.

  • ngíam-jîen cū àiⁿ cò̤ sin-seⁿ;

    carries himself as if he were a learned man.

  • ŭ ngíam-ngé;

    has a stern look.

  • bô̤ ngíam bô̤ ngé;

    no majesty of demeanor.

  • A gate in a village.

  • ngîam-lô̤-ûang; ngîam-kun;

    the king of hades; the Rhadamanthus of Chinese Buddhists.

  • cū sĭ kúi-kíaⁿ kìⁿ tîeh ngîam-lô̤-ûang;

    it is like being brought before the king of hell, for judgment after death.

  • ûah ngîam-lô̤;

    a savage looking man.

  • Severe, stern, rigid, austere.

  • ngîam, ngîam;

    very strict; rigorous.

  • kẃn-sok khṳ̀ sĭm ngîam;

    kept in close subjection.

  • i kâi nâng ŭ ui-ngîam tit nâng ùi;

    he has a stern aspect which makes people fear him.

  • kui-kṳ́ ngîam-sok;

    sedate manners.

  • i kâi ce-kui ngîam;

    the rules of the school are strict.

  • ke-kui ngîam căi;

    the household is very rigid in its ways.

  • ngîam pĕ chut hàu cṳ́, chṳ̂ bó̤ to̤ pāi jî;

    a stern father has filial sons, an indulgent mother generally spoils her children.

  • Spirits of a strong sharp taste.

  • chó ngîam;

    the vinegar is sharp.

  • cíu ngîam;

    the wine is strong.

  • chong ceng ngîam-ngîam kâi tê;

    make a cup of very strong tea.

  • The fury of a fire.

  • pàng ngîam kháu;

    to open the door of hell, (by saying mass on the third day after a death).

  • To examine officially for purposes of verification; to prove by inspection; testimony or examination which proves a thing.

  • chíaⁿ kuaⁿ ngīam kùe;

    ask for an official inspection, verifying the statement.

  • ŭ hāu-ngīam;

    have satisfactory proof of it.

  • ngīam si;

    hold an inquest.

  • tah ngīam-si-pêⁿ;

    set up a platform where the body may lie exposed to view, in an inquest.

  • khí si siang ngīam;

    disinter the corpse for examination by the authorities.

  • ngīam sieⁿ;

    examine the wounds.

  • ngīam tîeh bô sieⁿ;

    it proved on inspection that no wounds had been made.

  • ngīam hùe;

    to examine goods officially.

  • ngīam toaⁿ;

    a permit stating that the goods have been inspected.

  • ngīam cûn;

    to examine a vessel.

  • lṳ́ khṳ̀ ngīam thóiⁿ;

    you go and verify it by inspection.

  • khùaⁿ ngīam;

    look over and verify.

  • ngīam tîeh còY-nî īeⁿ?

    What did you ascertain by the examination?

  • To look upward; to regard with respect.

  • úa tó̤ ngíang-mō̤ⁿ lṳ́ lâi;

    I was longing for your coming.

  • kú ngíang tōa mîaⁿ;

    have long admired and respected you.

  • ngíang thiⁿ;

    to gaze up into heaven.

  • ngíang-kwn thien-bûn;

    to study astrology, and geomancy.

  • ngíang khṳ́n thiⁿ ṳn;

    look earnestly for the favor of heaven.