A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / ngâi | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / ngâi

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  • A bank; a shore; a waterline.

  • seⁿ-ngâi;

    an occupation; means of getting a living.

  • i tó̤ cò̤ sĭm-mih seⁿ ngâi?

    What does he do for a living?

  • kak nâng kak nâng chūe seⁿ-ngâi;

    each sought some lucrative employment.

  • keh pîet thien ngâi;

    as far apart as the ends of the earth.

  • Acting without an end; having no aim nor energy; not able to take care of itself; foolish, silly.

  • chi-chi ngâi-ngâi;


  • i tó̤ tèⁿ chi tèⁿ ngâi;

    he is pretending to be a fool.

  • i kâi chi-ngâi sĭ tèⁿ kâi;

    his stupidity is feigned.

  • khĭa tó̤ ngâi;

    stood loafing about.

  • thóiⁿ kàu ngâi;

    gazed at it still dazed.

  • hàm tîeh, ngâi-ngâi nē;

    when called, he acts as if he did not know enough to come.

  • To persist; to bear with.

  • ngâi tit khṳ̀;

    can hold out against it.

  • ngâi m̄ khṳ̀;

    cannot persist longer.

  • lêng ngâi tit khó;

    can persevere against difficulties.

  • ngâi khó;

    endure hardship.

  • cò̤ úa li ngâi m̄ khṳ̀;

    if it were I, I could not stand it.

  • khak-khó ngâi;

    steadfastly endure.

  • i cìeⁿ-seⁿ ngâi căi tit kùe?

    How can he put up with that?

  • A shore, bank, or beach.

  • cûn úa-bûa ngăi-piⁿ;

    the boat approaches the shore.

  • cèng nâng cū lóng-cóng cĭeⁿ ngăi;

    all went on shore.

  • líang pôiⁿ kâi toi-ngăi siu-sîp kàu kien-kù căi;

    the banks on either side are made very strong and durable.