A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / ng | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / ng

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  • Grain in the blade; shoots; young plants, especially young rice.

  • cìm ng céng;

    soak paddy to use as seed.

  • pò ng;

    set out the young rice plants.

  • máng ng;

    pull up the young grain for transplanting.

  • A sleeve.

  • cí kâi saⁿ-ńg khah ôih;

    the sleeves of this garment are too small.

  • ńg-kháu;


  • cah chíu-ńg;

    roll up the sleeves.

  • chíu chah tŏ̤ chíu-ńg tói;

    sleeved his hands.

  • khuah ńg saⁿ;

    a wide sleeved tunic.

  • ka tīo chíu-ńg cò̤ kah-kíaⁿ;

    cut off the sleeves and make it into a sleeveless jacket.

  • To rely upon for support.

  • bô̤ nâng hó̤ ǹg;

    no one to depend upon for support.

  • àiⁿ ǹg tī-tîang?

    On whom shall I depend?

  • ǹg tîeh i cū gō sṳ̄;

    if we depend on him the thing will fall through.

  • A column of letters.

  • cêk pôiⁿ sìo thóiⁿ ŭ jîeh cōi n̂g;

    count and see how many columns there are on a page.

  • cêk n̂g cêk n̂g sía kàu twn-twn khái-khái;

    the columns are written very exactly and evenly.

  • Yellow; the color of earth.

  • mīn n̂g-n̂g;

    very sallow.

  • n̂g sò;

    thin and pale.

  • cheⁿ n̂g pêh sàng;


  • n̂g-pûh n̂g-pûh;

    sickly looking.

  • n̂g-sua-pēⁿ;


  • mâk-ciu n̂g-n̂g;

    eyeballs yellow.

  • m̄ kàu n̂g-hô̤ sim m̄ sí;

    not of a mind to die before having been to the Yellow River.

  • n̂g-hun kâi sî-hāu;

    at eventide.

  • gû-n̂g;

    cow bezoar.

  • tōa-n̂g;


  • síeⁿ n̂g bé-kùa;

    reward him by the presentation of a yellow riding-jacket.

  • é nâng cîah tîeh n̂g-ngîm;

    a dumb man taking a bitter tonic.

  • The citron.

  • hût chíu hieⁿ-n̂g;

    the citron called Buddha’s fingers.

  • hieⁿ-n̂g chīu;

    the citron tree.

  • hieⁿ-n̂g cheh;

    sliced citron preserved in sugar.

  • kîam hieⁿ-n̂g;

    pickled citron.

  • An exclamation, expressing dissent.

  • n̆g, hía i cò̤-nî cìeⁿ-seⁿ kio úa tàⁿ?

    Ah, then why did he tell me that?

  • n̆g, bô̤ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    indeed, that is not so.

  • n̆g, hṳ́ tói pit ŭ pât ŵn-kù;

    nay, there is surely some other cause for it.