A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / n | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / n

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  • To take, to get; to bring or carry in the hand.

  • ni lâi khṳt úa;

    bring it to me.

  • lóng-cóng ni khṳ̀;

    take them all along.

  • màiⁿ thau ni thau nueh;

    do not pilfer any of it.

  • khòi m̄ cêng ni lâi;

    the deed has not been brought.

  • Milk.

  • ni-bó̤; a foster mother.

  • gû-ni;

    cow’s milk.

  • chī ni;

    to rear on milk.

  • cí hûe ni cūn lâi;

    the milk has just come in her breast.

  • lût gû-ni;

    to milk a cow.

  • i seⁿ ni iong, tîeh ēng sĭm-mih îeh lâi ui?

    She has a broken breast, what should be used as a remedy?

  • i kâi ni-cap khah cheng;

    her milk is too thin.

  • i kâi ni-cap lông;

    her milk is rich.


  • To set right; to patch up; to help along; to supplement the efforts of another.

  • thĕng úa lâi kio lṳ́ ní-phông kàu ŵn-chŵn;

    wait until I take hold along with you and set it completely right.

  • cía sĭ cèng nâng kio i ní-phông kâi;

    this was done in his behalf by all unitedly.

  • jw̆n ní-phông, ní-phông m bûa;

    however much we try to reconcile the difficulty, there seems to be no way of compassing it.

  • tăi-ke phêng-íu hùe cài lâi kâi i ní-phông, bú-pit àiⁿ ní-phông kàu sêng;

    let all his friends again take hold and help him, and they will surely bring it to pass this time.

  • sie-hŭ ní-phông;

    help rectify the blunder.

  • To dye; to color.

  • ní phò;

    a dyer’s shop.

  • àiⁿ ní cò̤ kang-cheⁿ kâi;

    wish to have it dyed brown.

  • i tó̤ khui ní pâng;

    he has a dyeing establishment.

  • ní kàu bŏi thò̤ sek;

    dyed a fast color.

  • ní kang hó̤ căi, ní lío bŏi pìen sek;

    the dyeing is well done and the colors will not change.

  • The royal signet.

  • gêk-ní;

    the great seal.

  • i tit tîeh thŵn kok kâi gêk-ní;

    he received the state seal.

  • gêk-ní khṳt i pì cáu;

    the great seal was carried off by him on his back.

  • Mud; soil; mire.

  • thô nî ;

    clay, mud, soil.

  • i cò̤ sṳ̄ thoa nî thoa cúi;

    he does a thing as if he were being dragged to it through mud and water.

  • nî-cúi chīeⁿ;

    a mason.

  • Viscid juice or dried gum.

  • in-nî;


  • buah in-nî;

    use cosmetics.

  • chīu nî;

    the juices of a tree.

  • chêng chīu nî;

    the sap of the banyan.

  • in-nî hún;

    white cosmetic.

  • nî lâu-lâu;

    the juice flows.

  • Woolen cloth; broadcloth.

  • nî pò;


  • lâm nî;

    blue flannel.

  • o nî;

    black broadcloth.

  • nî kah-kíaⁿ;

    a sleeveless jacket of broadcloth.

  • nî bé-kùa;

    a cloth riding jacket.

  • cò̤-nî;

    why, how, what.

  • i cò̤-nî tàⁿ?

    What did he say?

  • tîeh cò̤-nî cò̤ cìaⁿ hó̤?

    What is the best thing to be done?

  • lṳ́ cò̤-nî tàⁿ cía ūe?

    Why do you speak thus?

  • nî-ko;

    a Buddhist nun.

  • nî-ko am;

    a nunnery.

  • A year, a revolution of the seasons; the years one has reached.

  • kim nî; kin nî;

    this year.

  • kū nî;

    last year.

  • mêⁿ nî;

    next year.

  • ău nî;

    year after next; in after years.

  • tōa ău nî;

    the year after year-after-next.

  • côiⁿ nî;

    year before last, or in former years, (according to the emphasis, whether placed or the first or the second syllable).

  • tōa côiⁿ nî;

    the year before year-before-last.

  • kṳ̆n nî; hīn nî;

    of late years.

  • kú nî;

    many years ago.

  • soiⁿ nî;

    in former years.

  • cīeⁿ nî;

    in other years.

  • kó-cá nî;

    in olden times.

  • ĕ nî;

    in coming years.

  • lâng nî;

    a few years.

  • kúi nî;

    several years.

  • choiⁿ nî peh nî to m̄ lâi;

    has not been here for ages.

  • i jîeh cōi nî-khí?

    Of what age is he?

  • ŭ nî-hùe kâi nâng;

    one advanced in years.

  • i kâi nî-hùe khin;

    he is not advanced in years.

  • sìo nî nâng;

    a young person.

  • cheⁿ nî chut sṳ̆, lău nî cìaⁿ cò̤ kuaⁿ;

    if one takes degrees in youth, he fills office in old age.

  • i kim nî jîeh cōi hùe?

    What is his age this year?

  • íen nî;

    long years ago.

  • hn̆g nî kâi sṳ̄;

    what occurred many years since.

  • thàng nî;

    throughout the year.

  • pùaⁿ nî;

    half a year.

  • ciu nî;

    all the year round.

  • kuè nî;

    to pass from one year to the next; the last day of the year.

  • sin nî;

    the new year.

  • pài nî;

    pay the compliments of the season; make New Year’s calls.

  • ke nî;

    older; added years.

  • cíe nî;

    younger; fewer years.

  • ìuⁿ nî;

    in youth.

  • nî-hùe cíⁿ-cíⁿ;

    is very youthful.

  • nî-hùe sek;

    of mature age.

  • sì nî, nî bō̤, saⁿ nî, tn̂g nî;

    four years in dates makes three full years in time.

  • i khṳ̀ cêk kò̤ cū khṳ̀ kàu cêk nî kú!

    To go anywhere takes him a year!

  • cêk nî kùe cêk nî;

    year after year.

  • nî thâu;

    early in the year.

  • nî búe;

    the end of the year.

  • nî tói;

    in the middle of the year.

  • nî lăi;

    before the close of the year.

  • kàu nî piⁿ-piⁿ cìaⁿ kàu;

    arrived just at the close of the year.

  • nî tn̂g gûeh kú kâi sṳ̄;

    a matter requiring time.

  • nî-nî; pâi nî; múeⁿ nî;

    every year.

  • cêk nî cêk nî;

    year by year.

  • pha kùe nî;

    after New Year.

  • làng nî làng nî;

    in alternate years.

  • keh nî;

    intervening years.

  • keh ke nŏ nî;

    after an interval of two years.

  • kàu taⁿ bói ŭ jîeh cŏi nî kú?

    How many years is it since you bought it?

  • nî-coih sàng lói-mûeh;

    make presents during the holidays.

  • cêk jît tǹg cêk nî;

    a day seems as long as a year.

  • tō jît jû nî;

    the days are like years in passing.

  • thâu nî lâi;

    the first year after I came.

  • kàu búe nî;

    during the last year that I was there.

  • tâng nî kuaⁿ;

    magistrates who have entered upon office in the same year.

  • tâng nî hiaⁿ tĭ;

    men born in the same year.

  • thiⁿ nî hó̤;

    a prosperous year.

  • thiⁿ nî cho-siap;

    an unfortunate year.

  • nî-chéng hó̤, nî-chêng mó̤;

    a good or bad year for business.

  • kàu tĭ nî cìaⁿ cò̤ tit hó̤?

    When will prosperous times return?

  • hṳ́ nî sĭ sĭm-mih nî koi?

    What year was that?

  • cì cêk nî úa bô̤ khṳ̀;

    I have not been there for a year.

  • nî hó̤, nî mó̤;

    a favorable or unfavorable year.

  • bw̄n nî;

    forever, perpetual.

  • cò̤ nî;

    perform the New Year rites.

  • ieh tŏ̤ tī cêk kâi nî-khî;

    limit the time to a certain year.

  • nî-kha sî;

    toward the end of the year.

  • ciaⁿ nî kú;

    about a year.

  • m̄ khéng cêk nî;

    not so short a period as a year.

  • nî gūa;

    over a year.

  • m̄ cīeⁿ nî;

    not a full year.

  • nî chun cē;

    a little over a year.

  • nî khio;

    little more than a year.

  • khui nî;

    the opening year.

  • hīn-khek nî-cong sùe mŏ̤ⁿ lío;

    it is the last evening of the present year.

  • kàu mńg nî cìaⁿ tit cú;

    when in the evening of life, had a son.

  • i kâi nî-sìo kai-cong;

    he has attained a good old age.

  • chia lío kâi cîⁿ ŭ nî bô̤ gûeh;

    when he has once got a thing on credit he does not pay till the end of the year.

  • úang nî to sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    it has always been so in past years.

  • lêh nî, bô̤ ko̤i ieⁿ;

    for successive years there has been no variation.

  • saⁿ nî kuaⁿ nŏ̤ nî múa;

    an appointment for three years is often fulfilled in two.

  • soiⁿ bói cêk-ē nî-līo pàng-kò̤;

    purchase and lay up beforehand the provisions required for a year.

  • cí sù nî bô̤ nâng lâi;

    no one has come from there these many years.

  • ki-hng nî ;

    years of dearth.

  • hong nî;

    years of plenty.

  • jūn nî;

    a year having thirteen months.

  • saⁿ nî cêk jūn, ngŏ nî cài jūn;

    in every five years there are two years having thirteen mouths.

  • ho̤h cōi nî;

    many years.

  • i khṳ̀ lío bô̤ nî bô̤ gûeh;

    since he went nothing has been heard from him.

  • kim nî hwn-cṳ̂ m̄ pí kū nî ō;

    the potatoes of the present year are not to be compared with the taro of last year.

  • nî siaⁿ; nî sìo; nî khî;

    set times in the year.

  • nî sīu;

    the ridge of the nose, from the point to the bridge, a portion of the face considered by fortune-tellers.

  • hêng nî hông coih ŭ tńg lâi a bô̤?

    Does he return at the recurrence of the annual festivals?

  • bô̤ ŭa nî;

    not many years.

  • cêk nî cêk hùe tîeh cai hâk-sîp;

    each year one is a year older, and should have learned something more.

  • lîen nî;

    through a series of years.

  • ku-ā nî sie lîen lóng-cóng ŏi;

    for several years in succession this happened in each year.

  • peh nî hâi láu;

    may you live harmoniously together a hundred years; I wish you a century of conjugal bliss.

  • tŏ̤ seⁿ lâng pó̤ peh hùe sīu;

    it is difficult to secure a hundred years of life in this world.

  • sí ău lâng pó̤ peh nî phûn;

    and difficult to ensure the preservation of one’s grave for a hundred years after his death.

  • àiⁿ cîah àiⁿ chēng īu àiⁿ nî àiⁿ coih, kang-khó căi;

    what with food and clothing and the annual festivals, it is very hard to make both ends meet.

  • nî chim, jît kú;

    long years ago.

  • nî koi;

    the year of the cycle.

  • khṳ̀ kàu saⁿ nî kú;

    went there three years ago.

  • kàu taⁿ ŭ chit nî kú;

    it is now seven years since.

  • cá nî;

    in former times.

  • pât nî;

    another year.

  • i lâi sàng nî lói;

    he brings new year’s presents.

  • lêk nî cìn-kòng;

    annual tribute.

  • tī nî?

    What year was it?

  • kah nî lâi, píaⁿ nî khṳ̀;

    came in the first year of the cycle, and went in the third.

  • pâi-múaⁿ nî ŭ mē?

    Is it so every year?

  • The breast; milk.

  • i tó̤ kio nâng chī nĭ;

    she is a wet nurse.

  • a nôⁿ tó̤ cîah nĭ;

    the baby is nursing.

  • cang sĭm mûeh lâi cîah khṳt i ŭ nĭ?

    What can she eat to produce milk?

  • a-nôⁿ cêng keh nĭ a būe?

    Is the child weaned yet?

  • gû-nĭ ;

    cow’s milk.

  • cuh nĭ;

    suck at the breast.

  • līu nĭ;

    to milk.

  • Bigoted; opinionated.

  • i cò̤ sū thì-thì nĭ-nĭ;

    he is very set in his ways.

  • i kâi nâng thì-nĭ căi;

    he is very obstinate.

  • nĭ huang-cúi kâi sṳ̄ tì-kàu būe cêng cǹg;

    have held so tenaciously to geomantic rules, that they have not been able to bury the corpse.

  • sṳ̄ m̄-hó̤ khu, m̄-hó nĭ;

    should not obstinately adhere to one idea concerning the matter.

  • màiⁿ nĭ tīaⁿ-tîeh cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    do not set your heart upon its being exactly so.

  • cía sṳ̄ m̄-hó̤ cip-nĭ;

    do not be mulish about this.

  • nĭ-thì, m̄ thong;

    set in his opinion so as to be unmoved by argument.