A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / mng | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / mng

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  • A sign of the past tense.

  • jît mng àm lío, cò̤-nî būe cṳ́ pn̄g?

    The sun is already down, why is it that supper is not yet cooked?

  • úa mng sĭ m̄ cai, úa ā-sĭ cai cū bô̤ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    I knew nothing about it, if I had known, it would not have been so.

  • i mng tó̤ cŏ̤, lṳ́ sĭ thóiⁿ-m̄-kìⁿ héⁿ?

    He was sitting there, did you not see him?

  • lṳ́ hìeⁿ ùaⁿ lâi: i mng íⁿ-keng khṳ̀ lío;

    how late you are in coming: he has already gone.

  • lṳ́ tàⁿ i mùaⁿ-cá àiⁿ lâi, i taⁿ mng lâi lío;

    you said he was coming to-morrow, and he has already arrived.

  • i mng khṳ̀ nín kò̤ lío, lṳ́ cò̤-nî tin-tò̤ lâi cí kò̤?

    He has already gone to your house, how is it that you on the contrary have come here?

  • Evening; late in life; the gloaming; late; behindhand.

  • kàu-mńg nî cìaⁿ tit cṳ́;

    late in life had a son.

  • ka-kī cheng-cò̤ mńg-seng;

    calls himself “Your servant.”

  • kin nî kâi mńg tang;

    the last crop of this year.

  • màiⁿ táng kàu sĭeⁿ siu-hùe le, cū khah mńg;

    do not wait till you are sorry for it, for it will then be too late.

  • cá mńg cū ŭ;

    sooner or later it will be so.

  • cá mńg nŏ̤ kùe tang lóng-cóng hó̤;

    the early and late crops of the year were both good.

  • mńg-chang;

    supper, a term used among native Christians for the Lord’s Supper.

  • cá mńg kak cîah nŏ̤ cîⁿ;

    takes two cash worth of it morning and evening.

  • i ā-sĭ khéng kói-hùe hûe-thâu, hŵn-lío bŏi mńg;

    if he is willing to repent and reform it is not yet too late.

  • For the time, just, merely.

  • cò̤ li mńg cò̤, m̄ cai hâh ēng mē;

    can make it after a fashion, but do not know whether it will be fit to use when it is done.

  • tàⁿ li mńg tàⁿ, úa sĭeⁿ i m̄ thiaⁿ;

    as for that, I can tell him, bat I suppose he will pay no heed to what I say.

  • āeng li mńg ēng i, m̄ cai i cò̤ tit lâi mē;

    I can employ him for the time being, but am doubtful whether he can do the work.

  • mńg-hŭn kùe jît;

    just barely manage to get along.

  • Sign of the plural of persons.

  • îa mn̂g;

    official attendants.

  • seng-lí mn̂g;


  • thâk cṳ mn̂g;


  • a cong mn̂g;


  • a pún mn̂g;

    clerks in the yamun.

  • hṳ́ cêk mn̂g kâi nâng to m̄-hó̤ kau-chap;

    it is not well to associate with those people.

  • tī cêk mńg to̤ m̄-ùi;

    fears no sort of people.

  • cí cêk mn̂g úa cĭu kiaⁿ, hṳ́ cêk mn̂g bô̤-siang-kang;

    these I fear, but those I am not concerned about.

  • A gate; a gateway; a door; a house or the family in it; an entrance, an opening; a harbour; a sect; a profession; a class; an occupation; in anatomy, a short duct or passage; a classifier of cannon and of affairs.

  • cíeⁿ mn̂g;

    guard the entrance.

  • phah mn̂g; khà mn̂g; tiak mn̂g;

    to knock at a door.

  • khui mn̂g;

    open the door.

  • kueⁿ mn̂g;

    shut the door.

  • chùaⁿ mn̂g;

    latch the door.

  • chēng mn̂g;

    bar the door.

  • kit mn̂g;

    bolt the door.

  • hŏiⁿ mn̂g;

    pull the doors together.

  • tàu mn̂g;

    set the door in its sockets.

  • huang mn̂g;

    seal up a door.

  • só̤ mn̂g;

    lock the door.

  • mn̂g hăm a hŏiⁿ;

    set the door ajar.

  • nŏ̤ phìⁿ tōa mn̂g;

    two large doors.

  • síam mn̂g;

    movable doors, forming a partition.

  • theng mn̂g;

    window shutters.

  • côiⁿ mn̂g;

    the front door.

  • ău mn̂g;

    the back door.

  • mn̂g-kíaⁿ;

    small doors.

  • thài phêng mn̂g;

    an open doorway.

  • khui tong mn̂g ngêng-cih;

    open the main door and receive him there.

  • kîaⁿ kak mn̂g jîp khṳ̀;

    entered by a side door.

  • kîaⁿ cìaⁿ mn̂g a sĭ kîaⁿ phien mn̂g?

    Do they use the main door or a side door?

  • ŵn-mn̂g;

    doors beside the main one at the entrance to a yamun.

  • toaⁿ phìⁿ mn̂g;

    a door of one leaf.

  • îⁿ mn̂g;

    an arched doorway.

  • lâng-kang mn̂g;

    a grated door.

  • chut mn̂g;

    to go out of doors; to be out; to be married.

  • jîp mn̂g;

    to enter the house.

  • sŏ̤ mn̂g; sìang mn̂g;

    to batter down a door.

  • cŭang mn̂g;

    to break in a door.

  • kiah mn̂g;

    to pick open a door.

  • léng mn̂g;

    push open a door.

  • mn̂g khuang;

    door casings.

  • mn̂g táu;

    door frames.

  • mn̂g bâi;

    the lintel.

  • mn̂g tŏiⁿ;

    the threshold.

  • mn̂g kha khŭ;

    the socket in which a door turns.

  • mn̂g chùaⁿ;

    door latch.

  • mn̂g-hŵn;

    the rings through which a Chinese door is locked.

  • cêk hâp mn̂g;

    a double door.

  • mn̂g sìⁿ ău;

    behind the door.

  • po̤-mn̂g;


  • lâu mn̂g;

    entrance to an upper storey.

  • pâng mn̂g;

    bedroom door.

  • càu ĕ mn̂g;

    the kitchen door.

  • càu mn̂g;

    the door of the kitchen range.

  • huang-lô mn̂g;

    stove doors.

  • mīn mn̂g;

    the face.

  • mn̂g kha kháu;

    outside the gate.

  • mn̂g kha;

    by the door.

  • cò̤ mn̂g-cīeⁿ; tng mn̂g-kháu;

    to be steward, butler or major-domo; a factotum in the employ of a gentleman.

  • cí khí sṳ̄ i cn̂g kâi m̄ jîp mn̂g;

    he shows no aptness at all for this sort of thing.

  • lṳ́ cai thiaⁿ mn̂g;

    you sit up and be ready to open the door.

  • mn̂g-sîn;

    the god who guards the gate.

  • mn̂g-pâi;


  • pàng saⁿ mn̂g phàu;

    fired off three cannon.

  • mn̂g-mn̂g to hío;

    he is a jack-at-all-trades.

  • tī cêk mn̂g i to pat;

    he understands a little of every sort of business.

  • i cwn mn̂g cò̤ cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;

    he makes a specialty of this business.

  • mn̂g lō;

    openings for trade or work.

  • mn̂g-seng; mn̂g-thû; mn̂g-jîn;

    a follower; a disciple.

  • mn̂g-hŏ;


  • khṳ̀ i kò̤ pài mn̂g;

    go to him for patronage.

  • mn̂g pau; mn̂g lói;

    a fee to the porter.

  • mn̂g-táu;

    attendants on a district school inspector.

  • pùn mn̂g;

    the anus.

  • súaⁿ mn̂g;

    the mouth of the womb.

  • tùi mīn mn̂g;

    the opposite door.

  • i cí hûe bô̤ mn̂g bô̤ lō;

    he is now without resource.

  • ūe tàⁿ khù bô̤ mn̂g hó̤ jîp;

    there was no chance to enter into the conversation.

  • cúi kwn mn̂g;

    the place where a stream disemboges.

  • m̄ cai seⁿ-sí mn̂g;

    does not know which way danger lies.

  • khui mn̂g pàng cúi;

    open the sluice, and let off the water; produce a circulation of the fluids.

  • káng mn̂g;

    entrance to a canal, port, or harbour.

  • hòng tîeh i kâi hīⁿ-kíaⁿ mn̂g;

    boxed him on the ear.

  • lō mn̂g khah ôih;

    the opening is too narrow.

  • khîu mn̂g jû chĭ;

    sought his door in numbers like those going to a fair.

  • cĭeⁿ mn̂g;

    approached the door.

  • kàu i mn̂g ŭ jîeh kú?

    How long since she arrived at the house of her husband?

  • thiⁿ khui mn̂g;

    there is a rift in the sky; good fortune comes. mn̂g-lâu têng;

    a roof to protect a doorway.

  • thap-tó mn̂g-lâu;

    a doorway that juts inward.

  • îang mn̂g;

    a door that has no roof above it.

  • mn̂g-lâu koiⁿ;

    a porch or entry.

  • mn̂g-sún;

    the tenons on which a door turns.

  • uaiⁿ mn̂g;

    to swing on a door.

  • mn̂g màiⁿ uaiⁿ chut, uaiⁿ jîp;

    do not swing the door to and fro.

  • mn̂g khŏng-khŏng-kìe;

    the door is slamming.

  • gê-mn̂g;

    a yamun.

  • îaⁿ mn̂g;

    entrance to a camp.

  • tīn mn̂g;

    a gap in the ranks.

  • cêk mn̂g chèng;

    a gun.

  • kîaⁿ lĭang mn̂g;

    go in at a private entrance.

  • cē mn̂g;

    the entrance to a fortified village.

  • mn̂g-thâu;

    a door.

  • tŏ̤ tī-kâi mn̂g-thâu tīu?

    By which gate do you live?

  • thâu kâi mn̂g;

    the first door.

  • jī mn̂g;

    the second door.

  • pâk mn̂g;

    the north gate.

  • i kâi chíu-mn̂g heng;

    he is an apt hand at it.

  • chíu mn̂g m̄-hó̤;

    he is an awkward hand at it.

  • lṳ́ thiaⁿ i kâi ūe-mn̂g cò̤-nî tàⁿ?

    What do you think is the meaning of what he says?

  • ngĕ-mn̂g sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    that is a fixed fact.

  • cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ khuah mn̂g, hṳ́ kâi ôih mn̂g;

    this is an extensive business, that is one that offers no room for expansion.

  • íam mn̂g phāng

    peep through a crack in the door.

  • kíu mn̂g thî-tok;

    the keeper of the nine gates of the city of Peking.

  • thiⁿ ĕ ŭ jîeh cōi kà-mn̂g;

    How many religions are there in the world?

  • cêk kâi sai-pĕ kà-mn̂g kâi;

    apprentices of the same master workman.

  • kùe mn̂g jîeh kú?

    How long since she was married?

  • m̄ tàⁿ nâng kui mn̂g kâi sai sṳ̄;

    not talk of people’s private affairs.

  • máng-tìeⁿ mn̂g;

    the opening in a mosquito-bar.

  • sṳ-hùi mn̂g tōa căi;

    his expenditures are enormous.

  • ceng mn̂g, khăm hŏ;

    bangs away at the door.

  • chūe kàu i bô̤ mn̂g bô̤ hŏ;

    follow him up till he has no way of escape.

  • mn̂g gūa;

    out of doors.

  • mn̂g lăi;


  • tàⁿ khṳ̀ tùi mn̂g a m̄ tùi mn̂g?

    Did he speak to the point or not?

  • thâu pàng mn̂g;

    at the first opening of the doors, the first recess at an examination.

  • mīaⁿ mn̂g;

    a supposed passage between the rectum and the bladder, called “the gate of life”.

  • mn̂g mīn pái lâi li hó̤ căi;

    the front is finely decorated; appearances are well cared for.

  • To inquire of or about.

  • mn̄g tîeh, i cò̤-nî tàⁿ?

    What did he say when you asked him?

  • mn̄g mêng-pêh;

    ascertain by inquiry.

  • cêk mn̄g cêk tap;

    an answer to each question.

  • cieh mn̄g;

    inquire respectfully.

  • mn̄g lō;

    inquire the way.

  • mn̄g kàu i kâi tói-sòi chut lâi;

    investigate thoroughly so as to bring out all the facts.

  • úa chíaⁿ mn̄g lṳ́;

    I beg to ask you.

  • lâk mn̄g cū pat;

    diligently inquire and you will know.

  • mn̄g tang mn̄g sai, mn̄g cìeⁿ mn̄g hìeⁿ;

    made extensive and careful inquiry.

  • hâk mn̄g;

    learning; education.