A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / lin | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / lin

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  • The solitary wasp or sphex, which imprisons caterpillars in its cell to feed its young.

  • lin-liang ie;

    wasp waisted.

  • lin-liang-phang kâⁿ bé-lêng-khîa khṳ̀ khǹg tŏ̤ khang tói, lío cang thô kô miⁿ, ciu-jît ē-ē pue tŏ̤ hṳ́ kâi khang kháu, hng-hng-kìe, chin-chĭeⁿ līam ciu cêk īeⁿ, chit jīt ău cū pìⁿ cò̤ lin-liang-phang kíaⁿ;

    the solitary wasp carries spiders in its mouth and hides them away in its cell, then it takes clay and seals them up tight, and all day it flies repeatedly to the mouth of the cell and buzzes, as if it were reciting incantations, and

then after seven days they are transformed into young wasps.

  • A wheel; to wheel.

  • chia lín;

    the wheel of a carriage.

  • lín chia;

    wheeled vehicles; to wheel a wheeled vehicle.

  • i kâi chia lín sĭ sieⁿ thih;

    his wagon wheels are tired with iron.

  • lín tîeh tōa, kîaⁿ méⁿ;

    the wheels must be large and then it will go faster.

  • lín m̄ tin-tăng;

    the wheels will not move.

  • lín cē kûe cū bŏi kîaⁿ;

    when the wheel is blocked it does not move.

  • lín khah siap;

    there is too much friction at the hub.

  • cí bûe tōa phàu àiⁿ lín khṳ̀ tī kò̤?

    Where is this large cannon being wheeled to?

  • lín tò̤-tńg;

    wheel backward.

  • lín khui;

    wheel it off.

  • chia-lín tó̤ tie, lín tîeh kang-khó;

    the wheels jolt, and it is hard wheeling it.

  • Near, contiguous, connected with; neighboring; a neighborhood ; a group of five families.

  • lîn-kṳ̆n kâi nâng lóng-cóng lâi;

    those living near all came.

  • choiⁿ kim bói chù, bw̄n kim bói lîn;

    a thousand ducats paid for the house, and ten thousand paid in consideration of the neighborhood.

  • lîn kok;

    conterminous states.

  • lîn hieⁿ;

    adjacent towns.

  • chṳ̀ lîn; chù piⁿ;


  • phò lîn; phò piⁿ;

    adjoining shops.

  • có̤ ĭu lín;

    neighbors on either side.

  • hûa-môk lîn-lí;

    a friendly community.

  • Damask; thin silk with one glossy surface.

  • sĭ lîn kâi a sĭ tn̄g kâi?

    Is it of damask or of satin?

  • àiⁿ pìe lîn a m̆?

    Are you going to mount it on damask?

  • kún lîn kâi;

    trimmed with damask.

  • páng lîn;

    thick glossy damask.

  • Parallel sentences or distiches; they are written on scrolls, or enclosed in frames, to hang upon walls.

  • tìo cêk tùi tûi-lîn;

    hang up a pair of matched scrolls.

  • i lâi sàng lîn sìⁿ;

    he came and presented scrolls and a fan.