A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / lim | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / lim

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  • Regarding or visiting an inferior; to look down on sympathizingly; to bless or curse by coming to; commencing, at the point of, about; during, whilst; time of meeting, and it thus sometimes makes the present participle; like; to imitate; the 19th diagram, meaning great.

  • kàng-lîm;

    to descend, (as a god from the heavens to the earth).

  • khíong-ùi sĭ sîn-sien lîm hûam;

    perhaps it is an angel come down among men.

  • lîm cong hun-hù;

    when at the point of death gave these commands.

  • lîm sí, hôk seⁿ;

    when at the point of death was resuscitated.

  • lîm khṳ̀ kâi sî-hāu kìa-hṳ̄ cìeⁿ-seⁿ tàⁿ;

    just as he was departing he entrusted this message to me.

  • lîm châi bó̤ kó-tit;

    when getting rich, do not become unscrupulous.

  • lṳ́ thóiⁿ cía jī sĭ lîm sĭm-mîh thiap kâi?

    What copy do you think has been followed in these letters?

  • i sía jī múi jît lîm thiap;

    in writing he daily writes more like the copy.

  • lîm lāng bô̤ kó míen;

    when entering upon difficulties do not inconsiderately avoid them.

  • i lîm cèng cōi, ŭ lwt-lêh;

    he has great experience, having been near many diseased people.

  • hun-hù i mó̤ lîm sî gō sṳ̄;

    charge him not to let the business fail of accomplishment through delay at the moment for action.

  • lîm-kip, sĭeⁿ bô̤ kòi;

    so near it that I thought there was no help for it.

  • A forest, a wood, a grove, a clump of trees; a group or company.

  • chīu lîm;

    groves, copses.

  • suaⁿ lîm;

    wooded glens.

  • tek lîm;

    a bamboo copse.

  • gṳ̄ lîm;

    the imperial guard.

  • hâng-lîm;

    the Imperial Academy.

  • tôk bâk put sêng lîm;

    a single tree does not make a forest.

  • bûn-lîm;

    the literary body.

  • chim lîm;

    the depths of the forest.


  • Full to the brim; replete.

  • i cē íe cū íe kàn lîm-lîm;

    when he does dip it up, he dips it full to the very brim.

  • chō̤ kàu nĕ lîm-lîm, mn̄g lṳ́ cò̤-nî khîeh?

    If you fill it to the very brim, then bow will you manage to carry it?

  • m̄ tîeh màiⁿ chō̤ kàu khah lîm?

    How is it that you know no better than to fill it too full?

  • The eaves.

  • lîm-cîⁿ;

    the eaves of a roof.

  • khīa tŏ̤ lîm-cíⁿ ĕ;

    standing under the eaves.

  • lîm-koi-cîeh;

    the stone underneath the eaves, bordering the open court.

  • lîm-cíⁿ kha;

    close to the eaves.

  • A disease of the bladder or ureter.

  • sua lîm;

    gravel in the bladder.

  • cîeh lîm;

    stone in the bladder.

  • hueh lîm;

  • bloody urine.

  • ko̤ lîm;

    stringy or ropy urine.

  • pêh lîm;

    white deposits in the urine.

  • jīe lîm;


  • ngŏ lîm;

    five sorts of urinary ailments.

  • A continuous rain of three days.

  • chiu thiⁿ-sî kâi kú hŏ, kìeⁿ-co̤ chiu-lîm;

    the long rains of autumn are called the rainy season.

  • kam lîm;

    a timely rain.


  • The pattering of rain or hail.

  • tōa hŏ lîm-lî;

    the rain pours steadily down.

  • sía kàn lîm-lîm-lî-lî;

    writing steadily and rapidly, the letters dropping from his pen like falling rain.

  • To pick up or out; to take up.

  • lĭm khûn-thâu phah nâng;

    lifted his fist and struck some one.

  • lĭm ki to̤ cū tok khṳ̀;

    took his knife and chopped it off.

  • cŏ̤-ngŵn lĭm tieh chíu;

    the senior-wrangler of the empire is held in a close grasp.

  • chíu tèng lĭm ki chieⁿ;

    took a spear in his hand.

  • To hold in the hand; to maintain hold.

  • bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ lĭm chíu;

    there is no place where one can get a hold on it.

  • lĭm pit tîeh cò̤-nî lĭm cìaⁿ hó̤?

    In holding the pen what is the correct manner of holding it?

  • lĭm hó̤-hó̤, màiⁿ ka-lâuh;

    hold it carefully and don’t drop it.

  • lĭm kín-kín;

    grasp it firmly.

  • nŏ̤ ciah chíu lĭm m̄ bûa;

    cannot reach around it with both hands.

  • nŏ̤ nâng sie lĭm chíu;

    the two grasped each other’s hands.