A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / lien | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / lien

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  • Reputation ; honor; character ; dignity.

  • sái kàu i bô̤ líen;

    cause him to lose his standing in the respect of others.

  • bô̤ líen căi;

    very inglorious.

  • tiu líen;

    to humiliate, to mortify, to put down.

  • tng mīn tiu i kâi líen;

    openly put him to shame.

  • khṳt úa tōa tiu líen;

    was greatly disconcerted by what I said.

  • màiⁿ sieⁿ tiêh i kài líen-mīn;

    do not injure his reputation.

  • mó̤ tng mīn cū sit nâng kâi líen;

    it is not well to humble people.

  • i khṳt nâng sit líen to m̄-ùi;

    he does not care who casts discredit upon him.

  • sĭ m̄ kù líen kâi nâng;

    is one who cares little for his own dignity.

  • sît-căi chŵn bô̤ kù líen-mīn;

    has really no regard at all for popularity.

  • i tîeh cò̤ kàu líen ŭ sek-cêk bô̤, cíaⁿ khéng hiah;

    he will go on until his fame is tarnished before he will consent to stop.

  • cìeⁿ-seⁿ úa thóiⁿ li bô̤ sĭm-mih líen-mīn;

    as I view the case, that will not bring us much esteem.

  • i tŏ hṳ́ kò̤ sǹg sĭ tōa thí-líen kâi nâng;

    he is reckoned a distinguished man there.

  • hàm i màiⁿ tó̤ thí-líen;

    tell him not to put on stately airs.

  • i k`hṳ kàu ŭ sĭm-mih lìen-sek nē?

    In how great respect is he held where he is gone?

  • cìeⁿ-seⁿ cò̤ sīt-căi i kûi líen-cīeⁿ kùe m̄ khṳ̀;

    indeed, his reputation cannot safely stand that.

  • síeⁿ líen cē;

    confer some little credit upon; keep in countenance.

  • síeⁿ kâi po̤h líen khṳt úa;

    confer upon me the honor of a visit from you.

  • i sui-jîen sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ īa tîeh lâu kâi líen khṳt i hó̤ kìⁿ nâng;

    although he has done thus, still some credit must be left to him, that he may look people in the face.

  • úa cìeⁿ-seⁿ cū sǹg sĭ lâu líen-mīn khṳt i;

    thus I may be reckoned to have allowed him to maintain some dignity.

  • lâi khṳt úa cò̤ líen;

    give me moral support; keep me in countenance; assist me in gaining respect.

  • i khṳ̀ kàu khṳt nâng tng mīn sàu líen;

    on arriving he was treated with open disrespect.

  • cē bô̤ nâng chûn líen khṳt i;

    very soon no one will maintain any show of respect toward him.

  • sît-căi mó̤ siu líen;

    is indeed discreditable.

  • i cêk-seⁿ-nâng hàuⁿ cò̤ bô̤ líen sṳ̄;

    he has all his life been a party to disreputable transactions.

  • úa thóiⁿ li nín tîeh khṳt i kùe líen cē cìaⁿ tîeh;

    I consider that it would be right for you to show him some honor.

  • cía phêng bô̤ só̤ ŭi, put kùe sĭ chíeⁿ kâi líen tīaⁿ;

    this is of no great account, it is nothing more than taking advantage of an opportunity to get popularity.

  • su nâng, m̄ su tīn, to sĭ ūi kâi líen;

    to be inferior to some, but not to the mass of people, is to be in good repute.

  • i kâi nâng hàuⁿ lien;

    he has great regard for his own glory.

  • To commiserate; to have charity for; to sympathize with.

  • úa lîen-tîeh;

    I pity him.

  • sĭm sĭ lîen-míen i;

    has the utmost compassion for him.

  • tâng pēⁿ siang lîen;

    those similarly afflicted sympathize with each other.

  • khó̤-lîen tîeh i;

    have pity on him.

  • nâng-nâng to lîen i;

    every one is sorry for him.

  • To connect; to continue; to join, to unite; to compromise; contiguous, annexed, reaching to; a succession of; following, attached; even, also, with.

  • lîen jît lô̤h hŏ;

    rained continuously for days.

  • kak-lîen húiⁿ-lūi;

    banded outlaws.

  • chà-thâu sie lîen;

    adjoining houses.

  • màiⁿ lîen-lūi pât nâng;

    do not involve other people in it.

  • chù-piⁿ hù khṳt i lîen-lŭi tîeh;

    his neighbours were implicated by him.

  • cí-kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ khang-lîen tōa-bó̤-mûeh nâng;

    this affair has compromised many people.

  • lîen-lîen cū cêⁿ kái gûeh;

    fair weather for a month continuously.

  • cêk lîen kâi gûeh bô̤ hŏ;

    no rain for a whole month.

  • lîen khue kau tèng;

    gained his degrees at successive examinations.

  • lîen cih saⁿ tieⁿ sìn;

    received three letters, one after another.

  • lîen cīeⁿ sìo, khìam jîeh cōi?

    With the former bills joined on, how much is due?

  • lîen mīn īa m̄ sói;

    he has not washed even his face.

  • i lîen pĕ-bó̤ to m̄ pat, cò̤ pat pât nâng;

    since he does not know even his parents, how can he know other people.

  • lîen mŵn, kòi-cheh;

    a plan that effects two objects.

  • kau-lîen kíu tō̤-kò̤;

    closely interlinked.

  • cang thih só̤ lâi lîen cò̤ cêk ē;

    take a chain and connect them.

  • Connected, joined, united; associated; a term for ten householders acting as a neighborhood; to combine with; to make alliance with; to join in regular order.

  • lîen cò̤ cêk ē;

    link them together.

  • lîen-lok cò̤ cêk tîo;

    join them in one chain.

  • cèng nâng lîen mîaⁿ khṳ̀ pó̤ i;

    they all united and went as bail for him.

  • soiⁿ nî pó̤-kah lîen-lo̤k kâi huap sĭm hó̤;

    the usage in former years of five or ten households uniting to form a neighbourhood was excellent.

  • Stingy, covetous, sordid, parsimonious, sparing, close.

  • i kâi nâng lĭen căi;

    he is a very close man.

  • kang-jîn li lĭen khang, cú-nâng li lîen cîⁿ; jī-ke kien-lĭen;

    the workmen are sparing of work, and the employer is sparing of money, both parties being equally unwilling to part with what they might give.

  • īu tham īu lĭen;

    avaricious and parsimonious.

  • lĭen-sieh cîⁿ ngṳ̂n;

    very loth to part with money.

  • i mih sṳ̄ to m̄ lĭen;

    he is sparing of nothing.

  • i to bô̤ lĭen;

    he is never niggardly.

  • To practise; to drill in; to experiment upon.

  • kuaⁿ-hú ùiⁿ jŭ kak hieⁿ thŵn-līen;

    the magistrate is going to issue orders for drill in every village.

  • kak chù to ŭ thŵn-līen-kẃn;

    each place has headquarters for its militia.

  • līen-sîp kàu sêk-sêk;

    learn it perfectly by long continued practise.

  • i kâi bú-gōi līen kàu sêk căi;

    he has practised his handicraft till very familiar with it.

  • chau-līen piaⁿ bé;

    drill troops.

  • ke-húe līen lâi kàu kang;

    exercised in the use of his weapons till very skillful.

  • chíaⁿ nâng lâi līen khûn;

    invite some one to teach boxing.

  • i kâi khûn līen lâi kàu chim căi;

    he has by practise become deeply versed in the art of boxing.

  • i kâi kẁn-līen căi;

    he is a practised hand.

  • līen sái sang to̤;

    practise fencing with the double sword.

  • līen khûn, līen kàu ŏi pue sîam cáu piah;

    to exercise in gymnastics till one can fly over partitions.

  • A chain.

  • kuaⁿ-hú lìah i khṳ̀ tún līen;

    the magistrate seized him and put him in chains.

  • tâng līen;

    brass chains.

  • thih līen;

    iron chains, used as fetters.

  • i kùa tîo ngṳ̂n ăm līen;

    she wore a silver necklace.

  • pie līen;

    a watch chain.

  • lô̤h līen;

    to put in chains or fetters.

  • To smelt ores; to refine; to forge.

  • līen thih;

    smelt iron ore.

  • līen îeh;

    chemicals used in smelting ores.

l tang līen sêng lío;

  • To mince; to hash up; to chop very fine.

  • cang to̤ līen kàu miⁿ-miⁿ;

    chop it very fine with a knife.

  • līen cò̤ nêk-cìeⁿ;

    chop it into mince-meat.