A resumé, a sketch, a general outline, a digest; a little; in general; rather.
lîak-lîak tàⁿ cē cū hó̤;
to give a resume will be sufficient.
put kùe tàⁿ kâi tăi-lîak;
give only a general outline.
somewhat; in general; slightly; rather.
chó̤-lîak pat;
understand it in some small degree.
chó̤-lîak ūe;
draw a slight sketch.
lîak cai cêk nŏ̤;
know a little about it.
about; somewhere near that amount.
iak-lîak ŭ jîeh cōi?
About how much is there?
iak-lîak saⁿ jît kú;
about three days.
iak-lîak sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
it is about that.