A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / li | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / li

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  • Slovenly.

  • i cò̤ sṳ̄ li-la căi;

    she does things in a very slovenly way.

  • hàm i màiⁿ tó̤ li-la;

    tell him not to slur the thing over.

  • jú tàⁿ jú li-la;

    the more you talk to him about it the more untidy he is.

  • li-li- la-la kâi nâng;

    a slovenly lout.

  • Driving, as wind or rain.

  • huang li-li, chue tîeh hó̤ căi;

    there is a strong breeze, pleasant to feel.

  • gûeh li kng-kng, huang li, li-li;

    bright moonlight, and a steady breeze.

  • An adverbial particle indicating certainty.

  • tàⁿ khí lâi, ūe tn̂g li;

    to tell about it will take a long time.

  • cí khí cōi cîⁿ li;

    this sort is costly.

  • hó̤ li hó̤, kùi li kùi;

    as for the quality it is indeed good, and as for the price it is very dear.

  • phîⁿ li phîⁿ, cûah cē bô̤ ēng;

    as for cheapness, it is cheap, and if it were a little less good it would be good for nothing.

  • cí kâi li khah sòi, hṳ́ kái li khah tōa;

    this is too small and that too large.

  • īa sĭ kio cí kâi cìaⁿ hó̤ kâi li úa cū àiⁿ;

    if it be as good a one as this, I want it.

  • lō li hn̆g, tó li khùn;

    the road is long, and my belly is empty.

  • A place of residence; a neighborhood, a village of twenty-five or fifty families; the Chinese mile, reckoned to be 300 paces.

  • tâng hieⁿ-lí;

    fellow villagers.

  • câp lí cū sĭ cêk phò;

    ten Chinese miles are one Chinese league, (equal to 3½ English miles).

  • cêk lí lō;

    a mile.

  • lî ŭ saⁿ lí hn̆g;

    it is three miles away.

  • choiⁿ lí bé;

    a courier or post-boy.

  • à kuaⁿ kêng, à kúi sí, à lí-tíeⁿ ēng ke bí;

    if you argue with the magistrate you will become poor, if you argue with a demon you will die, and if yon argue with the head of your village you will use up a good deal of rice.

  • Rites; ceremonies.

  • lí pŏ;

    the Board of Rites.

  • lí khue;

    the district bureau having charge of state ceremonies.

  • lí pâng;

    the provincial department of rites.

  • To govern, to manage, to look after, to regulate, to rectify, to adjust according to principle; the governing principle; that which is felt to be right and suitable, and depends not on force; reason; right doctrine; rule of action; among Chinese philosophers, the principle of organization by which matter is preserved, or the power that inheres in it; to depend on; to think of, to regard.

  • tŏ̤-lí; tău-lí;

    right doctrine; correct reason.

  • thŵn tŏ̤-lí;

    to set forth the truth.

  • sueh tŏ̤-lí;

    to expound the correct principles of the thing.

  • thiⁿ lí;

    Heaven’s reason, a retributive overruling Providence.

  • tī lí;

    the principle of organization which inheres in terrestrial nature.

  • ŭ thiⁿ lí cìaⁿ ŭ lī lí;

    since there is an overruling power there is also an underlying principle in nature.

  • sui sĭ châk īa ū thien-lí lîang-sim;

    although he is a rebel, he has a conscience.

  • tîeh thiⁿ-lí lîang-sim cē;

    you must have some conscience in regard to it.

  • hâh lí;


  • i ŭ chêng-lí;

    he has reason on his side.

  • bô̤ chêng-lí;

    unreasonable; not according to common sense.

  • siu-lí kàu iap-thiap iap-thiap;

    put it in complete order.

  • sṳ̆-lí;

    to set in order; to regulate.

  • cíaⁿ-lí;

    put in good repair.

  • lí sṳ̄;

    attend to affairs, regulate matters.

  • lí ke sṳ̄;

    attend to domestic concerns.

  • àiⁿ khṳ̀ lí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;

    is going to attend to an affair requiring adjustment.

  • lṳ́ kio úa lí hó̤;

    you rectify it for me.

  • seng-ĺi;


  • ŭ seng-lí hó̤ mē?

    Is trade brisk with you?

  • seng-lí hó̤ mē?

    Is your business prosperous?

  • bô̤ mih seng-lí;

    does not sell off much.

  • pōiⁿ-lí kàu cheng-chó̤;

    have it all completly adjusted.

  • līo-lí;

    to arrange with care.

  • thîo-lí;

    to cure.

  • cē m̄ ôiⁿ cū lí m̄ kàu cía sṳ̄;

    if I have not leisure, I cannot manage to attend to this.

  • cĭeⁿ mn̂g, khṳ̀ kio i lí-lŭn;

    go to his door, and reason with him about it.

  • lí-hŭe;

    to manage kindly.

  • mih sṳ̄ to tîeh káng-lí;

    in every affair the rights of the case must be regarded.

  • i cò̤ sṳ̄ ío cĭu lí;

    he is regardful of the right in what he does.

  • khîang sṳ̂, tô̤h cìaⁿ lí;

    talk speciously and distort reasons.

  • bô̤ lí à kàu ŭ lí;

    make the worse appear the better reason.

  • cía sĭ khîang sṳ̂ tô̤h lí kâi ūe;

    this is wresting words in such a way as to pervert the truth.

  • tàⁿ ūe bô̤ chêng bô̤ lí;

    talk unreasonably.

  • íⁿ lí lâi lŭn, i m̄-hó̤ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    putting it on the ground of equity, he is in the wrong.

  • cía sĭ sĭm-mih tŏ̤-lí;

    what sort of argument is this.

  • i m̄ lí i;

    he will not take it in hand.

  • kẃn-lí;

    to control; take charge of; govern.

  • sĭ tī-tîang tó̤ kẃn-lí?

    Who has charge of it?

  • bûn-lí;

    the literary style.

  • lí kng, m̄ lí àm;

    regard what is evident, not what is behind the scenes.

  • i lí m̄ khṳ̀;

    he cannot manage it.

  • i lí m̄ lâi;

    he cannot adjust matters.

  • kak nâng lí kak nâng kâi sṳ̄;

    let each attend to his own business.

  • màiⁿ li khah hn̆g, lṳ́ li lṳ́ ka-kī cū hó̤;

    do not extend your management of affairs too far, if you keep yourself in order you will do well.

  • cìe lí lâi tàⁿ, tîeh cìeⁿ-seⁿ cìaⁿ tîeh;

    speaking simply of how it ought to be, it must be thus in order to be right.

  • i cò̤ sṳ̄ to m̄ cìo lí;

    he always acts contrary to reason.

  • lí lō m̄ sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    that is not the right way to do.

  • i sĭ pang-lí kâi;

    he acts as assistant in the management of the affair.

  • cía tŏ̤-lí cū sĭeⁿ m̄ phùa;

    I had not thought out this principle.

  • cìeⁿ-seⁿ tàⁿ īa ŭ lí;

    there is reason in that also.

  • kak cip cêk lí;

    each holds to his own view.

  • cêk lí tong, peh lí thiet;

    one principle extends throughout all principles.

  • tŏ̤-lí cū sĭ cêk īe;

    correct doctrine is always the same.

  • chêng-lí sĭ sie-kang kâi;

    pure reason is common to all.

  • chêng-lí sĭ ŭ ciⁿ ŭ sì hùe chī kâi;

    the better reason is with him who has wealth and power.

  • áu-lí;

  • perverse; pig-headed.

  • khîu kuaⁿ sin-lí;

    beseech the magistrate to rectify a wrong.

  • lí khut;

    in the wrong; proved to be on the wrong side the question.

  • i kâi lí tó̤;

    he has not many arguments to sustain his views.

  • tàⁿ lâi chêng-lí tn̂g;

    the reasons set forth are numerous.

  • lí tît, khì câug;

    in a good cause, there is inherent strength.

  • lí hut, sṳ̄ khîong;

    in a bad cause there is inherent weakness.

  • tōa-tōa tŏ̤-lí;

    important principles.

  • ngĭ lí chim-àn;

    right principles are profound and subtle.

  • im îang cêk lí;

    for what is hidden and what is apparent, there is but one rule of action.

  • i kâi cṳ-lí chim, nâng-chêng mûeh-lí, hío khṳ̀ thàng;

    he has a profound understanding of the principles of literature, and thoroughly comprehends both human nature and physics.

  • hío lí;

    understand the eternal fitness of things.

  • cang lí lâi chui-chek;

    think it out on the basis of principle.

  • cí kâi lí khîong m̄ chut;

    this principle cannot be fully expounded.

  • chúi sŭn lí;

    to reason from first principles.

  • sŭn lí;

    follow the dictates of reason.

  • ngêk lí;

    go contrary to the dictates of reason.

  • mêng lí;

    clear up a point in ethics.

  • pŭe lí;

    disregard the right.

  • tàⁿ lâi tîeh lí;

    rightly argued.

  • káng-kìu tŏ̤-lí;

    expound the doctrine.

  • That on which the foot rests; a leather shoe; to walk; to act; action, conduct.

  • lí-lêh;

    a record of conduct.

  • thîaⁿ cĭeⁿ lí-lêh;

    to send a record of one’s proceedings up to court.

  • chìang lí-lêh;

    one’s own verbal statement of one’s proceedings.

  • jû lí pó̤h piaⁿ;

    as if treading on thin ice.

  • khóng lí ôi;

    strong plain shoes for men’s wear.

  • peh kûiⁿ suaⁿ jû lí pêⁿ tī;

    climbs a mountain as if walking on level ground.

  • The carp, bream, sucker and similar fish.

  • lí hṳ̂;

    the carp.

  • kim lí;


  • kîe kha lí;


  • âng ko̤ lí;


  • mŏng lí-hṳ̂ teng;

    an amusing performance with a lantern made to imitate a carp.

  • A prune or gage; a plum of a red or yellow color; to get ready for a journey.

  • thô̤ lí năi;

    peaches plums and apricots.

  • hàm nâng lâi tàⁿ hêng-lí;

    call some one to carry the luggage.

  • hêng-lí soiⁿ siu-sîp hó̤;

    first get your baggage ready.

  • The lining, the inner face of a garment.

  • àiⁿ kah sĭm-mih lí?

    What lining will you put in?

  • chiam lí chiam būe hó̤;

    have not yet finished stitching in the lining.

  • hîuⁿ lí;

    the lining of a wadded jacket.

  • úa kâi lí mīn àiⁿ cò̤ tâng sek;

    I want the lining and the outside of the garment to match in color.

  • Forces; troops; a regiment of 500 men; a visitor, a guest, a sojourner, an immigrant.

  • kun-lí kâi sṳ̄;

    military affairs.

  • hêng-lí úang lâi;

    travellers going and coming; constant traffic.

  • kak kok kâi siang-lí lâi úang;

    merchants from every country go and come.

  • i kâi kun sît-căi hó̤ cheng-cò̤ ngĕ-lí;

    their troops may well bo called sturdy braves.

  • lí-kẃn, chi-liang;

    a stranger in a strange land.

  • To retire; to disperse; to dismiss; to go from; to part; parted; absent; to cut in two; to arrange or divide off; scattered ; the 5th of the 8 and the 30th of the 64 diagrams, referring to elegant things and to brightness.

  • lî-khui;

    to withdraw from.

  • lî-pîet;

    to separate from.

  • hàm i màiⁿ lî-kòiⁿ nâng kâi kut-nêk;

    tell him not to sow dissension among relatives.

  • lîu-lî sit-só̤;

    wander from home.

  • lî ŭ jîeh hn̆g?

    How far off is it?

  • sái kàu nâng lî sim;

    wean people from you.

  • bé put lî uaⁿ, nâng put lî kah;

    the horses were never out of their saddles, nor the men out of their armor.

  • pek i sía lî-cṳ;

    spur him up to writing a bill of separation.

  • lî ke;

    leave home.

  • lî hieⁿ pîet céⁿ;

    leave one’s native place.

  • lî-khui cêk chieh;

    withdraw to a distance of one foot.

  • lî hn̆g;

    far separated.

  • cí kâi lî ío kṳ̆n;

    this is not so far away.

  • úa lî chù cêk jît lō;

    I am a day’s journey from home.

  • sṳ̄-bŭ cōi, lî m̄ khui sin;

    I am very busy and cannot get away.

  • no̤ⁿ-kíaⁿ sòi, lî m̄ khui;

    the children are small and I cannot be away from them.

  • khek put lî kháu, khûn put lî chíu;

    the ballads are never away from his mouth, and boxing never out of his hand; he is always practising singing and boxing.

  • siang lî ku-ā lí;

    several miles apart.

  • lî kàu cêk pho lō kâi-pang-bó̤;

    at a distance of about a league away.

  • lî bô̤ kò̤-kíaⁿ;

    hardly any distance away.

  • kui nâng sie thòi teng-tùe, jît mêⁿ bò̤ lî;

    several persons take turns in attending upon him, and leave him neither day nor night.

  • cí tîo lō, lî kò̤-kíaⁿ cū cèng cêk câng chīu;

    at a little distance from this road a tree was planted.

  • put li sĭ tŏ̤ cí côiⁿ ău;

    it can’t be far off.

  • lî khṳ̀ cē;

    get a little farther off.

  • m̄ kam lî-khui pĕ-bó̤;

    unwilling to be separated from his parents.

  • cèng nâng lî-sùaⁿ khṳ̀;

    they all dispersed.

  • thut-lî khó-lāng;

    escape from trouble.

  • lî ŭ kúi nî kú;

    remote from the time by several years.

  • cí kâi tī-hng put lî nâng;

    there is always some one here.

  • pun-lî;

    to distribute.

  • hun-lî;

    divide into shares.

  • lî ûi húe;

    the fifth of the eight diagrams belongs to fire.

  • A vitreous, translucent substance which resembles strass.

  • po̤-lî;


  • po̤-lî khì;


  • po̤-lî theng;

    glass windows.

  • cêk tieⁿ po̤-lî;

    a pane of glass.

  • po̤-lî cun;

    a glass bottle.

  • po̤-lî cúaⁿ;

    a glass goblet.

  • po̤-lî pue;

    a glass tumbler.

  • cía po̤-lî seⁿ cúi phă;

    this glass has bubbles in it.

  • cía po̤-lî cĕng căi;

    this glass is very clear.

  • po̤-lî cúi-ciaⁿ ŏi thang;

    glass and crystal are transparent.

  • pô̤-lî sĭ ngĕ-sèⁿ, tìaⁿ cŭang tîeh cū phùa;

    glass is brittle, and if you hit it whether lightly or heavily, it breaks.

  • àng po̤-lî hìeⁿ thang;

    transparent as glass.

  • ngŏ sek po̤-lî;

    iridescent glass.

  • lîu-lî;


  • lîu-lî teng;

  • a stress lamp.

  • pûn liu-lî;

    to blow strass.

  • ngâu po̤-lî;

    make glass.


  • The third term in fractions; a hundredth; the thousandth part of a tael, nominally equal to a copper mill, or the native coin called by foreigners a cash; a very little; a grain; a hair’s breadth; an extra tax of one tenth per cent on a quantity of goods or on the property in a place, according to an assessment.

  • thiu lî kim;

    to levy the tax of one tenth per cent.

  • lî kêk;

    assessors, who collect this tax.

  • bó̤ cêk lî hó̤ ēng;

    not a particle of it is serviceable.

  • bô̤ pùaⁿ lî ŭ ēng;

    not of the least use.

  • hâu-lî to bŏi cha-chò̤;

    there is not the slightest error in it.

  • sǹg kàu lî hâu si hut;

    reckon to the last farthing.

  • chûn bô̤ cêk lî-kíaⁿ;

    have but the least bit left.

  • i cìeⁿ sî cîah bô̤ io lî;

    she eats almost nothing lately.

  • cûah lî-lî, cū châh tîeh mâk;

    came within a hair’s breadth of piercing his eye.

  • hīn-khek kâi châng tó̤ hak, ŭ kúi lî cí?

    In buying farm land now, what percentage of its value is the income from it reckoned at?

  • A fence or wattle of bamboo; a light inclosure.

  • cí gūa-kháu ûi tek lî;

    surround the outside with a bamboo fence.

  • chài lî;

    a low fence around a vegetable patch.

  • cìa lî;

    a straw or splint wattle around a cane field.

  • hn̂g lî;

    the garden fence.

  • phah bé-káng-lî;

    make lattice work.

  • cí khí nâng sĭ nâng-lî;

    this is an outcast.

  • A habitation.

  • mō̤ⁿ i ŏi kói-ūaⁿ mn̂g-lî;

    hope he may improve the fortunes of the family.

  • Early.

  • lî-mêng;

    early dawn.

  • lî-mêng cṳ cáu-khí;

    got up at the first streak of dawn.

  • The side of the body.

  • phiaⁿ-lî kut;

    the ribs.

  • phah tîeh phiaⁿ-lî;

    struck him in the side.

  • khang kàu phiaⁿ-lî tèng ŏi thìaⁿ;

    made my side ache.

  • Advantageous; useful; gains; profit; shrewdness; greedy for gain; slippery; to benefit; to oblige.

  • tit lĭ;

    to gain.

  • lĭ-chĭ căi;

    very profitable.

  • tăi kit lĭ-chĭ;

    a very lucky stroke of fortune.

  • i cêk nî siu ŭ jîeh cōi lĭ-sek?

    What income does he get from it annually?

  • mîaⁿ lĭ líang tit;

    fame and wealth both attained.

  • kin nî kâi seng-lí sŭn-lĭ căi;

    business is very prosperous this year.

  • lĭ-cíⁿ ke kùe bó̤-cîⁿ;

    the profit is greater than the capital.

  • lĭ-hāi;

    malicious; harmful.

  • lĭ lō heng thong;

    everything is prosperous.

  • ŭ sĭm-mih lĭ-iah nē?

    What advantage is there in it?

  • bô̤ lĭ bô̤ iah;

    of no benefit whatever.

  • cúi lĭ;

    marine revenue.

  • îam lĭ;

    revenue from salt.

  • cìeⁿ-sî ŭ lĭ a bô̤?

    Have you made anything lately in your business?

  • cía mng tōa lĭ căi;

    this is anything but profitable.

  • m̄ lĭ; put lĭ;

    unprofitable; unprosperous.

  • ŭ lĭ hó̤ chu mē?

    Is there any profit to be made?

  • Harsh, stern, severe.

  • ngîam-lĭ;

    awfully stern.

  • lĭ siaⁿ;

    a harsh voice.

  • lĭ siaⁿ, tăi toah;

    shouted out very loudly to him in a threatening voice.

  • lĭ kúi hāi nâng;

    a discontented ghost injures people.

  • sṳ̂ sek ngîam-lĭ;

    words harsh, and aspect austere.

  • To animate, to incite.

  • míen-lĭ i khṳ̀ cò̤;

    impel him to go and do it.

  • kó-lĭ kun-sṳ̆;

    rouse the troops.

  • Elegant, beautiful, ornamented, flowery.

  • siu-sîp kàu īam-īam lĭ-lĭ;

    arranged very elegantly.

  • sek-cúi īam-lĭ căi;

    its color is very fine.

  • i seⁿ lâi sìu-lĭ căi;

    she is very finely proportioned.

  • thóiⁿ tîeh li sìu-sìu lĭ-lĭ, cò̤ sṳ̄ sĭm sĭ cho-máng;

    looks elegant and refined but acts in a very boorish way.

  • Dysentery; diarrhea.

  • lĭ-cit;


  • sĭ pêh lĭ a sĭ chiah lĭ?

    Are the discharges white or red in color?

  • hueh lĭ; âng lĭ;

    bloody flux.

  • kìm kháu lbi;

    diarrhea with loss of appetite.

  • tn̂g-tn̂g lĭ-cît;

    chronic dysentery.

  • To classify; to adjust; to arrange; to compare; to make a precedent of; laws which are less stringent than statutes; rules, regulations, by-laws, directions; custom, usage; the order or disposition of things.

  • taⁿ cìaⁿ sin khí lī kâi;

    that which comes under the new regulation.

  • cía bô̤ lī kâi;

    there is no fixed rule about this.

  • i hío lut-lī;

    he understands the law.

  • cìe lī phōiⁿ sṳ̄;

    adjudicate the affair in accordance with the usages.

  • kú cū cîaⁿ lī;

    in the course of time it becomes a usage nearly equivalent to a law.

  • ē tńg cū sêng cò̤ lī;

    another time it will be used as a precedent.

  • ŭ tīaⁿ lī kâi;

    there is a settled usage in regard to it.

  • hâh lī;

    in accordance with established usage.

  • lī kìm ngîam căi;

    the prohibitory rule is very strict.

  • chê cek-lī;

    examine the rules.

  • m̄ hó̤ cang cí kâi ûi lī;

    do not make this a precedent.

  • kak chù kak chù kâi lī;

    each place has its peculiar customs.

  • nín kâi hieⁿ lī cò̤-nî?

    What is the usage in your village?

  • ún kâi kui-lī hó̤;

    our practise is an excellent one.

  • bô̤ lī mó̤ khí, ŭ lī mó̤ cí;

    if there is no rule it is not well to make one, if there is a rule it is not well to abolish it.

  • To enter upon, as office.

  • tâng cí kâi kuaⁿ lī jīm ău tī-hng ío phêng;

    since this magistrate entered upon his office, the country has been more quiet.

  • From first to last; thoroughly, completely.

  • tó̤ kàu lī-lī;

    fallen flat.

  • cúi khó̤ káu lī-lī;

    the water has all ebbed out.

  • ke khṳt i phùa kàu lī-lī;

    the family has been completely ruined by him.

  • sie khṳ̀ hŵn-lío bĕi lī;

    it is not yet all burned up.

  • An officer; magistrates; a deputy, or a secretary in an office; to rule.

  • lī pŏ, lī pâng, lī khue;

    the Board of Civil Office in Peking, and its departments in each province and district, where it superintends the appointment, salaries and movements of officials.

  • i múaⁿ lī a būe?

    Has he completed his term of office?

  • tíen lī;


  • tham kuaⁿ, u lī;

    corrupt officials.

  • lī pâng a-ṕun;

    clerk in the department of Civil Office.

  • lī pâng cóng-su;

    the head clerk in the provincial branch of the Board of Civil Office.

  • lī khue kip-sṳ-tong;

    a secretary in the district branch of the Board of Civil Office.

  • lī-pŏ sīeⁿ cṳ, lī-pŏ có̤ sĭ n̂ng, lī-pŏ ĭu sĭ-n̂ng;

    the President and the Vice Presidents of the Board of Civil Office.

  • lī-pŏ ŵn gūa n̂ng;

    a deputy official in the Board of Civil Office.

  • lī-pŏ cú-sṳ̄;

    directors in the Board of Civil Office.