A small bell with a clapper.
leng-leng-kìe sĭ tī-tîang tó̤ ĭe leng?
Who is it that is ringing a bell and making that jangling sound?
bé ăm ĕ kùa kâi leng;
the horse wore a bell under his neck.
To push.
léng tó̤;
pushed it over.
khṳt i léng pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;
was pushed by him so that I fell down.
nâng-mûeh cōi oi-oi léng-léng;
there were a great number of people, crowding and pushing.
i léng i pûah lô̤h hái;
he pushed her into the sea.
úa máng i bûa, lṳ́ léng i khui;
when I was pulling it toward me, you pushed it away.
léng m̄ tin-tăng;
it does not budge when pushed.
thóiⁿ kéng sie léng;
like pushing and crowding each other at a show.
To stand on tiptoe.
lèng khí kha cū thóiⁿ-kìⁿ;
if you stand up straight you will see it.
lèng kûiⁿ cē cū khîeh tîeh;
stretch up a little higher and you will reach it.
cē lèng kûiⁿ cū mông tîeh;
as soon as I stretched up I got hold of it.
lèng khí kha tó̤ mō̤ⁿ;
drawn up to his utmost height gazing at it.
i kâi kîaⁿ-lō lèng-kha-búe lèng-kha-búe;
he walks on tiptoe.
The spirit or energy of a being; that which acts on others to produce effects; spiritual, etherial; intelligent; that which is efficacious ; the majesty of a god; felicitous; effective; powerful; mysterious; unseen; obscure; a disembodied agency; divine; supernatural aid; whatever can hold converse with the unseen; a coffin, as it contains the departed spirit; the highest type of a class, as man is of created beings; lucky, opportune; subtile; ingenious; marvelous; showing genius; astute.
the human soul, including its intelligence and its substance.
lêng èng;
a divine response, an effectual answer.
clever, apt.
sù-lâi sĭm sĭ lêng ĭ;
has heretofore manifested his supernatural wonders.
kìu bw̄n seⁿ-lêng;
rescue all living beings.
the Holy Spirit (a foreign term).
sìaⁿ-lêng kám-tŏng;
the Holy Spirit moves him.
thiu cêk ki lêng chiam;
draw a lot from the box of splints shaken before an idol.
i kâi khùe pok lâi lêng căi;
his cast in divination was very accurately made.
i sí ău ŭ lêng căi;
he manifested himself very intelligently after his death.
hṳ́ kâi sí lío cn̂g kâi bô̤ léng;
that one gave no spiritual manifestation of himself after he died.
the ante-burial tablet.
chài cêk kâi lêng-têng;
make a canopy and platform for a body to lie in state.
pài hûe-lêng;
worship the ante-burial tablet which is brought back from the grave.
tì lêng;
set the coffin in place, where it lies in state.
lêng chn̂g;
the platform, with the dead to be worshipped.
sîn-lêng hŭ-cŏ̤;
the gods and spirits lend their aid.
lêng-tŏng căi;
very quick of apprehension.
the spirit or energy of a being.
suaⁿ chwn kâi lêng-khì seⁿ kâi;
what is produced by the indwelling power of the mountains and streams.
A deer like a sheep, having small horns which are prized as a medicine.
an antelope.
lêng-îang kak;
antelope’s horns.
Besides; another; furthermore; apart.
lêng-gūa; lêng-ūaⁿ;
still, again, besides, in addition to.
lêng-gūa ŭ jîeh cōi?
How many more are there?
lṳ́ kio úa lêng-ūaⁿ cò̤ kâi;
you make another for me.
lêng-gūa hŵn-lío ŭ mē?
Are there others beside?
lêng bói cêk cho̤h;
bought some beside.
i àiⁿ lêng-gūa lâi a m̆?
Is he coming again?
mîaⁿ lêng kŭ;
my name is written elsewhere, (a phrase at the end of a note).
i kúi hiaⁿ-tĭ lóng-cóng lêng-kṳ̆ lêng chẁn;
the brothers all live separately and take their meals apart.
Power, ability, skill; apt, capable, skillful, competent.
executive ability.
ŭ lêng-ûi;
is competent.
bô̤ lêng-ûi;
tōa lêng-ûi;
lṳ́ lêng-tit cìeⁿ-seⁿ mē?
Can you do thus?
put lêng-tit;
lêng-tit cò̤;
can do it.
bô̤ só̤ put lêng;
kĭaⁿ-kĭaⁿ lêng, bô̤ kĭaⁿ ceng;
can do all sorts of things, but can do nothing perfectly; a jack-at-all-trades and master of none.
lêng nâng só̤ put lêng;
can do what others cannot do.
put lêng cai;
lêng sueh, put lêng hêng;
can discourse about it but cannot act up to it.
Finely carved or cut like grottoes; bright, witty, ornate.
gêk sek lêng-lông;
bright like jade.
i kâi sim-heng pí pât nâng kèng lêng-lông;
he is sharper witted than other people.
i kâi sim lêng-lêng lông-lông;
he is very bright.
A dragon, the chief of scaly beings, and invested with supernatural powers to change its shape; used as an emblem of imperial power and awe; the emperor’s person; imperial; dragon like; by Buddhists, used for nagas or snake gods; in matters relating to betrothals it is often used for a man; much used by geomancers to embody those terrestrial and occult influences and positions which act on and determine human prosperity; figured with dragons; to pervade; to bud.
phĕ lêng-cûn;
to paddle a dragon boat; long narrow fast boats having a dragon’s head at the prow, and moved by many paddles.
lêng náu-hieⁿ;
Baroos camphor.
lêng hieⁿ; lêng ĭen-hieⁿ;
lêng kì;
the Chinese flag, having a dragon on it.
lêng kîaⁿ, hóⁿ pō;
a majestic bearing.
nín khṳ̀ tī-kò̤ lîah lêng?
Where did you go to obtain a site whose influences would produce prosperity?
hái lêng ûang;
the sea-dragon king, or the Neptune of the Chinese: he is a naga whose glorious palace is at the bottom of the ocean, north of Mount Meru.
lêng pâi;
the imperial tablet reverenced by officers.
tìn-tang sāi kò̤ lêng pâi;
an imperial tablet was set up in the centre.
lêng mêh;
the dragon’s pulse, the subtle geomantic tokens and influences of a locality.
tī lêng;
lêng hŏng lói thiap;
betrothal cards.
chîm lêng, tíam hwt;
search for the dragon and point out his den; to fix on a lucky spot.
lêng tō ngía căi;
the site is a very fine one.
lí-hṳ̂ thìo lêng mn̂g;
the carp has vaulted over the dragon’s gate; rapid promotion.
a water-spout.
a species of bulrush, used for weaving matting.
ngŏ jío lêng;
the five clawed dragon. chēng lêng phâu;
wear a cloak which has the figure of a dragon embroidered on it.
hue-gê kuah cò̤ chîⁿ-lêng kâi;
the ornamentation is that of a dragon carved in bas-relief.
kau-lêng pw̆n tīo tī-hng;
a mountain dragon despoiled the place.
ūe cò̤ sang lêng chíeⁿ pó̤;
draw the figures of two dragons one on either side of a ball which they seem to be struggling for.
lêng thâu, hŏng búe;
the head of a dragon and the tail of a phenix.
lêng lâng;
the scales of a dragon.
lêng kauh cúi;
a dragon wallowing in the water.
lêng-chiu cúi;
a steady pouring rain.
lì kàu lêng-khang thàng hóⁿ-khang;
tear it till the dragon’s den trenches upon the tiger’s; rip it in pieces.
To insult ; to treat vilely.
to put to shame; to humble.
sĭu i lêng-jôk;
was insulted by him.
màiⁿ lêng-ngîak;
do not maltreat him.
sĭ sì khi-lêng nâng;
makes use of his power to humble other people.
The last drops of a shower.
stripped of leaves; standing alone; scattered, as a population.
i cí ău kâi ke lêng-lô̤h lío;
the family is now all scattered.
taⁿ cò̤-nî cū pāi kàu lêng-lêng lô̤h-lô̤h?
How is it that they are now driven to such straits as to be all scattered apart?
toaⁿ kâi kíaⁿ sap-sap ìuⁿ, sît-căi sĭ lêng-teng, ko-khó;
has only one miserable little child, and is indeed solitary and forlorn.
The throat, the gullet.
i kâi âu-lêng thìaⁿ;
she has a sore throat.
âu-lêng ôih, thun m̄ lô̤h;
his throat is small and he cannot swallow it.
kéⁿ tŏ̤ âu-lêng kò̤;
stuck in his throat.
Serenity of mind; to bring repose to; rather; better.
hâp ke uaⁿ-lêng;
the family are all well.
lêng-kò̤; lêng-khó̤;
the rather; I prefer.
cìeⁿ-se lêng-kò̤ sí kèng hó̤;
it is better to die than to do that.
lêng sí m̄ khéng sĭu jôk;
rather die than bear insult.
lêng khó̤ sìn khî ŭ, mó̤ sìn khî bô̤;
it is better to believe that it exists than that it does not.
A tumulus over a grave, now applied to the mausolea of emperors.
thiⁿ-ĕ hẃn-lw̆n, kŭa ûang-lêng khṳt nâng thau líu khṳ̀;
the whole empire is in anarchy, and even the imperial tombs are secretly dug open.
phài nâng khṳ̀ cíeⁿ ûang-lêng;
depute persons to guard the imperial tombs.
Pendant tail feathers.
tì hue-lêng;
wear a peacock’s feather, as an official badge.
a raven’s plume.
saⁿ ngán hue lêng;
a three eyed feather, worn by high nobles.
lêng kńg;
the tube to hold the feather.
p¶oih tīo i kâi lêng;
deprived him of his feather, a mark of official disapprobation.
síeⁿ cêk tîo lêng;
to confer a feather as a reward.
A general name for birds of the wagtail and lark families.
the lark.
i ki chùi cū peh-lêng;
he has a lark’s mouth; he is an eloquent speaker.
sài thóiⁿ tī-tîang kâi pêh-lêng kìe cōi īeⁿ siaⁿ;
find out by a singing match which lark can sing the best.
Clever; sprightly.
astute, shrewd, quick-witted.
kue thiu tîo lêng tŏa tŏ̤ chīu tèng;
the melon has put forth a tendril and is climbing the tree.
tāu kâi lêng;
the tendrils of the bean-stalk.
The ignominious slow punishment of quartering a criminal, or cutting him in pieces.
tōa lêng-chî;
cutting in many pieces.
sòi lêng-chî;
cutting in a few pieces (the skin of the forehead is first cut and is laid over the eyes).
A steamer used for steaming or boiling rice and cakes; it has wooden sides and a splint bottom.
ĭoⁿ khí lêng-sn̂g cū sĭ kúe;
lift the steamer and there is the cake.
A law, a rule, an order; to enjoin upon, to command, to warn; to oblige to do; to occasion, to cause; a period of time, or that which marks it; in direct address used for you or your.
lĕng cun tŏ̤ mē?
Is your father at home?
lĕng thâng jîeh khin-kīaⁿ;
Is your mother well?
cìeⁿ-sî ŭ sî-lĕng pēⁿ;
has lately had ailments such as are common at this season.
an order or command.
cun tōa nâng kâi mĕng-lĕng;
obey the orders of his superior.
kung-lĕng ngīam căi;
the military orders are very strict.
hō̤-lĕng siam-ngîam;
the written orders are exceedingly strict.
sîtcăi lĕng nâng seⁿ khì;
does indeed make one angry.
lĕng cìⁿ;
a dart with a triangular flag on it, given to a messenger to express urgency.
lĕng kî;
a flag having written orders upon it.
hwt ki o lĕng, ah khṳ̀ thâi;
issue an order on black paper, for him to be taken to execution.
ûang lĕng pâng;
the office from which the orders are issued.
your wife.
Eloquent; persuasive; insinuating.
i ío hó̤ kháu-lĕng;
he is the more ready of speech.
hṳ́ kâi cn̂g kâi bô̤ kháu-lĕng;
that one has no gift of utterance.
A tuber or underground fungus.
hôk-lĕng; thó-hôk-lĕng;
a species of underground fungus used in medicine.
Lax, slack, loose, flacid.
kó phûe khah lēng, phah bŏi híang;
the head of the drum is too slack, and does not sound when it is struck.
pàng lēng cē, màiⁿ khah kín;
relax it a little, do not draw it too tight.
so̤h túi âng cē, màiⁿ khah lēng;
draw the rope rather taut, do not leave it too slack.
To tie up, with spare rope between the knots; to form a line of things by binding them continuously on a rope.
a halter for a horse.
khîeh tìo so̤h khṳ̀ lēng cò̤ cêk ē;
take a rope and go and join them thereby.
lēng cêk lēng tĭⁿ-tĭⁿ;
slung up a whole string of them.
lēng ŭ kúi peh ki tŏ̤-kò̤;
there are several hundreds of them joined by a string.
A sleeper on which a board rests.
cêk ki làu-lēng;
a sleeper under a floor.