A case; a wrapper; to encase; to snare.
cêk hù chíu-lap;
a pair of gloves.
khah tōa, lap m̄ lô̤h;
it is too large and will not go into the case.
khîeh kâi pò-tō̤ lâi lap;
take a bag and slip this into it.
lap lô̤h khṳ̀ kín-kín;
it goes into the case with no room to spare.
táng úa lap sang bûeh lío;
wait till I put on my stockings.
cía sǹg sĭ lap tîeh kâi, m̄ sĭ hàuⁿ kâi;
this was something that circumstances forced him into, not something that he did willingly.
lap tîeh cū pak m̄ lut;
if you get involved in it, you cannot afterward free yourself.
i kâi ūe tàⁿ lío lap sin, ka-kī lap ka-kī;
he implicated himself by his own talk.
i cìaⁿ lap tò̤ lap; to sĭ tó̤ kuang nâng;
he casts his noose hither and thither, everywhere ensnaring people.
i cía ūe sĭ tó̤ lap i kâi;
in saying this he is laying a snare for her.
i huaⁿ-hí nâng lap káu tō̤;
he is delighted when he can get anyone to be his lackey.
cía sĭ lap tîeh chì-tek khṳ̂t;
this is being caught on the spikes of the thorny bamboo.
saⁿ sĭ khṳt kheng-kîⁿ lap lîh;
the jacket was rent by catching upon the rim of the basket.
i lap nâng kâi cè, lap kàu bît-bît;
he is over head and ears in debt.
cè lap pīn mâk;
in debt up to his eyes.
lap kàu i cē jīn cū phōiⁿ i;
entrap him into confessing and then bring him to trial.
kùa khîeh lâi lap lô̤h khṳ̀;
bring the cover and slip it on.
To inoculate or infect with a disease.
i lap tâk, lap kàu cêk sin lok-lok;
he has taken a vile disease and has it so badly that he is rotten with it.
To bale out; to dip out.
cûn tói kâi cúi khṳ̀ lap cheng-khih;
bale out all the water from the bottom of the boat.
lap úaⁿ cui lâi khṳt úa;
dip up a bowlful of water and give it to me.
To pay at stated times; to pay or present to government.
lâp hìang;
pay duties.
lâp ûang-nîe;
pay the land tax.
bó châng ēng lâp jîeh cōi nîe?
What tax is paid on each acre of arable land.
cía phò cêk nî lâp i jîeh cōi?
How much do you pay him per year for the use of this shop?
sĭ lâp ngĕ kâi a sĭ cìe sǹg?
Is it paid in money at a fixed time, or is it reckoned in account?
kui-lī sĭ soiⁿ lâp ău keⁿ, a sĭ soiⁿ keⁿ ău lâp?
Which is the local usage, to pay the rent and then till the ground, or to first till the ground and then pay the rent?
lâp co;
pay rent.
cí kâi kuaⁿ sĭ kĭen-lâp kâi kuaⁿ;
this magistrate is one who got his office by purchase.
lap-cap ;
mixed; unassorted, confused; sweepings; rubbish.
bói chûn kâi cíⁿ bói cò̤ lâp-câp mûeh;
the money that I had left after making my purchases, I spent in buying various little things.
ēng i tó̤ lí lâp-câp kâi sṳ̄;
employ him to do odd jobs.
cí cho̤h lâp-lâp câp-câp kâi mûeh siu cò̤ cêk tàⁿ;
put these various articles all into one carry.
i cí khí lâp-câp jī bô̤ mih pat;
he is not well acquainted with these unclassified characters.