A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / la | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / la

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  • To pull; to drag along or up to one; to tug at; to force; to borrow; to buy on credit; to get out in any way where effort is implied, as coal from a mine.

  • pun i la-la ché-ché, ché kàu hṳ́-kò̤ khṳ̀;

    was lugged along by him, to that point.

  • cía sĭ tŏ̤ pât nâng kò̤ la-ché lâi kâi;

    this is something that has been borrowed with difficulty from another.

  • hīn-khek i kâi mîaⁿ-sek m̄-hó̤, gūa kháu la m̄ tŏng;

    his reputation is now bad, and he cannot get things on credit.

  • la keng;

    to bend a bow.

  • la kúi páng keng;

    bend the bow several times.

  • méⁿ-méⁿ-khṳ̀ la cŭ i kâi bé thâu;

    quickly seize his horse by the head and stop him.

  • la ki to̤ lâi tok;

    seize a knife and chop it.

  • la ki kṳ̀ lâi kṳ̀;

    catch up a saw and saw it off.

  • bô̤ kò̤ sa-la, thô ĕ mông kò̤ cîeh-pó khṳ̀ kâk i;

    there was nothing else that I could get hold of, and so I caught up a stone from the ground and threw it at him.

  • i cía ciⁿ sĭ tŏ̤ chin phêng kò̤ la-lóng kâi;

    this money is what he has borrowed with difficulty from his relations and friends.

  • A final particle denoting certainty.

  • cí kâi hó̤ la;

    this is a good one.

  • hía ngía la, cía m̄ ngía;

    that is pretty but this is not.

  • phiⁿ la;

    it is cheap.


  • A lama; the yellow priests.

  • pak-thâu kâi hûe-sîeⁿ ŭ khí sĭ la-ma-ceng;

    of the priests at the north, some are Thibetian monks.

  • Tallow; hard fat; the caul.

  • ciaⁿ kâi hó̤ cîah, pêh kâi hó̤ luah lâ;

    can eat the lean, and make the fat into lard.

  • coih lío jîet cò̤ lâ;

    cut it up and try it out into lard.

  • cang-pie lâ;

    the fat part of pork.

  • pang lâ;

    fat taken from the entrails of hogs.

  • nē īam-īam, kio iam-koi lâ cêk īeⁿ;

    very sleek and oily, like the fat of a capon.

  • cìeⁿ-si cē kìm tô, tô pang lăi bô̤ lâ bô̤ sà;

    since the slaughter of animals was prohibited lately, there is neither fat nor meat in the butchers’ shops.

  • suah lâ;

    put in some lard.

  • cía sĭ phû îu kâi, a phû lâ kâi?

    Is this fried in oil or in lard?

  • lâ se;

    the caul.

  • câh l6a kâi;

    merged in tallow.

  • gû-lâ;


  • tṳ-lâ;



  • The opposite of compact; loose and disheveled; fluffy.

  • mīⁿ sĭ lâ-lâ phà-phà kâi mûeh-kĭaⁿ;

    raw-cotton is very light in proportion to its bulk.

  • cho̤h cháu lâ-lâ phà-phà, m̄ tîeh thîap-bûa;

    the straw not compactly arranged, and you should pack it together.

  • Adequate ; sufficient; enough.

  • ût m̄ lă;

    did not sleep enough.

  • cîah m̄ lă;

    does not take sufficient food.

  • m̄ lă cîah;

    has not enough to eat.

  • sieh bŏi lă;

    cannot be kind enough to him.

  • ēng kàu i lă;

    use as much as is needed.

  • lă būe?

    Is that sufficient?

  • lă lío;

    that is enough.

  • To stir up, with a stick.

  • lṳ́ kâi chíu tîeh cong-kú lă, m̄ lă i cū àiⁿ tùe ue;

    you must keep stirring it up from the bottom with your hand, if you don’t it will stick to the pot.

  • lṳ́ m̄ hó̤ li-li lă; lă lío seⁿ huang;

    you must not keep stirring it, if you do it will (when eaten) produce wind (in the stomach).

  • khîeh sang tṳ̄ lă kàu i câu-câu;

    take a pair of chopsticks and stir it up from the bottom till it is evenly mixed.

  • lă thong cúi-kau;

    stir open the sewer.

  • lă i thong;

    open communication by stirring.

  • lă tîeh phang-tàu;

    stir up a wasps’ nest.

  • lă khui;

    poke it open.

  • To avail one’s self of; to enjoy.

  • lā lîang;

    enjoy the coolness.

  • cîah pá lā lîang huang;

    dine and then enjoy the cool breeze.

  • Warm; tepid; soothing; bland; lukewarm.

  • tîeh táng i lā-lûn cìaⁿ hó̤ cîah;

    wait till it is only slightly warm then it may be eaten.

  • lā-lûn lā-lûn, lí-kẃn-kúak lô̤h khṳ̀;

    it is of just a pleasant warmth, so gulp it down.

  • lā-lûn-sie cúi;

    tepid water.

  • kúe hŵn-lío ŏi lā-lûn-sie;

    the cake is still slightly warm.