A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / lói | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / lói

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  • A step or act, particularly acts of worship, which will bring happiness; propriety, etiquette, ceremony, rites; the decent and decorous in worship and in social life; decorum, manners; official obeisance, worship, courtesy; offerings, gifts required by usage, vails,

  • lói huap; lói sìo;

    etiquette, the rules of good society; politeness; ceremonies; courtesies.

  • lói măuⁿ;

    good manners.

  • lói ngî;

    a gift which custom requires one to offer.

  • ēng sĭm-mûeh lâi hôk i kâi lói?

    What would be a suitable return for his courtesy?

  • pōiⁿ lói mûeh;

    prepare the customary offerings.

  • kŭi lô̤h khṳ̀ hôiⁿ lói;

    kneel in respectful homage.

  • lói to̤, nâng put kùai;

    no one is offended by much politeness.

  • ke bô̤ sîeⁿ lói;

    in domestic life one is not formal.

  • kio i kìⁿ lói;

    salute him on meeting him.

  • sàng lói;

    make a present.

  • sīa lói;

    gifts returned for gifts received.

  • hâh lói;

    polite; in accordance with the rules of etiquette.

  • mín ēng kìaⁿ tōa lói;

    need not be obsequious.

  • hē tōa lói;

    make a vow to bring the largest of the customary offerings.

  • bô̤ lói;

    rude, uncivil.

  • lói-pài-jît;


  • lói-pài-tn̂g;

    a chapel or church.

  • lói-pài hiah;

    at the close of the service.

  • chit jît cêk kâi lói-pài;

    Sunday comes once in seven days.

  • lói gâuh;

    a salute given with musical instruments.

  • tîeh kîaⁿ sĭm-mih lói?

    What rites must be observed?

  • pô̤h lói;

    scant courtesy.

  • To assault; to fight with; to set upon.

  • tòa nâng khṳ̀ lòi i kâi tīn;

    lead men to the attack on their ranks.

  • lòi-phùa i kâi îaⁿ;

    storm their camp.

  • lòi kàu i chap-chap-chùi;

    made an onslanght upon and dispersed them.

  • lòi tit jîp a lòi m̄ jîp?

    Did they capture the place they assailed or not?

  • A plow; to plow.

  • lôi-thâu;

    a plow.

  • lôi-thâu-seⁿ;

    the plowshare.

  • àu cêk ki lôi;

    carry a plow on the shoulder.

  • lôi châng;

    to plow a field.

  • lôi pèⁿ;


  • tó̤ lôi, àiⁿ hūaⁿ hṳ́ kâi pèⁿ;

    in plowing, will lean on the handle.

  • lôi pê;

    plows and harrows.

  • A black or dark brown color.

  • lôi bó̤; lôi jîn;

    the aborigines in Hainan Island.

  • cheⁿ lôi, sêk lôi;

    the wild, and the half civilized tribes of aborigines in Hainan.

  • The square plain style of writing Chinese characters.

  • cin chó̤ lŏi tw̆n, sì īeⁿ jī;

    four styles of Chinese letters, that generally used in printing, the running hand used for rapid writing, the plain square text, and the seal characters.

  • A skimmer used by cooks.

  • cáu-lōi;

    an openwork ladle, made of osiers, wire, or bamboo.

  • pn̄g lōi;

    a skimmer used to take rice from the pot.

  • cang pn̄g lōi tè ta;

    take the rice skimmer and drain it dry.

  • thih lōi;

    an iron skimmer.

  • khṳ̀ cwn cò̤ kâi lōi ío tōa kâi kâi;

    go and have a rather large skimmer made to order.