Aged; venerable; a term of respect, resembling Sire; old; out of date; inert.
láu sṳ;
honored Sir.
láu ìuⁿ cn̂g kâi lâi;
old and young all came.
feeble from age.
kèng láu, cun hîen;
revere the aged, and honor the learned.
harmless; witless; simple; gullible; gentle; tractable.
cò̤ sṳ̄ láu-līen;
versed in affairs.
sìo nì láu sêng;
an old head on young shoulders.
láu-kun; láu-cṳ́;
names of the founder of the sect of Rationalists, or Tauists.
hût láu nŏ̤ kà;
the two sects, Buddhists and Tauists.
A person; a fellow; one of a class; a demeaning term not infrequently added to the name of a calling.
hiang-pa láu;
a boor, a clod-hopper.
cuang cò̤ gūa-káng láu;
pretended to be a fellow from some distant place.
kî-ĕ láu;
a Tartar.
A basket woven of withes and made water tight.
cêk kha îu-láu;
an oil hamper.
To swindle; to take advantage of.
i tó̤ kuang-láu nâng;
he swindles people.
a swindler.
The siri used with betel.
siri leaf.
phah kháu láu-hîeh;
roll up a mouthful of siri leaf.
To girdle with; to wear
làu thih-só̤;
to wear fetters.
làu cháu-so̤h;
be led by a straw rope, as are women who are rejected and sent back to their father’s house from a husband’s home.
i chíu tèng làu cêk pak hieⁿ-cu;
he wore a string of scented beads on his wrist.
làu chíu-so̤h;
wear chain bracelets.
To purge; to flow off.
i sĭ cn̂g kâi làu sái-cúi, m̄ sêng pùn;
he has none but watery stools.
làu hùaⁿ kâi o-lô̤ hueh chut lâi;
passed dark murky blood several times.
To linger; to delay; to saunter.
cêk lō cí-kò̤ tau-lâu kúi jît, hṳ́-kó̤ tau-lâu kúi jît, cn̂g kâi m̄ cìn-côiⁿ;
on the way lingered here a few days and there a few days, and made no progress at all.
To toil, to labor, to fag at; to exert one’s self for another; to trouble one, as with a commission; to distress; careworn, burdened; services to the state; meritorious deeds.
lâu-tŏng lṳ́;
I am putting you to trouble on my account.
lâu-tŏng kùi-kè;
I wish to engage your valuable help.
m̄ hó̤ khah lâu sīn;
do not take too much anxious thought about it.
lâu sim thài kùe;
overburdened with care.
i cò̤ sṳ̄ khṳ̂n-lâu căi;
he does things in a very painstaking way.
i cêk seⁿ lâu-khó;
hers is a life of toil.
lâu-lâu lôk-lôk kùe cêk sì;
toil and moil through life.
cai i kâi kong-lâu;
know his merit.
lâu kè;
excuse my troubling you.
cía khah ŭ lâu;
this is making you too much trouble.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ sĭ thû lâu bô̤ iah;
this is laboring in vain.
lân lâk kâi nâng;
a toiler.
tîeh lĭam pĕ-bó̤ kū lâu kâi ṳn;
must recollect the gracious kindness of our parents in their former labors for us.
lâu kim jîeh cōi?
What was the amount given as a reward for his services?
cang cí kâi lâi chîu i kâi lâu;
take this and present it to him in recognition of services kindly rendered.
m̄ hó̤ khah kùe bûa-lâu;
do not drudge too incessantly.
kùe iu-lâu cū àiⁿ seⁿ pēⁿ;
moiling too much will bring on illness.
i cí kâi pēⁿ sĭ hṳ-lâu kâi pēⁿ;
this sickness is the result of overwork.
The tide.
lâu tĭⁿ a khó̤?
Is the tide rising or falling?
lâu-cúi ŏi kàu cí a bŏi?
Does the tide reach to this point or not?
lâu pêⁿ;
the tide is motionless.
lâu khó̤ kàu tah-tah;
the tide is at its lowest ebb.
kúaⁿ lâu;
follow the tide.
ngêk lâu;
go against the tide.
The flowing of water; to circulate; to diffuse itself; to shed; to flow out; fluid.
lâu cúi méⁿ;
the current is swift.
sŭn lâu;
to go with the tide.
ngêk lâu; théⁿ lâu;
to go against the current.
cí kò̤ kâi cûn sĭ kîaⁿ lâu cúi kâi;
the boats hereabouts are made to go with the current.
hó̤ huang m̄ phàⁿ lâu;
with a fair wind there is no fear of the tide.
cí kò̤ sĭ lâu sim;
the centre of the current is here.
hueh lâu, hueh tih;
the blood runs.
lâu mâk-cap;
to shed tears.
tn̂g lâu khoi cúi;
an ever flowing stream.
cúi lâu bô̤ kò̤ khṳ̀;
the water has no outlet.
thek sî-kang-kíaⁿ lâu;
to float on the tide.
cí tîo kau lâu lô̤h khoi, khoi cū lâu lô̤h hái;
this drain flows into the river, and the river flows into the sea.
thn̄g thong khṳt i lâu;
poke it open and let it flow along.
sak kín bŏi lâu;
tightly obstructed so that it cannot flow.
lâu phīⁿ-cúi;
mucous running from the nose.
lâu hĭⁿ lâng kôi;
pus running from the ear.
A loft; a staging; a tower; the upper floor or storey of a house; a chamber; a large fine shop; a porch or raised portal; storied.
lâu téng, lâu ĕ;
up stairs and down stairs.
nŏ̤ câng lâu;
two storied.
cĭeⁿ kau-lâu;
go to an eating room.
jī în lâu;
the second storey.
lâu cīeⁿ kè lâu;
storey above storey.
a brothel.
sîaⁿ lâu téng;
a tower above the city gate.
ceng lâu;
a belfry.
kó lâu;
a drum tower.
keⁿ lâu;
a watchman’s loft.
a verandah; a corridor.
mō̤ⁿ lâu;
an observatory; a balcony; a lookout.
lâu thâi;
a staging for performances.
lâu céⁿ;
a skylight.
lâu thui;
a stairway.
lâu pang;
the floor of a chamber.
lâu êⁿ;
floor beams.
cí koiⁿ chu ngŏ în lâu;
this house has five stories.
To detain; to stop a guest; to keep back; to delay.
khṳt i lâu-cŭ tŏ̤ kò̤;
has been retained by him.
jw̆n lâu, i m̄ khéng nā kò̤;
however much I exerted myself to keep her, she would not stay.
cí kĭaⁿ mûeh lâu-pàng-kò̤ cò̤ cèng-kŭ;
keep this to use as a proof of it.
lâu pàng mùa-cá cîah;
set it aside to eat to-morrow.
lâu i tó̤ sie phŭaⁿ;
kept her to be company for me.
hŵn-lío lâu ṳ̂ tī;
there is still some empty space left.
bô̤ lâu i;
did not urge her to stay.
tau-lâu i nā kò̤;
forcibly detain him.
tau-lâu i kâi mûeh-kĭaⁿ, màiⁿ i khṳ̀;
forcibly detained her things to keep her from going.
mih sṳ̄ bó̤ lâu chêng;
is not accommodating in anything.
khṳt i lâu tó̤ cîah;
kept him to dinner.
lâu jīm;
press to remain in office.
cèng nâng khṳ̀ lâu jīm;
all went to protest against his removal from office.
Wasting away from toil or atrophy of the viscera; consumption of the bowels; marasmus.
hṳ-lâu kâi pēⁿ;
a wasting disease; a pining away.
lâu pēⁿ;
phthisis; emaciated and consumptive.
lâu sieⁿ, hṳ sun;
injured so as to produce a chronic atrophy, as by immoderate lifting.
Aged; venerable; a term of respect.
lău nâng; lău nâng ke;
venerable sir; an old person.
lău nâng hok-sek;
garments suitable for the aged.
lău ûang;
the old king.
lău sin-seⁿ;
the venerable teacher.
lău tăi-jîn;
Your Excellency.
lău îa;
Your Worship; a god.
hṳ́ kâi sĭ i kâi lău kong-phûa;
those are his grandparents.
An adulterer.
hṳ́ kâi àiⁿ cò̤ lău-ĭen kâi, sĭm-mih kháu-keng?
What did the one who was tried for adultery say in his own defense?
To drip; to leak; to ooze out; to lose, to disclose, to blab, to let slip; to lose sight of; to let in, as light; a clepsydra.
pó lāu;
to mend a leak.
chù-téng ŏi lāu a bŏi?
Does the roof leak?
hŏ cē tōa lāu kàu lok-lok;
whenever it rains hard it leaks so that everything is dripping wet.
i kâi cûn tiam lāu khṳ̀;
his boat was made to leak by hitting upon a stone.
to ooze out.
cáu lāu;
run out.
tâng-hû tih-lāu;
a clepsydra.
ŏi jŭi-lāu mûeh-kĭaⁿ a bŏi?
Did he leave any property?
cĭ kâi lâi chō̤ cúi bŏi lāu;
this will not leak if water is put in it.
khîeh khṳ̀ kek, thóiⁿ ŏi lāu a bŏi;
take it and go and press it down on the water and see whether it leaks or not.
khṳt i lāu măng khṳ̀;
let him slip out of the net.
cûn làu kang tang pó lāu chî;
it is rather late to stop the leak when the boat is in mid channel.
cí kâi kha-thâng lāu;
this wash-tub leaks.
i kâi ciah sĭ tih tîeh hŏ lāu kâi;
the marks have been made by the rain dripping on it.
thăi lāu;
wait for an opening.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ m̄ hó̤ lāu-huang;
do not breathe a word concerning this matter.
Hum; bustle; tumult.
much commotion; many going to and fro.
hṳ́ kò̤ khah lāu-jîet;
there is too much bustle there.
múaⁿ-tī-kò̤ lāu-lāu jîet-jîet;
a great stir everywhere.
A purient tumor.
bleeding piles.