A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kue | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kue

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  • A generic term for cucurbitaceous plants, such as the cucumber, melon and squash.

  • tìo kue;


  • si kue;


  • tang kue;


  • bâk kue;

    the papaya.

  • hún kue;

    a small yellow squash.

  • khó kue;

    the bitter gourd.

  • seⁿ lâi tang-kue-mīn tang-kue-mīn nē;

    has a long oval face.

  • kim kue;

    a gilded wooden bludgeon, with a head like a melon.

  • kùa sang bâk-kue-līam kâi hĭⁿ-kau;

    wore a pair of ear-rings, with conical drops and long hooks.

  • khòi-kue cí;

    sweet melon seeds.

  • tang-kue jîn;

    squash seeds.

  • tang-kue cheh;

    preserved squash.

  • lṳ́ kio i ŭ sĭm-mih kue-kuah?

    What is your relationship to him?

  • hê kue;

    a small hairy cucumber.

  • tek-kue hó̤ cò̤ cìeⁿ-kue;

    young cucumbers are made into pickles.


  • Steamed cakes, made from rice flour.

  • cí kâi coih nín ceng ŭ jîeh cōi kúe?

    How many cakes did you make for this festival?

  • ún cò̤ nŏ̤ saⁿ táu bí kúe;

    we made two or three pecks of rice into cakes.

  • hîaⁿ kúe;

    heat up the cakes.

  • ìn kúe;

    mould the cakes.

  • chue tîam kúe;

    to steam sweet cakes.

  • nâk kúe tîeh nâk câu-câu;

    in mixing the cakes with the hands, you must mix them thoroughly.

  • ĭoⁿ khí lêng-sn̂g cū sĭ kúe;

    lift up the steamer and there is the cake.

  • cò̤ cho̤h kúe-cap lâi tíam-sim;

    make some porridge from a piece of cake, to lunch upon.

  • cêk sn̂g kúe;

    one whole steamed cake; one steamerful of the cake.

  • nâng lâi hĕ cêk kîe kúe, hó̤ khṳ̀ côih cò̤ cêk hue cêk hue lío lâi luah;

    some one has brought and presented us an oblong section of cake, cut it into slices transversely and fry them brown.

  • kúe āⁿ;

    the stuffing in a steamed cake.

  • kàⁿ kúe thô̤;

    round raised cakes.

  • Cakes made from wheaten flour; biscuits.

  • tê kúe;

    tea biscuits.

  • thn̂g kúe;

    sweet cakes.

  • The fruit of trees; seeds with a covering and pulp; results; effects.

  • i hn̂g lăi peh īeⁿ kúe-cí to ŭ;

    there was every sort of fruit tree in the garden.

  • kúe-cí tng sêk kâi sî-hāu;

    when the fruit is ripe.

  • ău-lâi kui-sêng cìaⁿ kúe;

    afterward the fruit comes to perfection.

  • cheⁿ kúe;

    fresh fruit.

  • cheⁿ kúe phò;

    a fruit shop.

  • cí īeⁿ chīu ŏi kit kúe-cí a bŏi?

    Does this sort of tree bear fruit?

  • kúe-cí kit m̄ sêng;

    the fruit does not come to perfection.

  • ău-lâi sĭm-mih kak-kúe;

    what will be the consequences hereafter?

  • seⁿ kúe-cí;

    bear fruit.

  • cêk hù ngŏ kúe tîh;

    a set of fruit dishes.

  • kin nî kak chù kâi kúe-cí seⁿ lâi kâu;

    fruit is plenty everywhere this year.

  • i sĭm siang-sìn in kúe kâi sṳ̄;

    she is one who believes very firmly in the doctrine that conduct in a previous life produces results in this.

  • To bolster up; to use as a cushion.

  • khîeh kò̤ mûeh lâi kúe;

    get something and put under it to raise it.

  • bô̤ kò̤ tĭen lâi kúe, cŏ̤ tîeh ngân-ngân;

    have no cushion to put under me, and it is very cold to sit upon.

  • pun ĕ-jît kíaⁿ-sun-hùe hó̤ kúe kha chíu;

    for his descendants to avail themselves of hereafter as a help to attain a higher position.

  • cang ńng-ńng kâi mûeh lâi kúe;

    get something very soft and put under it.

  • To pass by; to go beyond or up to; to exceed; to overpass; to spend, as time; to transgress; to violate propriety; an error, a fault; a sign of past time, or of the perfect tense; an adverb of comparison; then, more; too, rather, excessive; to approach; to send to.

  • khn̂g-kòi i tîeh cai kói kùe;

    exhort him to reform.

  • i íⁿ-keng kùe sì lío;

    he has already departed this life.

  • tâng tiang-sî kùe sin?

    When did he die?

  • i kùe-khṳ̀ kú lío;

    he passed away long since.

  • i kùe khṳ̀ a būe?

    Has he passed by yet?

  • ŭ tùi cí-kò̤ kùe a bô̤?

    Did they pass by here?

  • mih nâng to tùi cí-kò̤ keng kùe;

    every body goes by here.

  • úa kîaⁿ tùi nín phò kha kùe;

    I walked past your shop.

  • hṳ́ kò̤ ēng kùe kîe a mín?

    Need we cross a bridge there?

  • tîeh kùe cêk têng kîe, kah nŏ̤ têng tō, lío pûaⁿ kùe suaⁿ cū tŏ̤ kò̤;

    you must cross one bridge and two ferries, then traverse the mountain and you will be there.

  • put kùe;

    nothing more than.

  • put kùe nŏ̤ saⁿ kâi tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;

    only two or three.

  • i thiaⁿ tîeh kùe m̄ khṳ̀;

    he could not endure hearing it.

  • kùe-sit;

    a peccadillo; a fault.

  • cêk kĭaⁿ tōa kùe-sit;

    a great blunder.

  • cêk tu tōa kùe suaⁿ;

    a heap bigger than a mountain.

  • kâi khang chim kùe hái;

    a hole deeper than the sea.

  • seⁿ lâi ngía kùe kúi;

    is handsomer than an imp.

  • i kâi ŏi kùe kúi;

    his abilities are surpassing.

  • cìeⁿ-seⁿ khah kùe cíe, hìeⁿ-seⁿ khah kùe cōi;

    this is too little, and that is over much.

  • i ŏi cai kùe-khṳ̀, būe-lâi kâi sṳ̄;

    he can discover what has passed and what has not yet happened.

  • kùe hūn;

    officious; to exceed one’s functions.

  • lṳ́ m̄ hó̤ kùe hūn;

    do not meddle in what does not pertain to your office.

  • ûeh kùe hûn;

    set a mark beyond the crease.

  • īa bô̤ khṳt nâng ûeh kùe, īa bô̤ ûeh kùe nâng kâi;

    neither give nor take more than is due.

  • hṳ́-kò̤ úa pat khṳ̀ kùe lâi;

    I have been there.

  • úa pat thóiⁿ kùe ku-ā chṳ̀;

    I have seen it several times.

  • cía cṳ úa thâk kùe kâi;

    this book is one that I have read.

  • thiaⁿ kùe m̄ jû thóiⁿ kùe, thóiⁿ kùe m̄ jû cò̤ kùe;

    to have heard about a thing is not so good as to have seen it, and to have seen it is not so good as to have made it.

  • i li thài kùe, i li khah put kîp;

    the one is excessive, and the other is impracticable.

  • cí kâi kîeⁿ kùe hṳ́ kâi;

    this is superior to that.

  • úa cêng tâu kùe i tōa nâng;

    I have informed his superior.

  • cí kâi tōa kùe hṳ́ kâi;

    this is larger than that.

  • kûiⁿ kùe i;

    taller than he.

  • i sieh lṳ́ cōi kùe lṳ́ sieh i;

    he loves you more than you love him.

  • to̤ kùe cúi bô̤ hûn;

    a knife drawn across water leaves no mark.

  • i sĭ cáu kùe sì úang kâi nâng;

    he is one who has been everywhere.

  • àiⁿ lâu i nā cí kò̤ kùe mêⁿ, i m̆;

    wanted him to stay here all night but he would not.

  • kùe ke nŏ̤ jît cū sĭ kùe nî;

    after two days more, we pass from one year to the next.

  • mn̄g i àiⁿ tńg khṳ̀ chù kùe coih mē;

    ask him if he is going home to spend the holidays.

  • ŭ kùe;

    is at fault.

  • bô̤ kùe;

    has not erred.

  • cía sĭ i kâi cŭe-kùe;

    this is his fault.

  • bô̤ cŭe bô̤ kùe;


  • úa sĭ chì kùe kâi;

    I have tried it.

  • lâng kùe i cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    it is difficult to get over his acting thus.

  • cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ kùe ì căi;

    this far surpasses my expectations.

  • íⁿ-keng kùe khî lío;

    passing strange.

  • sìaⁿ kùe ku;

    infallible as fate.

  • To extinguish; to quench.

  • ìm kùe húe;

    put out the fire by raking the ashes over it.

  • pûn kùe teng;

    blow out the lamp.

  • cek pun huang chue kùe khṳ̀;

    the candle has been blown out by the wind.

  • cí ki cúa-âng-teng, tōa ki, còng pun huang chue kùe, hŵn-lío hut ŏi tô̤h;

    this paper torch is a large one, and although it should be blown out by the wind, it may still be set blazing by blowing it.

  • lṳ́ m̄ hó̤ tiaⁿ kùe teng;

    do not put out the lamp by touching it.

  • húe-pé hó̤ phah kùe;

    put out the torch by knocking it.

  • kìu húe kìu kàu taⁿ cìaⁿ kùe;

    they have been striving to extinguish the fire, and have only just now succeeded.

  • kìu khṳ̀ kùe a būe?

    Have they yet got the fire extinguished?

  • cang cúi lâm kùe;

    dash on water to quench the fire.

  • A false coiffure, made of cloth and metal, worn by women of middle age.

  • phah cêk kâi kim kùe;

    make a gilded coiffure.

  • i tì cêk kâi ngṳ̂n kùe līu kàu tak-tak-chiah;

    she wears a silver coiffure, washed with gold till it gleams.

  • i kâi kùe pak lío, khǹg lô̤h kùe âp;

    having taken off her coiffure she put it in its box.

  • thâu-mô̤ⁿ siu hó̤ tì kâi kùe lô̤h khṳ̀;

    having combed her hair, she put on her head-dress.

  • To make a circuit; to go around; the whole.

  • úa íⁿ-keng thâk cêk kùe;

    I have already read it through once.

  • kîaⁿ kùe saⁿ sì kùe;

    have been over the whole ground three or four times.

  • thâk bô̤ kúi kùe cū pat;

    by reading it through only a few times he knows it.

  • Large leaved plants.

  • kûe-hîeh;

    palm leaves.

  • kûe-sìⁿ;

    palm leaf fans.

  • To be in the way; to be an impediment; to stumble upon.

  • kha kûe tîeh cū pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;

    if one stumbles against it, he will fall down.

  • màiⁿ pàng kò̤ kûe kha, kûe chíu;

    do not leave it there to be in the way.

  • khṳt i kûe-cŭ tŏ̤-kò̤;

    has been stopped by stumbling upon it.

  • kûe lô̤h khṳ̀, tó̤ kàu lī-lī;

    stumbled and fell flat.

  • khṳt tŏ̤-lí kûe kín, bŏi tit khṳ̀;

    cannot go because the rules of etiquette stand in the way.

  • màiⁿ kûe tîeh lō;

    don’t block up the way.