A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kuaⁿ | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kuaⁿ

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  • Equitable.

  • kuaⁿ-cìaⁿ;

    fair; just.

  • i mih sṳ̄ kuaⁿ-cìaⁿ căi;

    he is very just in his dealings.

  • íⁿ-keng chíaⁿ ŭ kuaⁿ-cìaⁿ kâi sin-sṳ̆ chut lâi thîo-chú;

    have already asked honorable gentlemen to come and settle the matter by arbitration.

  • kuaⁿ-cìaⁿ kùe hût;

    more equitable than Buddha himself.

  • cìeⁿ-seⁿ sĭ kuaⁿ-kuaⁿ cìaⁿ-cìaⁿ kâi;

    that is perfectly fair.

  • An officer of government; the magistrates; the authorities; rulers; official; public.

  • kuaⁿ hṳ́; kuaⁿ ŵn;

    officials; magistrates.

  • cò̤ kuaⁿ kâi nâng;

    those in authority.

  • kuaⁿ bue;

    an official match-maker.

  • oh kuaⁿ ue;

    learn the mandarin dialect.

  • i sĭ to cheng kuaⁿ, in pi sĭ tham kuaⁿ;

    he is a clean handed official, and it is not as if he were a covetous one.

  • kuaⁿ lo;

    a government road; a highway.

  • ci’a lam sĭ kuaⁿ iam;

    this salt is salt that has passed through the hands of government officers.

  • phah-kuaⁿ-si;

    to enter npon a lawsuit; to carry a case before the authorities.

  • mûeh-kĭaⁿ kui kuaⁿ;

    things confiscated.

  • ŭ kâi kuaⁿ- thoi;

    has dignity; is stately.

  • ŭ kâi kuaⁿ ieⁿ;

    is of dignified bearing.

  • kuaⁿ tieⁿ;


  • bun kuaⁿ, bu kuaⁿ;

    civil and military officers.

  • tōa kuaⁿ, soi kuaⁿ;

    one filling an important office, and one whose office is petty.

  • ciaⁿ in kuaⁿ;

    the magistrate who holds the seals of office.

  • co cap kuaⁿ;

    subordinate officers.

  • kui pin kuaⁿ?

    Of what grade is he?

  • i kâi kuaⁿ cheⁿ hien;

    he will soon be in office.

  • cia kuaⁿ sĭ;

    trusting to official influence.

  • The liver.

  • kuaⁿ hue seng;

    inflammalion of the liver.

  • tng kuaⁿ chun lih;

    (grieved so that) the liver and intestines are splintered.

  • i sieh ju sim-kuaⁿ;

    dear to him as his life.

  • i kâi sim-kuaⁿ in-ho̤;

    he has a bad disposition.

  • Bim-kuaⁿ-thau liang-liang;

    his chest is cool.

  • cia, sĭ kuaⁿ-taⁿ kâi tie;

    these are his real senti- ments.

  • kuaⁿ bak khak pi tho;

    the woody liver neutralizes the earthy stomach, (therefore I have no appetite).

  • koi kuaⁿ suaⁿ;

    desiccated hens’ livers.

  • A staff; a post; a shaft.

  • ûi kuaⁿ;


  • ki kuaⁿ;


  • cí ki kî-kuaⁿ jîeh kuiⁿ?

    How high is this flag-staff?


  • A shaft; a bar; a beam; a pole.

  • cìⁿ-kuaⁿ;

    the shaft of an arrow.

  • chìn kuaⁿ;

    the bar of a steelyard.

  • cò̤ ki tìeⁿ kuaⁿ;

    make a fishing-pole.

  • tèng ki tōa kuaⁿ chìn;

    set the marks upon a large steelyard bar.

  • Cured by drying, dried.

  • phâk cò̤ kuaⁿ;

    dry them in the sun.

  • phû-thô̤ kuaⁿ;


  • có̤ kuaⁿ;

    dried dates.

  • píaⁿ kuaⁿ;


  • A coffin.

  • kuaⁿ-bâk; kuaⁿ-châ;

    a coffin.

  • kuaⁿ kĭn;

    a coffin and its contents.

  • kuaⁿ-châ khàm, kuaⁿ-châ tói, kuaⁿ-châ chîeⁿ, kua-châ sin;

    the lid, the bottom, the sides, and the bulk of the coffin.

  • kuaⁿ-châ thâu, kua-châ búe;

    the head and the foot of a coffin.

  • mông būe tîeh kuaⁿ-châ thâu cū khàu;

    he began to cry before he had touched the coffin, (too soon).

  • kuaⁿ-châ phŭe;

    a pall.

  • kuaⁿ-châ pang, kuaⁿ-châ póiⁿ;

    slabs for making coffins.

  • kuaⁿ-châ íⁿ;

    supports for a coffin to rest on.

  • kuaⁿ-châ kǹg;

    a bier.

  • kuaⁿ-châ chù;

    a house to shelter a coffin.

  • kuaⁿ-châ phò;

    a shop where coffins are sold.

  • kuaⁿ-châ phng;

    an adz used in making coffins.

  • To hasten; chase; pursue.

  • úa cá-cá àiⁿ khí lâi kúaⁿ lō;

    I shall rise very early and pursue my journey.

  • lṳ́ tùi cúi lō kò̤ khṳ̀, úa kúaⁿ tùi hăng lō lâi khṳ̀;

    you follow the water course, and I will go on by land.

  • kúaⁿ khùe cē;

    hurry up.

  • úa àiⁿ kùaⁿ kàu kàu, cìaⁿ lâi hiah;

    I will press on to my journey’s end and then stop.

  • i khṳ̀ jìeh kú nē, m̄ cai kúaⁿ i tit tîeh, a kúaⁿ m̄ tîeh;

    he has been gone some time, I do not know whether we can overtake him or not.

  • kúaⁿ kín khṳ̀ cò̤;

    went and did it in the utmost haste.

  • kúaⁿ mé-ⁿméⁿ hŵn-lío kúaⁿ m̄ hù;

    hurried on, but still failed to reach there in time.

  • tîeh kúaⁿ sok cē cìaⁿ kúaⁿ tit kîp;

    must hasten somewhat, and then we shall be in time.

  • kúaⁿ cí hûe kâi lâu-cúi;

    take advantage of the tide.

  • àiⁿ kúaⁿ khṳ̀ hù chĭ kâi;

    will hasten on to be in time for the market.

  • tîeh kúaⁿ kàu căm cìaⁿ ŭ hó̤ cîah;

    must go on till we reach the post station then we shall have something to eat.

  • kúaⁿ cá, khí lâi lí sṳ̄;

    get up early and attend to business.

  • jû kúaⁿ ah cêk īeⁿ;

    like driven ducks.

  • kâi i kúaⁿ chut khṳ̀;

    drove him out.

  • in-ûi sĭm-mih sṳ̄ khṳt i kúaⁿ tīo chut lâi?

    On what account was he expelled?

  • To avail of; to improve.

  • kúaⁿ cí kâi sì-hāu;

    improve this leisure time.

  • kúaⁿ cí hûe kâi ki-hŭe;

    embrace this opportunity.

  • kúaⁿ cí kâi sì cū cò̤ tit hó̤;

    take advantage oí this circumstance to complete the thing.

  • kúaⁿ tîeh cí hûe ŭ huang lâi khui cûn;

    take advantage of the wind that is now blowing and start the boat.

  • kúaⁿ sńg, kúaⁿ chìe;

    took the opportunity when others were joking.

  • Really; truly; indeed; reliable; determined.

  • kúaⁿ-jîen sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    it is really so.

  • lṳ́ jû-kúaⁿ àiⁿ lâi li thòa-cah lâi;

    if you should be coming, bring it along with you.

  • i kâi nâng cò̤ sṳ̄ ŭ kúaⁿ-tẁn;

    he acts with decision.

  • i sĭm sĭ kúaⁿ-káⁿ;

    he is very daring.

  • kúaⁿ-cin hó̤;

    truly good.

  • kúaⁿ sĭ cía nâng;

    indeed it is he.

  • jîak-kúaⁿ sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ úa li m̆;

    suppose it should be thus, I shall not do it.

  • i cò̤ sṳ̄ cn̂g kâi m̄ kúaⁿ-kwt;

    he acts without decision.

  • i mih sṳ̄ cū kúaⁿ-kwt;

    he has his mind made up before he does things.

  • sĭ àiⁿ, sĭ m̄-àiⁿ, kúaⁿ-kúaⁿ kwt-kwt;

    whether you want it, or whether you don’t want it, be decided about it.

  • Solitary; friendless; alone; little; moderate.

  • síu-kúaⁿ hŭ-jîn;

    a widow.

  • i tó̤ síu-kúaⁿ;

    she is a widow.

  • kà cṳ sin-seⁿ, síu-kúaⁿ ta-ke;

    a school teacher has a lot like that of an old widower.

  • kúaⁿ put têk cèng;

    one cannot stand alone against many.

  • ko-jî, kúaⁿ-hŭ;

    orphan and widow.

  • i khi-hŭ i ko-lŏ kúaⁿ-bŭn;

    he imposes upon him because he is solitary and of little experience.

  • Wintry; cold; shivering.

  • thiⁿ-sî kûaⁿ-chìn;

    the weather is very cold.

  • kha kûaⁿ-tàng;

    the feet chilled.

  • cá mêⁿ ŭ nâng kûaⁿ sí khṳ̀;

    some one was frozen to death last night.

  • ciaⁿ gûeh kûaⁿ sí gû, jī gûeh kûaⁿ sí bé, saⁿ gûeh kûaⁿ sí le-ke cé;

    the first month was so cold it killed the cattle, the second so cold it killed the horses, and the third so cold it froze Miss Lake herself.

  • pak kûaⁿ; hwt kuaⁿ;

    to have ague.

  • sieⁿ-huang tńg cò̤ kûaⁿ;

    the cold taken has produced ague.

  • ŭ kûaⁿ ŭ jûah;

    has chills and fever; is cold and hot.

  • kûaⁿ jûah saⁿ-khò;

    clothing for hot and cold weather.

  • màiⁿ khṳt i kûaⁿ tîeh, tîeh cai chēng;

    must put on plenty of clothing, and not get chilled.

  • Remittent or intermittent fever; febrile complaints; ague.

  • tì kûaⁿ kâi pēⁿ;

    has fever and ague.

  • kiâm kûaⁿ;

    chills, with but little or no fever.

  • keh jît kûaⁿ;

    a chill every other day.

  • saⁿ jît kûaⁿ;

    a chill once in three days.

  • i kíaⁿ-jît tùi kûaⁿ pái;

    this is his day to have a chill.

  • ŭ cêk khí saⁿ jît pái kâi kûaⁿ;

    there is one sort of fever which comes on once in three days.

  • To pull upward, to lift by pulling.

  • cău-hùe kŭaⁿ tîeh i kâi piⁿ;

    happily caught him by his queue and dragged him upward.

  • tùi i kâi piⁿ cū kŭaⁿ khí lâi;

    pulled him out by the queue.

  • màiⁿ kŭaⁿ khah lip búe, ùi àiⁿ phìu chíu;

    do not take hold too near the end in lifting it, lest it slip out of your hand.

  • nŏ̤ ciah chíu sie-hŭ kŭaⁿ;

    drag it up with both hands.

  • măng kŭaⁿ khí lâi hṳ́-tói ŭ mûaⁿ-hṳ̂;

    when the net was hauled up there was an eel in it.

  • kŭaⁿ tōa lâk;

    haul it up with force.

  • To carry with the hand at one’s side.

  • kŭaⁿ-chĭ-nâ;

    carry a market basket.

  • kŭaⁿ cúi-tháng;

    carry a water-bucket.

  • kŭaⁿ cúi;

    to carry water in a bailed bucket by one’s side.

  • To carry in the womb.

  • kŭaⁿ ŭ a-nôⁿ tŏ̤-kò̤;

    is with child.

  • cí ciah ngio kŭaⁿ-kūiⁿ tŏ̤-kò̤;

    this cat is pregnant.

  • Sweat; perspiration.

  • seⁿ kūaⁿ;

    to perspire.

  • lâu kūaⁿ;

    to sweat freely.

  • hwt kŭaⁿ;

    produces perspiration.

  • hwt kūaⁿ îeh;

    a sudorific.

  • pío kūaⁿ;

    to sweat visibly.

  • chut chìn kūaⁿ; lâu chìn kūaⁿ;

    has cold sweats.

  • lâu kàu cêk sin kūaⁿ;

    perspired at every pore.

  • thoih kūaⁿ;

    absorbs sweat.

  • chēng kâi saⁿ tó̤ cṳ̄ kūaⁿ;

    wear a jacket to absorb the perspiration.

  • pìaⁿ kàu cêk sin kūaⁿ;

    worked so hard as to be wet with perspiration.

  • tău kūaⁿ;


  • cṳ̄ kūaⁿ;

    sweating, without exertion.

  • bô̤ kūaⁿ căi;


  • lṳ́ màiⁿ bô̤ kūaⁿ bô̤ kūaⁿ nē;

    do not be lazy about it.

  • cí kâi nâng cò̤ sṳ̄ cin bô̤ kūaⁿ;

    this persons does things very moderately.