A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / ku | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / ku

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  • The tortoise and terrapin; some kinds of beetles.

  • ku pùe;

    arched over like a terrapin’s back.

  • lâi khṳ̀ pok kâi ku khùe;

    let us go and divine by means of the markings on a tortoise shell.

  • ku-khak hó̤ pok-khùe;

    the shell of the tortoise may be used in divination.

  • ēng cò̤ ku-páng ío cṳ im, cṳ pó nâng sin-tèng kâi im hūn;

    make use of the breastplate or plastron of the tortoise to enrich the blood, and to strengthen the body.

  • kim ku hāi mīaⁿ;

    the tortoise that laid golden nuggets cost his owner his life.

  • hang-ku tûi heng;

    the starry ray beating its breast; unavailing regrets.

  • kim ku thut khak;

    an empty tortoise shell.

  • lâi bói cē hang-ku-jîe lâi cîah cṳ im;

    buy a little dried skate skin to take as a strengthening medicine.

  • hang-ku phīⁿ;

    the snout of the skate.

  • cúi ku;

    the water beetle.

  • chiah bí ku;

    the box turtle.

  • ku cûa;


  • ku cûa kau-hŭe;

    creeping things affiliate with each other.

  • ku lêng ho̤h sǹg;

    very long lived.

  • Hunchbacked; to stoop.

  • ku ie;


  • ie ku kàu phak-phak;

    he is bent almost double.

  • i kâi ie seⁿ lâi tàm-ku tàm-ku nē;

    he is very round shouldered.

  • i sĭ in-ûi tăng mûeh teh tîeh tì-kàu ku ie;

    he became hunchbacked by carrying heavy burdens.

  • i kâi ie ku-ku;

    he is much bent.

  • phak-ku lô̤h khṳ̀ khîeh;

    stoop down and pick it up.

  • sin cē ku kĕ cū íam kìⁿ;

    as soon as he bent down he espied it.


  • Several; many.

  • ku-ā hûe;

    ever so many times.

  • ku-& tng;

    several times.

  • ku-ā kâi;

    quite a number of them.

  • ku-ā nâng;

    a good many persons.

  • A fault; a crime; a failure in duty; a dereliction; sin, guilt.

  • bô̤ ku;


  • bô̤ ku sĭu lŭi;

    compromised when guiltless.

  • chò̤ suah bô̤ ku;

    killed the innocent.

  • i to bô̤ ku ā;

    he is not at fault.

  • Scallions or chives.

  • ku-chài;


  • ku-chài thng;

    broth made with scallions.

  • The 18th diagram; a slow poison; to harass with doubts.

  • úa pok tîeh kâi khùe sĭ kú khùe;

    I cast and threw the eighteenth diagram, referring to occupation.

  • kàng pĕ cṳ kú;

    follow a father’s calling.

  • cí īeⁿ îeh hó̤ tī kú tâk;

    this medicine is an antidote for slow poison.

  • i sī tó̤ kú-hok nâng sim;

    he is disquieting people’s minds.

  • Great felicity or prosperity; propitious.

  • tī-tîang tó̤ thâk kú–sṳ̂?

    Who is reading the invocation?

  • Enduring; lasting; to continue a long time.

  • chîang-kú kâi sṳ̄;

    a protracted affair.

  • kú-kú lâi cŏ̤;

    come in often and sit awhile.

  • ho̤h kú;

    a long while.

  • màiⁿ khah kú;

    do not be too long about it.

  • bói ŭ jîeh kú lío?

    How long ago did you buy it?

  • lâi jîeh ŭa kú, hŵn-lío m̄ cai;

    came ever so long ago, and still did not know it.

  • cí īeⁿ sek m̄ năi kú;

    this color is not a durable one.

  • nî tn̂g gûeh kú, khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ sio-sîh;

    it gradually diminishes in size all the time.

  • cîeh kîaⁿ kú ŏi kng-kût;

    the rolling stone becomes smooth.

  • táng ŭ cêk jît kú;

    waited a whole day.

  • tn̂g-tn̂g kú-kú;


  • kú pîet lío;

    long parted.

  • cìeⁿ-sî kú ûi;


have not met lately.

  • kú ngíang tōa mîaⁿ;

    have long respected you.

  • bô̤ ŭa kú;

    not very long.

  • hiah kàu saⁿ jît kú, màiⁿ khṳ̀ thăng i;

    do not touch it for three days.

  • kú pēⁿ lău ui kuaⁿ;

    when one has long been sick he knows all about the doctors.

  • jú kú jú kèng;

    the longer you know him the more you will respect him.

  • hŭam sṳ̄ tîeh ŏi sĭeⁿ kú-tn̂g;

    in every affair one must think of the ultimate results.

  • khĭa-khí kú cū sêk;

    when you have lived long in a place you become familiar with it.

  • cò̤ cìeⁿ kú?

    Why have you been so long about it?

  • lṳ́ khṳ̀ hìeⁿ ku, khṳ̀ tì-kò?

    Where have you been, that you have been gone so long?

  • cok-cok ŭ kâi sî-sîn kṳ́, hŵn m̄ hàuⁿ hiah;

    has been at it for a full hour, and still will not stop.

  • kú-kú tŏ̤-kò̤;

    is always there.

  • ēng kú cū cai;

    after having used it for a long time you will know.

  • kàu kú cìaⁿ cai;

    found it out after a long while.

  • kú-kú thâk m̄ pat;

    never learns anything by study.

  • nín cò̤-nî kú-kú tó̤ sńg;

    why are you all the time playing.

  • úa thóiⁿ i cîah m̄ kú li;

    I do not think she will live long.

  • jîp khṳ̀ cêk tōa kùa kú hŵn būe chut;

    has been in there fully half a day and has not yet come out.

  • cía sĭ kú nî kâi mûeh;

    this is a thing that is to be used for many years.

  • kú sì sieⁿ ceng, kú ŏ̤ sieⁿ khì, kú lîp sieⁿ kṳn;

    protracted study injures the vital force, much lying down is hurtful to the constitution, standing too long harms the sinews.

  • kú ŭaⁿ hông kam hŏ;

    have a refreshing shower after a long drought.

  • kú hŏ hí sin cêⁿ;

    after a long rain one rejoices in a clear sky.

  • kú bŭn tōa mîaⁿ;

    have long heard about Your Excellency.

  • sṳ̄ kú kìⁿ nâng sim;

    when a business is long protracted, the true characters of people are revealed by it.

  • A shopman; a resident or settled trader, as distinguished from a travelling one.

  • kîaⁿ siang, cŏ̤ kú;

    travelling traders, and resident dealers.

  • sṳ lông kong kú;

    literary men, agriculturalists, artisans and merchants.

  • To cauterize; to raise blisters by burning moxa or the dried tinder of the Artemisia on the skin.

  • i ŏi cam kù;

    he understands the use of the lancet and of cautery.

  • ēng húe lâi kù cū hó̤;

    it will be well to cauterize it with fire.

  • cang hīaⁿ-mîⁿ lâi kù;

    apply moxa and cauterize it.

  • kù ŭ kúi câp càng;

    cauterized several tens of times.

  • kù kâi huap sĭ ēng hīaⁿ-jông lâi kù;

    the method of cauterization is by burning moxa on the skin.

  • To look after; to attend to; to care for, to regard; to consider; to patronize.

  • cò̤ sṳ̄ to tîeh kù côiⁿ kù ău;

    in doing things one must consider both what has preceded and what will follow.

  • cìo kù;

    to bestow patronage upon; to get employment for; to consider the interests of.

  • i ŭ kẁn-kù i a bô̤?

    Is she considerate toward him?

  • thóiⁿ-kù;

    to look after; to attend to.

  • cía mng sĭ chin nâng, ná lí m̄ thóiⁿ-kù i;

    this is a relative, and how can we do other than show regard for him.

  • síu bú siang kù;

    the beginning and the end correspond.

  • hàm i tîeh cai kwn-kù;

    tell him he must take heed.

  • kù chṳ́ li sit pí, kù pí li sit chṳ́: kang-khó căi;

    if we regard this we lose that, and if we give heed to that we miss this: it is indeed trying.

  • i cò̤-nî m̄ kù ka-kī, toaⁿ kù pât nâng;

    why does he not take care of himself, as well as of other people.

  • cí kù kih-kau pûi, m̄ kù sin-cīeⁿ ui;

    cares only to have fat cheeks, and is indifferent about what he wears.

  • lău cú kù;

    an old patron.

  • hó̤ cú kù;

    a good customer.

  • phài i tó̤ kwn-kù nâng-kheh;

    depute him to attend to the visitors.

  • tîeh cai kẇn-kù tê, kẃn-kù hun;

    you must attend to the setting forth of the tea, and of the tobacco.

  • kù sì-phìⁿ;

    to look around on all sides.

  • īu àiⁿ kù lăi, īu àiⁿ kù gūa, cía tîeh ŭ ho̤h ŏi kâi cìaⁿ lí tit khṳ̀;

    the internal and the external relationships have all to be considered in this, and he must be a very able person who can manage it all.

  • kù chit peh gūa phìⁿ;

    looking after a thousand things.

  • mih-mûeh kù kàu ciap-ciap côi;

    takes perfect care of everything.

  • khùn-kíaⁿ kù cí, khùn-kíaⁿ kù hṳ́, kù m̄ lī;

    have so many things to attend to that I cannot look after them all.

  • ku kàu kûaⁿ lâi li jûah kàu, kù kàu jûah lâi li kûaⁿ kàu;

    by the time the work of the cold weather is attended to, summer has come, and by the time the summer’s work is looked after, it is cold weather again.

  • cìeⁿ-seⁿ úa sĭ kù tîeh i;

    in so doing I show regard for him.

  • i to m̄ kù mn̂g huang;

    he does not regard the credit of the house and family.

  • i sĭang-téng kú ke;

    he has great regard for his family.

  • kù pĕ bó̤, kù bó kíaⁿ, kù hiaⁿ tĭ;

    to show consideration for parents, for wife and children, or for brethren.

  • kù líen;

    careful of his reputation.

  • i cí hûe cṳ̆ kù put hîa, cò̤ ŭ thang kù pât nâng;

    he has at present no leisure to look after himself, how should he have the time to look after other people.

  • tîeh kù pńg cîⁿ;

    must take care of your capital.

  • tăi-kè tîeh sie cìo-kù;

    you must all render assistance to each other.

  • īu àiⁿ kù thâu kù kha;

    must look to both ends of it.

  • A phrase; a sentence; a classifier of phrases; a line in verse.

  • thâk kàu ŭ kù ŭ tāu;

    read with attention to the stops.

  • i kâi kù tāu hó̤;

    his periods are well arranged.

  • cêk kù cêk kù thâk hīn-hīn;

    read it plainly, sentence by sentence.

  • cí cêk cak cṳ ŭ kúi kù?

    How many sentences are there in this verse?

  • tíam kù kau kó;

    punctuate and divide into paragraphs.

  • m̄ sêng kù;

    not a complete sentence.

  • àiⁿ kâi lṳ́ tàⁿ kṳ̀ ūe;

    wants to speak a word with you.

  • tàⁿ nŏ̤ kù cū hó̤;

    speak very briefly.

  • pĕng bô̤ pùaⁿ kù hṳ-ngân;

    has not an unmeaning phrase in it.

  • i nŏ̤ nâng cṳ̆-lâi bô̤ kù ūe;

    the two have not heretofore had words with each other.

  • i tó̤ cò̤ hó̤ sì kù;

    he is making verses.

  • līam kù si chut lâi;

    recited a verse of poetry.

  • thâk bô̤ kúi kù;

    reads but very few lines a day.

  • i cêk kù cū sĭ cêk kù;

    when he says a thing he adheres to it.

  • màiⁿ tàⁿ ke kù;

    do not talk about it any more.

  • chŵn bô̤ ke kù;

    there is nothing more to be said.

  • i tàⁿ ūe bô̤ kù sît;

    there is not a word of truth in what he says.

  • kṳ̀-kù to sĭ hó̤ ūe;

    every word of it is good.

  • cía sĭ saⁿ kù sì kâi cîⁿ phùaⁿ lâi kâi;

    this is merely something that I casually heard, and I do not vouch for its truth.

  • The cause or reason of a thing; what is purposed; the occasion; the pretext.

  • ŭ kù;

    there is a reason for it.

  • bô̤ kù;


  • bô̤ ŵn bô̤ kù;

    it is wholly without a cause.

  • ŭ sĭm-mih ŵn-kù?

    What led to it?

  • kù-chṳ́;

    therefore; for this reason.

  • i m̄ sĭ kù ì cìeⁿ-seⁿ cò̤;

    he did not do it intentionally.

  • bô̤ kù, cū mēⁿ nâng, phah nâng;

    reviles and beats people without any reason for it.

  • cía sǹg sĭ sío kù kâi sṳ̄;

    this is a trifling matter.

  • bô̤ sĭm-mih tōa ŵn-kù;

    this is no great matter.

  • sĭ se-su kâi sòi kù;

    is but a slight pretext.

  • kù hŭam kâi cū bô̤ sìa;

    a willful offense is unpardonable.

  • i sĭ ûi sĭm-mih sṳ̄-kù lâi?

    What was the occasion for his coming?

  • bô̤ sṳ̄ bô̤ kù, àiⁿ lâi mih sṳ̄?

    What do you come for, if you have no occasion for coming?

  • úa mng sĭ ūi lṳ́ cṳ kù cìaⁿ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    it was on your own account that I did thus.

  • Firm; fixed; strengthened; to fortify; impervious.

  • kù-tău sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    it is surely so.

  • kien-kù căi;

    very stable.

  • cò̤ kàu kien-kien kù-kù;

    make it so that it will be very firm and substantial.

  • cn̂g kâi m̄ kien m̄ kù;

    it is not at all firmly made.

  • cí kù ūe hó̤ kien-kù i kâi sim;

    his mind may be fortified by this remark.

  • cò̤ sṳ̄ m̄-hó̤ kù cip;

    do not be pertinacious.

  • cē kù-cip cū m̄ thong;

    when perverse one is deaf to reason.

  • i kâi khẃn mih sṳ̄ to sĭ kù-kù cip-cip;

    it is his nature to be very pertinacious about everything.

  • i kâi mûeh cú-kù căi;

    his wares are very durable.

  • jú-kù jú-kù;

    lasting; firm and durable.

  • kù-síu hṳ́ kâi ti-hng;

    fortify that place.

  • To close or stop securely; to interfere and prevent.

  • kù-kín cí-kâi nâng, màiⁿ khṳt i cak-tŏng;

    hedge this man up, and now allow him to act.

  • kù-kín;

    to stop up the way; to restrain; to prevent, as good men getting into office; to keep, as one in banishment.

  • A chronic, incurable complaint, such as leprosy, gout or palsy.

  • kù sí huang;

    an incurable ailment.

  • A collective adjective of number, placed after the noun, and denoting things or people; all, the whole; at once.

  • bw̄n mûeh kŭ pĭ;

    everything is ready.

  • peh īeⁿ kŭ chŵn;

    everything is complete.

  • cèng nâng kŭ tŏ̤;

    they are all there.

  • sì-chù kŭ ŭ;

    they are to be found in every direction.

  • sì-khùi-kit, sì khùi kŭ ŏi seⁿ;

    the four season orange is produced in all the four seasons.

  • nâng-nâng kŭ cai;

    everyone knows.

  • kŭ sĭ cêk īeⁿ;

    it is all the same.

  • pí chṳ́ kŭ chêng-ngw̆n;

    both are willing.

  • nŏ̤-chù kŭ hàuⁿ;

    both assent.

  • líang-ke kŭ huaⁿ-hí;

    both are satisfied.

  • cí cùaⁿ nâng kŭ sĭ siang-sìn kâi;

    all these people are believers in it.

  • mih mûeh kŭ bô̤;

    there is nothing whatever.

  • cêk chiet kŭ ŭ;

    have all of them.

  • cí cêk pńg cṳ kâi tŏ̤-lí úa kŭ pat;

    I know all the doctrines in this book.

  • To stand in awe of; fearful.

  • kiaⁿ-kŭ;


  • sĭm sĭ kù-phàⁿ i;

    is in great dread of him.

  • bô̤ kiaⁿ bô̤ kŭ;

    in no fear of.

  • ùi-kŭ, kùe sĭm;

    overmastering awe.


  • The turtle-dove, the wood-pigeon.

  • kŭ-ku tó̤ kìe;

    the wood-dove is calling.

  • kŭ-ku ŭ sî sĭ kìe cêⁿ, ŭ sî kìe hŏ;

    the turtle-dove sometimes utters its note when it is going to clear, and sometimes when it is going to rain.

  • kŭ-kŭ ku;

    the calling of wood-doves.

  • kŭ-ku cí ciah cē kìe, hṳ́ ciah cū tùe i kìe;

    among the wood-doves, when this one calls, that one echoes the note.

  • Utensils; implements; prepared; well arranged; to furnish.

  • khì-kŭ;

    a utensil; a tool.

  • kṳ́n kŭ kúi īeⁿ lói- mûeh sàng i;

    carefully prepare a number of presents to offer him.

  • tê-kŭ;

    a set of tea-dishes.

  • hun-kŭ;

    the articles used in smoking opium.

  • eng kŭ-cò̤ kâi thiap khṳ̀ chíaⁿ i a mín?

    Should we write a formal note and go and invite him thereby, or not?

  • sai cău hêng kŭ;

    privately invent instruments of torture.

  • thóiⁿ cò̤ kŭ bûn;

    he regarded it as a mere form.

  • kŭ pín nâng;

    the one who gets out a warrant.

  • The brothers of one’s mother or wife.

  • bó̤ kŭ;

    mother’s brother.

  • chi kŭ;

    wife’s brother.

  • tōa kŭ, ji kŭ, sòi kŭ;

    the eldest, next to the eldest, and the youngest of one’s mother’s or wife’s brothers.

  • úa kâi a kŭ;

    my maternal uncle; my wife’s brother.

  • a kŭ kíaⁿ;

    my wife’s little brother.

  • gūa kŭ;

    my wife’s father.

  • kŭ seng;

    my sister’s grown up male children.

  • a gû kŭ;

    a constable of the infernal regions, having a cow’s head.

  • Out of use; former; old.

  • kū kau;

    a former associate.

  • i kio úa sĭ kū kau;

    he is an old acquaintance of mine.

  • sĭ úa kâi kū nâng;

    it is an old employé of mine.

  • cía sĭ úa kâi kū-nâng-sāi;

    this is one of my old customers.

  • kū hieⁿ;

    native village, from which one has been long absent.

  • kū kok;

    fatherland; the old country.

  • kui tńg kū hieⁿ;

    returned to his old home.

  • kū íu;

    an old friend.

  • Old; worn out; defunct; of yore; long kept.

  • kū sî;

    olden times.

  • m̄ lĭam i kū jît kâi ak;

    not call to mind his former sin.

  • kū nî;

    last year.

  • jêng kū;

    as aforetime.

  • jêng kū sĭ i tó̤ cò̤;

    it was he who made them before.

  • kū mûeh;


  • bói kū hùe;

    buy second hand goods.

  • bōi kū i;

    sell second hand clothing.

  • tŏ̤ koi-lō o̤ kū tâng siah lâi bōi kâi;

    hawk old brass and pewter wares in the street in order to sell them.

  • úa thóiⁿ-kìⁿ i pái kâi kū tê-kẁn chin-chĭeⁿ lṳ́ kâi;

    I observed that he set out an ancient tea-pot, much like yours.

  • kū thih-teng;

    old nails.

  • lú cn̂g kâi àiⁿ ēng sin kâi, a àiⁿ cang kū êⁿ sāi, kū hĭa?

    Are you going to use what is altogether new, or are you going to use the old timbers and old tiles?

  • cí kâi saⁿ cò̤-nî chēng bô̤ kúi jît cū kū?

    Why is it that this gown is worn out, since you have worn it but a few days?

  • úa thoiⁿ i chēng kĭaⁿ hôk-sek, nĕ kū-kū nē;

    I see that she wears a garment that isvery old.

  • bô̤ sin cò̤ ǔ kū?

    If I have never had new ones how can I have old ones?

  • kè-cîⁿ cìe kū;

    the price is the same as before.

  • cĭa kū īeⁿ;

    follow the same old pattern.

  • eng-têng eng kàu kū-kū;

    it was dusty, with dust that made it appear very old.

  • cía sĭ ngŵn-kū kâi ki-cí;

    this is the old foundation.

  • ní lài m̄ hó̤, sói bô̤ nŏ̤ kùe cū kū;

    it is not well dyed, and will look old before it has been twice washed.

  • chēng hù pùaⁿ-kū-lô̤h kâi saⁿ-khò;

    wear a suit of half worn clothes.

  • pùaⁿ sin pùaⁿ kū;

    neither new nor old.

  • kū cú;

    old master.

  • kū cṳ put ìam peh hûe thâk;

    one does not tire of old books in reading them a hundred times.

  • un kū cṳ;

    well conned books.

  • bōi tīo ciah kū cûn;

    sold an old boat.

  • chia sin hâiⁿ kū;

    take on credit in order to pay off an old score.

  • khṳ̀ kàu, thóiⁿ tîeh mīn kū-kū;

    went near enough to see his face, and saw it was a familiar one.

  • m̄ khah kū, khah kū m̄ cîaⁿ īeⁿ;

    not what is too long kept, that which has been standing too long, is not up to the mark.

  • sin kū;

    does not show age.

  • kū chù;

    an old house.